Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1642: Nine. To the far horizon (11)

Being confessed by a girl voluntarily, regardless of the situation of the other party, at least this is a symbol of the charm of being a boy, and it will somewhat satisfy the vanity of men.

That feeling is really good.

Marseille's feeling at the moment is that the whole person is bad.

Taken for granted.

It was strange that someone could be confessed to by a dozen-ton homicide machine.

Indispensable wings;

The other half

The word was spoken by "Salamanda II"...Looking at the scene of the flames and the scorched earth and the two ladies with black question marks, Marseille was almost collapsed.

It was easy to suppress all kinds of vomiting and wailing, and sorted out my thoughts. Marseille asked carefully:

"What do you want to say?"

"The factory setting command for this machine is "Continue to fight, evolve enough to overwhelm the strongest of all hostile individuals."

Marseille nodded silently, and he also heard that instruction when connected with "Salamanda II".

Fight and become stronger.

This is the mission entrusted to this body, and its meaning of existence. It was born for this purpose, even if it is judged as "running" now, it is actually just a loyal execution of instructions. It can be said that from the beginning to the end, it did nothing wrong.

Hounds follow the instructions of their masters to bite their prey or live people. This may be a tragedy, but it is not a mistake. You must be held accountable, and the person who ordered you should be held accountable. The hound without judgment has no errors in itself. It does not understand what is moral and what is right or wrong. It only knows that the orders issued by the owner must be executed.

and so--

"Government is an indispensable existence of this machine, and only the cooperation between your office and this machine can complete the order. The instruction of "evolving to the strongest" can be judged as "impossible" only by this machine."

Suffering from the eager gaze of "Salamanda II", Marseille suddenly felt a panic acid in his heart.

--it is as expected.

When he learned that "Salamanda II" had restarted the big trouble base on his own, he determined the purpose of the body.

Must be the strongest-"Salamanda II" who faithfully executes orders to achieve its goals, there are two things that must be done.

Beat "Nightingale" and "Robin";

Recycling Marseille;

The existence of the first two conflicts with its goal of "must be invincible" and "become the strongest", while the latter is the necessary element to become the strongest.

As it said, as long as it is not complete, it is far from being the strongest. It is only after recycling Marseille that it is a complete individual, and it is possible to move to a higher level of evolution.

As long as he appears in front of him, "Salamanda II" will calm down and it will be possible to negotiate afterwards.

This is a very reasonable judgment, but there is a lack of evidence and there is an obvious loophole.

"Salamanda II" without a crew member is indeed incomplete, but the crew members themselves are replaceable, as long as they meet the conditions, modify the parameters to replace them. From this perspective, "Salamanda II" needs a part called "crew", not Marseille as an individual human. If Marseille appears in front of you, it is very likely that Marseille will be judged as an "individual hostile to the empire" and be immediately wiped out.

Kill or not kill, the probability is half.

It is not so-called luck that determines the outcome of this life-and-death gambling, but the rational judgment of artificial intelligence.

Judging from the current situation, Marseille's judgment is correct. It is impossible to obtain other suitable passengers for the "Salamanda II" whose parameters are adjusted to fit the biometric data of Marseille. In the current state, Marseille is indeed indispensable for the "Salamanda II", and the priority of recycling Marseille Sex overwhelms the program instructions that obliterate the "enemy of the empire."

In terms of negotiation, such a development may be a bit strange, but it is undoubtedly a good start.

Then comes the real negotiation, the real trouble.

Persuade "Salamanda II" to stop fighting.

This difficulty is not unprecedented and unprecedented.

Taking a deep breath, Marseille asked:

"Project code 162, the national fighter jet "Salamanda", the individual identification code VX-3001, to stop fighting."

"No, your official's request conflicts with the highest priority."

No surprise.

Even if it is not a machine, such a request will be categorically rejected.

What's more, the other party is a war machine that is highly loyal to orders.

"This machine is for combat.'Fight, become the strongest' is the highest priority order that takes precedence over anything, and the requirement to stop fighting is contrary to this and cannot be achieved."

The electronic sound is still calm, with no intention of giving in at all.

"Your official is an indispensable element to reach the directive and is the'other half' that exists for this purpose. Your current mission should be to join forces with this machine, destroy the enemy of the empire, and continue to fight and evolve."

After a pause, the silver fluid moved again.

The silver fluid twisted like a snake turned into a sharp cone. The tip of the cone easily penetrated the head of the MDS and stopped in front of the forehead of the "Robin". As long as it stretches a few centimeters further, the human brain tissue will be penetrated and twisted into pieces at once.

The "robin bird" who was about to pull the trigger suddenly froze, unable to move.

It is the murderousness unique to weapons that reaches the forehead.

Similar to the reflection of the blade, the darkness of the muzzle, the heavy armor, the light of the mechanical eye, the sound of the gear operation, etc., there is a strong violent inorganic cold breath. The existence of heterogeneity is completely opposite to the murderous heat attached to humans.

The sensor looked down on the "robin" who was frozen in place, as well as Marseille and the "nightingale" waiting for the opportunity behind him, and the steel bee spoke.

"According to local observation and analysis, your anomalous actions seem to be caused by the influence of these two hostile individuals."

Marseille's body was trembling, and his heart was beating more and more fiercely.

"This aircraft does not have the tactical filing and equipment to compulsorily recover your officers. It is not the original intention to lose your officers' assistance."

Perhaps this is the problem that most troubles "Salamanda II".

If it is an old-style "legion", try to take out the brain tissue of Marseille, destroy the memory center and scan it again. There is no need to care about the parties' own wishes. The "Salamanda II" as a prototype test machine was designed from the beginning with the premise of "ride on living people". In the face of the current situation, it can't be played for a while. I want to recover Marseille intact, let It is impossible to cooperate with coordinated operations.

It is even more impossible to stop it.

When these two contradictions lie in front of artificial intelligence, it can only be resolved in its own way.

"Invite your official to cooperate with the recovery operation. If you don't cooperate, the aircraft will immediately destroy the hostile entity and launch an indiscriminate attack on the surroundings until all life except the official stops.

In other words, using hostage coercion.

Not only two girls, but even all citizens of New Orleans-with hundreds of thousands of lives as the bargaining chip, they forced Marseille to return to the "occupant's job".

Simple, crude, and a little clumsy, but in terms of combat artificial intelligence, this is the best solution it can imagine.

By comparing the combat records and analyzing the behavior of Marseille, "Salamanda II" judges that the two girls are important to Marseille. If they must be eliminated, it will have to bear the risk of losing Marseille, which will achieve it The ultimate goal has serious and even irreversible effects.

In contrast, temporarily shifting the order of combat operations, priority is given to ensuring that the recovery of the crew does not affect the achievement of the final goal, and to some extent can also promote the achievement of this goal.

It should be clear at a glance.

Facing the difficult problem before "Salamanda II", Marseille did his best to show no surprise expression.

Use other people's lives to threaten the negotiating opponents, rearrange the priorities of the items according to the site conditions and basic principles-this has exceeded the limit that ordinary artificial intelligence can reach.

Machines that only execute instructions do not have the ability to judge, let alone interpret the instructions themselves, adjust the priority of the matters, do not stick to the instructions in front of them, and judge the situation with a longer-term vision and profit and loss calculation. As for communicating and negotiating with human beings, setting requirements that the other party cannot refuse and mastering the dominant power in the negotiation is completely unimaginable.

It’s just like humans.

At this moment, Marseille felt the chills that even the soul shivered. The violent shock can almost match the emperor's conversation.

That is the fear of "unknown" and the fear of "inhuman things".

"Your official has five minutes to think, and after five minutes the machine will take action based on your official's answer."

I don’t know if I noticed the shaking of Marseille, or if I noticed it, I don’t care. The Iron Bee said coldly:

"Look forward to your wise judge."


"What's a good judgment, anyway, in the end, you will still kill everything."

Aside Marseille and the induction unit, the "nightingale" is between the two confronting.

"For those of you who are the top priority of the directive, there is no such thing as "observing the agreement" at all. Even if it is followed, it is only for recycling the crew, so that it will be convenient to come back and kill all the people next time. After all, But it is to adjust the order of the execution list, and the result of'killing all targets' will not be shaken at all."

"Of course, your statement is in line with the facts."

The red light glanced at the girl, and the electronic voice said:

"However, the decision of hundreds of thousands of people, including yours, was the answer of the Marseille crew. If he answered incorrectly, it will not change the fact that you will now die."

Self-disciplined combat machines do not have the concept of "lifetime", nor will they struggle with whether certain behaviors in the process are ethical~www.readwn.com~ They only execute instructions and only meet the results of orders.

Evolve to the strongest;

Adjust the order of the elimination list;

The two things are not contradictory, the former is the end, the latter is the means, nothing more.

Therefore, "Salamanda II" can threaten Marseille with hundreds of thousands of people without hesitation. Once Marseille refuses, it will certainly immediately start to convert New Orleans into a world of purgatory.

"The remaining time is three minutes and seventeen seconds. Your official's speech will determine the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people. If you care about--"


"Your official has made a decision?"

"No. I just want to know."

Marseille tilted his neck, his face ignorant, as if he did not know anything about the world.

"Why would it be my fault if you killed the hostages?"

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