Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1644: Nine. To the far horizon (13)

"Things came to a successful conclusion...I would like to say this, but it's not quite like that at all."

Minerva's eyes moved away from the document, and the back of her nose was pressed hard. When she opened her eyes to Marseille again, a bitter smile with a sigh barely hung on her face.

"That...sorry, then--"

"No, the problem is not yours in Marseille. After all, this is an error in the inspection and actual operation. If you can check it more thoroughly and carefully before the receiver body, you can think more carefully about possible unexpected problems before conducting the simulation test. , And formulate corresponding plans, things may be unavoidable, at least the loss can be further reduced. It is already a blessing in unfortunate to end in this form, it is all your credit to Marseille."

This is not to deliberately disparage the technical department in order to deliberately raise Marseille, but that is the case.

In the whole process, there was no problem in other links. Only a series of problems occurred in the pre-inspection and security, and the corresponding links, which eventually led to the major paralysis of the experimental base and the significant loss of personnel and property. As Minerva said, as long as there is no loophole in one of the links, be thorough, serious and rigorous, even if the event cannot be prevented, at least the loss can be reduced. Based on this alone, the technical R&D department cannot escape the suspicion of management negligence.

Considering that without the thrilling negotiations of Marseille, the scope of the disaster may be extended to the entire capital. By that time, the blame of the military and political departments, and the condemnation of public opinion will be enough to allow the entire technical research and development department to undergo a major change from top to bottom. Although it has not reached that point, the post-processing is enough to refresh the weather of the technology research and development department. The original lateness should not be seen for a period of time.

These are problems between departments. Everything will follow the relevant regulatory procedures. Although embarrassing, it is not impossible to solve.

The real headache for Minerva is the treatment of Marseille.

It stands to reason that as the greatest contributor to the resolution of the entire incident, Marseille should be commended and commended, and should become the focus of the media's pursuit, and the example that countless patriots yearn for.

Isn’t it? Out of the tyranny of the empire, it has gone through all sorts of dangers to reach the republic, in order to show loyalty to the motherland, and to promote the noble idea and fraternity of the people’s lord. Young hero...

Is there any material that is cheaper and easier to attract attention? Just a little packaging, and after a word processing of Marseille’s life experience, an impeccable, noble and tragic, sad and beautiful, listening The carol of the sad and the tearful is completed. Then, as long as you sympathize with this young man and be angry with the empire, the citizens of the Republic can easily taste the taste of justice and superiority and indulge in it.

Generally speaking, the situation will develop in this direction. Even if Minerva intervened, those pervasive paparazzi could finally piece together the general situation from only a few words, and then spread it into an inspirational novel. But this time it has not evolved like this.

Not only the government and the military, but even the media also chose to be silent.

"After all, it's an overwhelming negotiation, and the general public can't stand it if they see it."

In front of Minerva's cramped expression, this time it was Marseille's turn to smile bitterly.

"From an objective point of view and the final result, your disposal at the time was the correct and only way. Even the high-ranking police and military believe that this negotiation is a classic example of sufficient anti-hijacking textbooks. Just...general The public may not be able to accept your speech."

Not possible, but nobody can accept it at all.

Faced with the statement "For the sake of dignity, the hostages are ready to die", I am afraid that few people can remain calm. Perhaps the fanatic patriots will praise this, even in the face of justice and face, many ordinary people will not be clear Objected. But it is really rare, very little, to support this speech that is reminiscent of the people of the old kingdom who wanted the people to join the army to die.

If the media poke out the matter, it will inevitably lead to a storm of public opinion. This debate involving conflicts of ethics and morality will last for a long time, and may even cause doubts about the concept of nation-building. For the government of the Republic, the people, and Marseille itself, this is a huge problem.

From the perspective of the national and military police departments, Marseille's disposal is no problem. Never negotiate with terrorists-this is the truth of the world. As long as it succeeds, a terrorist organization that knows the essence will repeat similar things continuously. By then, even if the country does not collapse, the loss of prestige and deterrence by the government will also cause serious internal and diplomatic problems and cause serious harm to the security of the country and the people.

So even if the terrorists hold the hostages, the only official way to negotiate is to blow up the terrorists' heads and let them go to another world to practice their ideals. The most extreme thing in this regard is the empire. In order to prevent terrorists from having the opportunity to put forward conditions, they will first kill the hostages, and then in addition to one or two "lucky ones" who may be able to squeeze out information (maybe they are called "bad luck". Accurate)", all the remaining terrorists were shot and killed. The guys who survived will be tested in the interrogation room with the latest torture tools and confession agents. After a humiliating trial, they will eventually be hung on piano strings. Under the noose, he died slowly and painfully.

It is precisely because of this "empire-style negotiations" known to women and children that few terrorists dare to take hostages in the empire. Even if they dare to implement them, the pre-plans are all based on the premise of the total destruction of the hostages and their own personnel.

The negotiations in Marseille are not as brutal as the empire, but there is no difference in essence, even the source of ideas for adopting such negotiations is exactly the same.

In order to achieve the best result, first remove the most favorable weapon in the hands of terrorists or killing machines-hostages, and directly deny the hostages in the language of "negotiations and compromises are never possible, hostages kill if you want to kill, and let go without killing" The value of forcing the other party into their own rhythm.

This is indeed the correct and efficient way of handling, standard imperial thinking.

It was originally thought that Marseille was the closest to ordinary people in a broad sense, but judging from the abilities and ways of thinking exposed in this incident, he might be the most difficult one among the three.

The "robinbird" who is engaged in intelligence work, and the "nightingale" who has been fighting in the front line for a long time, failed to come up with a solution in the face of a crisis of great importance. It was Marseille that successfully resolved the crisis. To some extent this is equivalent to announcing the success of imperial education, which will make the Republic look ashamed. To take a step back, even if no one takes this story, Marseille's stereotyped thinking pattern also worries Minerva.

It may not be seen now, but with the gradual growth and stepping into society, will this ruthless utilitarian idea become stronger and more obvious. By then, even though Marseille has Republic citizenship, he is spiritually An uncompromising fourth-class citizen of the empire—has empire-like thinking, values, and behavior patterns that are almost the same as those of imperial citizens. This is by no means a good thing for his future life.

Not to mention--

"Right now you can only stay in the experimental base."

"Ah... yes."

"The previous appointment for applying to the military academy can only be temporarily cancelled. As for the reasons and related documents, this will help you to do it."

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, that's not your fault. What to say—"

Minerva turned the expression of bitter smile to the floor-to-ceiling windows on her side, where the beautiful scenery of the summer garden should have been presented, but now it is occupied by a huge "bee", and the blood-red eyes of the steel bee will almost stick to the glass. The silver fluid blade scratched the glass, making a "chirping" sound that made the scalp tingle.

"It's a burden to yourself and others to have such a terrible steel girlfriend to follow you..."

"No. Your statement does not conform to the facts. In order to ensure the safety and physical condition of the Marseille crew, personal supervision of the aircraft is necessary."

"a ha ha ha……"

With Minerva's teasing eyes, and then look at the "Salamanda II" hovering outside the window, Marseille playing haha ​​is completely an expression about to cry.

At the end of the negotiations, "Salamanda II" made a compromise, defaulting to Marseille's dominance and the fact that he lived in the Republic. In contrast, it also put forward its own conditions.

"At this stage, the highest priority of the aircraft is to ensure the safety of the passengers. Therefore, the aircraft is willing to cooperate and recognize the actions of the passengers. In contrast, the aircraft has ownership of the passengers and needs to confirm the safety and health of the passengers. Make sure your officer is always ready to fight."

When "Salamanda II" said the above words, the people in the monitoring room laughed and rolled around, and Minerva, who listened to the live broadcast through the dedicated line, also had a wonderful expression, only the party and the two girls on the scene did not laugh.

Soon, no one could laugh.

No one will like a stalker, and no one will like a horrible girlfriend who chops the person contacted by the tracking target into pieces.

The tracking of "Salamanda II" is completely upright and unattended. UU reading www.uukanshu.com starts from getting up in the morning and after going to bed at night, Marseille is completely under the supervision of "Salamanda II". Private space is at your disposal.

Not only daily work life, even when eating, going to the toilet, or taking a bath, "Salamanda II" will control the fluid metal to dive into the slits or vents, seeing everything in Marseille as clear and transparent.

If this is the case, at most it is only Marseille's personal troubles. What is really frightening is the extremely morbid protection method of "Salamanda II".

Someone rubbed Marseille in the corridor and almost moved his head. If Marseille responded in time to stop the fluid metal with the induction unit, the gentleman's family would wear a mourning suit that night.

The workers at the cleanup site made a joke about Marseille, "Salamanda II" immediately manipulated the fluid metal to roll up the cleaned explosives and smashed it...

The civil servant who filled the form in Marseilles had a bad attitude. As a result, dozens of fluid blades were killed...

There is such a "full metal girlfriend", no matter whether it is Marseille or the people in the base, no one can laugh.

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