Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1645: Nine. To the far horizon (14)

"I say--"

"If it's a topic related to that guy, then avoid it."

"I haven't even started to say yeah."

"Because you always protect that guy, you always like to help him round the field."

Tighten the hot water switch, the cold sound of "nightingale" drifted away in the bathroom.

"He is no longer a child, and you are not his parents. If he has something to say or express to others, he should say it himself. This is the least sincerity and etiquette for others."

"That's right, but don't you think that what you said just now is like the strict father's attitude used to discipline his son?"

The scent of honey and lily floated from the compartment, but the moment of pouring into the nose reminded the "nightingale" of the **** smell, the rotten smell of corpses, and the burning smell of people and things.

——I'm not normal anymore.

The soap ran across the skin, the thick foam covered the sweaty smell and the engine oil, and was then washed away by the hot water, without the foam covering, the large and small scars and the contours of the muscle curve immediately appeared.

Only the strong can survive the battlefield.

Innocent, innocent and kind, flowery and beautiful, graceful-not needed in a cruel battlefield, it will only become the object of looting and killing. In order to survive in the **** sea of ​​corpses, we must cut off the weak things with all good things from the body and mind.

Continue to exercise, and use sweat and blood to wash away the charm of the woman from the body; constantly sharpen the spirit, and become a rock-solid heart. There is no place for shaking and timidity in the soul. Unconsciously, the girl became a warrior and an indifferent "mourner". Apart from the battlefield, there was no place to go and nowhere to go.

All sacrifices are for better and more effective battles to avenge the hateful empire. The girl did not regret this, and even took pride in it.

This was the case until Marseille.

"Nah... I said, what do you think of the negotiations at that time, do you also think Marseille is right?"

The lukewarm drops of water descended from the hair tips, staring at the ground on which they stood, and the girl's cold voice rippled in the bathroom.

"If you only look at the results, you can call it a correct textbook style."

A business conclusion came from the cubicle, and the girl's eyebrows parallel to the ground curled slightly.

At the next moment, the voice of "Robin Bird", which was supposed to isolate emotions, was overcast with some unpleasant colors.

"Every technique and theory used in the negotiations in Marseille is correct, so accurate that it makes people irrefutable, but because it is too correct, it makes people feel uncomfortable, even unacceptable."

Correct argument, correct technique, correct result.

It is correct that there is no room for emotion and moral ethics to intervene. The standard imperial "correct thinking". You can dislike it, you can criticize it, but you have to bow your head in the face of its correctness and effectiveness.

Too correct, but a typical case of aversion.

"We are not machines after all, it is impossible to stifle our feelings and values. Some things are clearly correct. We also need time to persuade ourselves and others to accept in a euphemistic way. The empire does not consider other people’s feelings at all. Whether it’s pain or sadness, anger or hatred, they don’t care. They only care about whether the results are as expected, only whether you as the individual parts of the system have performed their due performance, whether they need to be adjusted or eliminated."

So the hostages are meaningless to the empire because it is "something that should be eliminated and abandoned". The feelings of the hostage's family members are also meaningless, because that is "excessive things that didn't care from the beginning".

Marseille may not be extreme to this point, but the basis of his argument-excluding the role of hostages and deriving the best results-is completely consistent with the Empire's way of thinking.

"But in the end, his method was successful. No one can say anything in the face of this no better result. It is not always possible to say that for the sake of process justice, in order to be more in line with the spirit of democratic republicanism, it is a good idea to sacrifice more people. ."

There are indeed scumbag politicians who advocate "for XX, the country is turned into a scorched earth, and the people sacrifice it for this", but basically these people are a minority among the radical factions and dare to say this in public Very few.

Although no one likes to be the one to be sacrificed, but when asked "whether the dead are better or the dead are better", no one will choose the latter.

So most people have opinions on Marseille's methods, but no one will question the results.

"This is where the problem lies."

The fist is hammered on the wall, and the heavy sound of "nightingale" passes through the wooden partition.

"If he is right, people agree with that idea and values, then...what are we..."


In the silent bathroom, the sound of water splashing on the ground circulated monotonously, suppressing the heavy atmosphere that was difficult to breathe hovering above the girls' heads.

"Robinbird" put forward suggestions to let "Nightingale" come back into contact with Marseille, but she didn't know how to face Marseille today.

It's not that they were jealous of each other's merits and grabbed the limelight, nor were they unable to face their own powerless remorse and projected on Marseille. As an intelligence officer, she knows that the art industry has the expertise to know how to control her emotions and maintain mental stability.

But she can't face Marseille now, and even feels afraid of Marseille.

The reason is as the "Nightingale" said-if the imperial thinking represented by Marseilles is correct and recognized by most people, then what is the battle they have been? What is the Republic and the Liberty Army? People only need the correct answer. It is not necessary to go through a big circle to find out that so-called independent thinking, independent judgment, and autonomous spirit are not necessary, as long as you obey the always correct emperor, live on the correct schedule and with the correct attitude and procedure every day, Without doing anything incorrect or thinking incorrectly, you can live a very correct and happy life...

She almost shuddered.

If this is the only truth, then what is humanity? What is the so-called personal will? If so, does humanity really have value? Isn’t it more reasonable to produce a large number of machines to replace humanity?

Fear of being robbed of beliefs that I have always believed in, fear of being robbed of supporting my pride and restraint, of being engulfed by Marseille without any evil, and becoming "no longer myself."

Faced with the "change" and "unknown fear" that has never been experienced, I wonder how to face myself and the girls in Marseille.

In the end, "Nightingale" came to a conclusion and put a rest to the discussion.

"In short, I don't want to be like that."

The girl said so. After she finished speaking, she realized that her tone was so decisive that she tried to hide the anxiety.


As the girls debated, the interaction between Minerva and Marseille also continued.

"Since yesterday, have they avoided you?"

As a guardian with a great sense of responsibility, the situation between the guardians needs to be highly concerned. In particular, the three guardians are in adolescence, and the interactive development of men and women of this age must pay attention everywhere.

The strange situation between Marseille and the girls will naturally appear in the report to Minerva.

If it is an ordinary contradiction between young people, it is harmless to let them handle it by themselves. The so-called growth is originally to find out the way of doing things for yourself in the bumps. In this process, conflicts and quarrels are inevitable normal phenomena, but also the necessary stimulus elements to promote growth.

But this time the situation is different.

Conflicts between life ideas and values.

The most troublesome and thorny type of all conflicts, combined with the special identities and life course of these three people, makes the situation more complicated and tricky.

Is it better to think about efficiency first and results first? Or to stick to procedural justice, even if you pay more sacrifices, you must stick to the root of being a person?

This kind of argument was meaningless.

Switch thinking directions according to the actual situation and needs, and strive to achieve a balance between emotion, reason, and law-this is normal practice. But the emergence of the empire and the idea of ​​"efficiency supremacy, result-only theory" makes people have to be able to confront it, and the result is a "freedom, equality, and fraternity" of the people.

To be honest, as the chief executive of the Republic, Minerva knows the advantages and disadvantages of the republican system. She is well aware that there is still a long way to go for republicanism to compete with the highly sophisticated and imperial dictatorship. The so-called "stand up against the lighthouse of darkness" can be regarded as a gimmick to a large extent at this stage.

But this gimmick is enough for those who hate the empire and fall into misfortune because of the empire.

It doesn't matter whether the reasons are justified, and Charlieman doesn't care whether he can win or not.

Just to make him no longer a unilaterally deprived party, even if he knows that he will face a miserable end, as long as he can shoot a bullet at the empire before he dies... maintaining the attitude of attacking the empire. It's like an analgesic, letting yourself forget the "pain of being deprived and bullied", in order to escape from misery.

Even if it is not decent~www.readwn.com~Finally avenge one arrow before death-this is the real reason for the endless emergence of resistance organizations in the empire.

The two girls are the same.

"There is no doubt that they are indeed fighters fighting for freedom, and it is not an empty talk to ‘down the empire and liberate the people’. But it is also an unquestionable fact that they are revengeing the empire in this way.”

Fighting for lofty ideas and fighting for revenge, there is no conflict between the two, it is easy to unify and make revenge sanctified and justified.

Especially the avengers who have nothing.

"In order not to be deprived or bullied, they will choose to forget happiness and the past, and not to think about happiness and the future. They are only proud of their lofty beliefs and cleansing themselves. Such a choice is understandable, but... After all, the way of survival is unsustainable. Sooner or later, it will break like an over-grinded sword. No, there are cracks now."

With a sigh, Minerva stared at Marseille and asked verbatim:

"Marseille, do you want to deny them?"

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