Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1643: Nine. To the far horizon (12)

The most heavy and difficult to clarify in the world is the issue of responsibility.

The division of responsibility, the form, the objects of commitment, etc. are already complicated enough. If the interests of individuals, departments, and countries are added, it will only become a mess.

This is even more the case with regard to the responsibility of tens of thousands of lives and deaths.

-It is because of your fault that these innocent people were killed!

-If it were not you, these people would not have to die!

——How do you compensate the deceased's family? How to smooth their pain!

In front of such righteous accusations, no individual can bear responsibility in any way other than apology for death.

Therefore, everyone will try to avoid encountering such things and try to avoid taking responsibility.

——What do those people’s deaths have to do with me?

This discourse of disregarding relationships is the most common sign of exoneration.

It doesn't matter, it's not responsible-the worst sophistry lines, it makes people irritated.

"What did you say?"

Faced with death, "Nightingale", who didn't frown, turned around and grabbed the collar of Marseille. The face under the helmet was twisted.

"That's hundreds of thousands of people!! Even if you don't have to bow your head to this iron-clad bastard, you can't say this kind of nonsense!!"

"Marseille crew, remind your officer that your statement is not logical and does not help to change the current situation. If your statement is to express this form of rejection, then the machine will now answer this. Respond."

"No, let's calm down."

At the same time, the girl and the machine vomited, Marseille shook his head in a hurry, and then said seriously:

"I know the status quo. If I answer "Reject", "Salamanda II" will surely kill everyone, right?"


"Sharamanda II", the one who killed him?"


"I didn't kill anyone by hand, right."


"This is the problem."

The teenager stretched out his hand, and all the sensing units turned the tip towards the steel bee together.

"It's you who decides to attack after restarting by yourself. It is you who host all the'robinbirds','nightingales', this base, and New Orleans, and you are the one who decides whether you want to kill them. .. All decisions, all actions, are all made by you. Why did this become my fault?"


In an instant, all the words disappeared, and people and machines fell into a gap where it was difficult to maintain thinking.

If it is sophistry, people can still use anger and scolding to return to the past, and the machine will kill several people on the spot to increase the pressure on Marseille.

But this is a positive argument.

Extremely just and correct, even the rebuttals of "it is you who talk and kill others" and "you did not kill directly, but indirect murderer" are pale and correct conclusions.

Killing or not killing the hostages was originally a decision of a terrorist or a killing machine. Whether or not to negotiate or accept conditions is irrelevant.

The blood-red lights flickered for a while, and "Salamanda II" asked:

"Marseille crew. Does your official have any feelings about the hostages' casualties?"

"how is this possible."

Except for criminals and murderers, no one can calmly face the death in front of them, not to mention that hundreds of thousands of people were killed in front of their own eyes.

"I don't want to see anybody killed, let alone have no feeling for the death in front of me, and watch others kill you like a movie."

It may be easy to be a spectator, as long as you hold up the "I am powerless" innocence symbol, you can safely rest in a safe place and watch people who have nothing to do with you are killed. But the other way around is, "Knowing that someone is doing evil, but not willing to do even the least power"-This kind of indifference is also "evil".

"Then your official will not think'If you negotiate better, you might not need to take hostages'? Because your official's incompetence and inability lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, this is not just your official Has a connection occurred?"

"If the situation evolves like this, I do think'this is my fault'. But ah, that's my fault, my responsibility, remorse, shame, crying and running, suicide and guilt, That's how I feel about myself, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Even if the Republic is destroyed by this?"

"'Take over the war machine made by the empire from the resistance organization and end up victimizing it'-the republic may fall into crisis and become the laughing stock of other countries, and the empire denounces and asks for compensation. However, this is between countries. Things, there is no room for you and me to intervene."

State responsibility;

Personal responsibility

Responsibility to yourself;

Responsibility to others;

In Marseille's mind, there is a clear boundary between responsibility and responsibility.

"It is the responsibility of the Republic to blame and crise for foreign actions because of your actions. Killing hostages, destroying cities, killing other parents’ wives and children, mass-producing widows and orphans... VX-3001, that is killing You, the murderer, should bear the responsibility."

"This machine is executing the highest priority order, if your function is..."

"‘Because it’s an order from the chief, it’s the chief who killed the man, not the person who executed the order’—if it’s so easy to accept, there should be no painful people in this world.”

Neither the family members who lost their family members in the war nor the soldiers suffering from battlefield syndrome. No one is no longer suffering because of such a sentence.

That is not something that is reasonable and acceptable. It is impossible that no matter what the machine receives the command to switch the state, there is no nostalgia and confusion to think that everything has never happened.

"How about you the other way around? VX-3001, what do you think the Empire will do after you do this? Will those people just hate you? Hate you for this tool, not for you, to give you judgment and execution A powerful empire?"

"Your official's speech--"

"Don't circumvent! Answer me! Do you think your behavior will not allow people to point the finger at the empire? Do you think this will not make the empire a target? Do you think you are so brutal and undermine the strategic layout of the empire, Won’t it be an enemy of the empire?!!!"

The nearly roaring sound of integrity let "Yingying" release his hand from the collar, and the girl who took a step back unconsciously looked at the boy staring blankly at the steel bee.

At the same height, humans and machines with diametrically opposed eyes are like mirrors reflecting each other.

I am also obsessed with certain things, and I am too demanding that I must walk on the right path. Even if I am so bruised, I will not hesitate to become no longer myself.

Such Marseille and "Salamanda II" are indeed mirror images like a half-length.

Such Marseille also made her feel strange... and fear.

Marseille, who concentrated all his energy and confronted "Salamanda II", could not see the change of "Nightingale". Even if he saw and knew what the girl looked like at the moment, he could only smile bitterly.

He was never a paranoid person, and he never thought of himself as a good man, let alone wanted to be a great man.

He just thought that "Salamanda II" was terrible and pitiful.

As a war machine, it is instinctive to obey orders and follow logical procedures. When it is injected with the "become the strongest" instruction at the factory, its life is frozen.

This made Marseille unable to think of himself, but also thousands of imperial citizens.

From birth, he decides the route of life according to race, health, learning ability, contribution to the empire and other parameters. He has no doubt about his situation, his life and environment, and takes unfairness for granted What is the difference between an imperial citizen who faithfully executes an order and a war machine that comes down the assembly line and obey the instructions of the authority owner?

Perhaps this high degree of homogeneity, coupled with the once deeply synchronized relationship, allowed Marseille to understand and grasp the dilemma faced by "Salamanda II" more deeply, pointing out the contradictions it had to face.

Once New Orleans is torched, the Republic will certainly suffer losses and blame, as will the empire.

It is the empire that designs and manufactures "Salamanda II", and it is also the empire that gives the order. Then the hatred of the republic's survivors and the anger of the entire republic will point to the empire.

Don’t think that the empire can care less about this. The government and the people of the republic really have no way to take the empire, but people who are emotionally blinded are likely to do things that are irrational and harm others.

For example-withdraw from international arms control negotiations.

An empire that has done so much beforehand will never be happy to see this happen.

By then, as Marseille said, "Salamanda II" became the "enemy of the empire" that must be eliminated in accordance with its logical procedures.

If it is an ordinary "Legion", even if such a contradiction is pointed out, they will give priority to obeying the instructions, continue to work hard, and then explode after finishing.

The artificial intelligence of "Salamanda II" is far better than that of the old model, and it is good enough to understand the situation, so it is in a dilemma, and even thinking about doing the final struggle.

"Your official's speech is certainly correct, but the result of the death of hundreds of thousands of people will not change, and your official will not change in the face of choice."

For a moment, a smile of victory appeared on Marseille's face, meaning "finally caught you" means Ranran's face.

"Of course."

Deliberately evade the questions raised by the opponent, try to reverse the situation to the beginning, and use intimidation to force the opponent to succumb. This is exactly the performance of "Salamanda II". At the moment when all the cards and chips are spread over the negotiating table, intimidation is its only last resort.

Even this, Marseille is also ready to respond.

"You have no right to take the lives of others, but at this moment, killing and not killing are in your hands. It is up to you to decide, to implement by you, everything is your freedom. I have clearly told you that the empire will fall into immense You will become an'enemy of the empire' because of the troubles. In addition, even if you successfully attacked New Orleans, the citizens of the Republic will live with pride. For the people of freedom who admire freedom and hate the empire , Has long been conscious of dedication to the Republic. Compared to groaning under your indiscriminate attacks, crying for mercy, to help you achieve the fight against the Republic. You should all choose to die with pride."


Minerva, who listened to the entire process of the negotiation through the emergency line, held his forehead and sighed ~www.readwn.com~ Although he knew that this was the only correct solution, and knew that Marseille was sophistry, he did not hesitate to face it. To speak out, and as if to believe these words from the heart of Marseille, Minerva can really find no other words to describe except the word "tyrant".

Can say to the hostage terrorists that "all hostages are ready to dedicate their lives. If you want to kill, you can kill, and if you don't kill, let go", and by the way, give all the hostages a hat of "noble devotion". There can be no complaints about the hostage being killed...

In addition to the innocent and innocent children who can hold such kindness that is more evil than evil, there are only tyrants who believe in idealism in their hearts and do not recognize the deviation of their conditions.

In other words, she faced such a violent orthodoxy, and she had to choose between surrender and disarmament. Needless to say, the "Salamanda II", which has a narrower vision and choices than humans, has failed since it accepted the negotiations of Marseille.

In response to Minerva's assertion, the steel bee shook the left and right recklessly for a while, withdrew the fluid metal, and landed gently on the ground.

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