Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1652: Ten. BABEL (4)

Even though the world will perish tomorrow, the sinful world will still fight for power and profit.

Today, the world is far from the brink of extinction. Despite the tension between the nations and the empire, under the empire’s initiative, all countries breathed a sigh of relief in convening an international conference on arms limitation and the guarantee of international peace. Countless families don’t need to lose their husbands, brothers, fathers, and sons to raise a glass to celebrate. Senior executives in various countries are counting their cards in their hands, trying to peep at their opponents’ cards, and planning how to reach the most beneficial contract for themselves.

The empire is also doing the same thing. Because it is a strong and relatively isolated party, and at the same time a conference sponsor, the empire has more to do.

For example, guide public opinion, spy intelligence, diplomatic mediation, secret spy protection, issue preparation, simulated offensive and defensive... and clean up resistance organizations.

All along, the empire has adopted a strategy of "bringing, protecting, and killing" various resistance organizations. The so-called "breeding" means that the empire deliberately tacitly approves the existence of these forces and foreign forces fund the resistance organizations. Even the empire intelligence service provides the weapons and ammunition needed by the resistance organizations through white gloves. That is, the empire masters various informal logistics channels, and can cut off the supply of resistance organizations at any time and anywhere. It is like putting an invisible noose on the resistance organizations, which can be tightened at any time to suffocate the other party; the so-called "kill", That is, the military solves all the resistance forces, and kills and kills are completely in the hands of the empire. Once an organization is out of control or loses value, it is immediately eliminated.

This has always been a proven strategy. The resistance organization survived this, and the empire, under the name of "fighting terrorism and defending national security", expanded its arms while advancing the economic cycle with the anti-terrorist war as a lever. Until the month before the joint meeting is held, the relationship between the two parties can almost be described as "harmony and harmony".

Today, unlike in the past, the purpose of retaining resistance in the past was to expand armaments and regulate the economic cycle. After it has been decided to coordinate with various countries to stop the arms race, mass production of armaments is no longer possible, and the previous economic model must also be adjusted. It can be said that the reasons for keeping the resistance groups have all disappeared. In addition, as the sponsor of the conference, the empire must "show its sincerity first" and "show the power of the great powers", so the resistance organization has become a sacrifice to achieve world peace.

So the big drama of the resistance organization came to an end. Under the attack of the emperor, various organizations were exploded. Overnight, countless famous organizations were walked from the top to the bottom, even from the periphery to the small ones that could no longer be outside. Failed to escape. There is no one in luck that can escape by that brutal blow.

Some people may be surprised by this, but hundreds of organizations, in addition to the underground organizations hidden in urban populations and rural areas, have also received guerrilla armed forces that have received funding and training from foreign forces and have combat capabilities comparable to those of the regular army. Even if you have the relevant information in advance and carry out targeted deployment, it will still be unbelievable that all organizations will be wiped out overnight.

In fact, the empire really seriously eradicated the underground organizations that were lurking in the crowd. In order to avoid this group of squirrel foxes doing something that would make the empire impossible to step down during the joint meeting, the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau and Stasi and so on Home intelligence agencies collaborated and laid out heavy nets in order to eliminate the fish that missed the net. As for those guerrillas, they are completely handed over to the "Legion".

Judging from the records after engaging, people will find a very strange place. As a race known for obsessive-compulsive disorder and the pursuit of details, elves have a huge record of their behavior, whether good or bad. Like the part of the underground organization in this operation, there are many scary words in the records of various departments such as "slaughter house", "hell", "hunting scene of hunt for homicide", "blood stains from floor to ceiling" and so on. However, the report on the guerrilla squad was extremely concise, with figures, lists, photos (both dead and living), evaluation videos, but no adjectives or exclamations. And at the end are the same "target confirmed destruction".

I don’t know what the inside story is. I think it’s because the military’s civilians are lazy in writing reports. They just copy the data and add a picture and video. In fact, this is really wrong for the group of assault typing. If they handle this kind of documents, they will not use any gorgeous words and make the military operation report risky, but they will definitely be based on the reviewer’s level, preferences, and reports. The purpose and destination of the text, etc., to finish the processing of the text. And there is no report of this kind of sentiment...Of course it comes from the evaluation process of the "corps" strategic and tactical central network.

Artificial intelligence does not understand what style is or what presence is. They just faithfully execute the command to "annihilate the enemy", achieve their goals, and then feedback the evaluation to their superiors.

Those frosty numbers and photos will not tell people what happened to the guerrillas. Even if they can see the broken corpses and the scared faces, they can guess how much they have encountered. Compared with what happened in the real world, photos, text, and imagination are not at all in case.

This is an organized operation in the true sense of the "Legion", and it carries out a positive attack on all guerrilla armed forces in the country on the scale of a strategic cluster. In the face of the mountains and wilderness, one can not see the end of the metallic ocean, one can fully understand the original meaning of "Legion".

We are numerous, so it is called "Undead Legion".

Accurate positioning by intelligence, coupled with a complete c4i system, used the division-level and even army-level corps to conduct a siege of a single enemy stronghold. However, all human beings in the combat area are considered terrorists and will be eliminated.

Under the blow of this overall imbalance in quantity and quality, all but a few guerrillas and villagers who temporarily left the stronghold have become broken corpses.

The survivors knew that the empire would never let them continue to live. In order to escape before the demise of the empire, they tried every means to cross the border. Most people choose to smuggle through human snakes, and the remaining few try to cross the border on their own. However, the two methods basically ended in failure. The human snake organization itself has an undercover of the empire, and some are simply organized and controlled by the empire. Connecting to these organizations is equivalent to reporting to the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau. The situation of those crossing the border on their own is slightly better. Basically, they are all blasted on the spot. Those who can stand in the 101 interrogation room of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau are tough guys with iron bones. The executioner hangs the wire rope on the rope with respect. Their necks.

Almost all places in the air, sea, land, ports, forests, bushes, swamps, and rivers have imperial minions. Finally, there is only one channel left that can be called "safe".

The Alps, the mouth of the wolf.

There is a valley in the Alps mountains that are famous for its majestic and steep mountains. Even experienced mountaineers and goats living on cliffs dare not come close. The residents in the surroundings have the shape of fangs that appear after the hungry wolf opens the big mouth of the blood basin Sharp teeth, named it "the mouth of the wolf".

After the Empire fully controlled the border entry and exit, this was the only safe passage left.

Restricted by terrain, the overall weight-loss hunting type (still more than five tons) cannot stand on this nearly vertical, smooth and easily broken rock terrain, and other heavier and less mobile models are even more unable to stand Start chasing. In addition, due to the turbulent airflow in the valley, the year-round snow and snow, even the elite Xiangshi and the new drone also try to avoid entering. Therefore, mountain guerrilla groups occasionally use this channel to travel between the Empire and Ceres under the last resort.

Six black, brown dots move between the shiny ice walls.

This is the last survivor of resistance groups around. They are young and old, belonging to different organizations and villages. Now they are working together for the desperate Cyrus

Originally, there were nearly 20 people at the start of the journey yesterday, but as they gradually penetrated into the "mouth of the wolf", those who fell off the cliff, suffered avalanches, and died due to high mountain reactions appeared one after another, and now only the last six are left.

"I heard that the group of "Legislative Liberty" withdrew half a month ago."

The youngest member, the 13-year-old former shepherd boy, Rozwald, muttered.

He was originally a herald from the police corps of a village, because he was lucky enough to send a letter and escaped. He had nowhere to go. He wandered in the mountain forest for a day and met people in the same situation. After consultation, they decided to go to the "wolf" "Take a chance".

Most of these people come from mountain people, and naturally understand the dangerous terrain of the "mouth of wolf" and the difficulty of the challenge. But they are more aware that with the rations they carry and the keen sense of smell of the "Legion", I am afraid that they will be killed between mountains and forests within three days. Rather than sitting still, it is better to take a risk.

Their determination is beyond reproach~www.readwn.com~ Perseverance is also extraordinary. The physical and mountaineering experience that has been developed through the years of trekking and battling the empire has not been underestimated. But it was just such a group of people that was reduced to one-third of their departure within a day, and the evil of "The Mouth of the Wolf" was evident.

Even if he was used to death and endured all kinds of difficulties, Rozwald was frightened by the day's experience. In particular, the road ahead is getting narrower and steeper, but the body and mind are getting closer to the limit. He feels he has to say something. Otherwise, you may fall down at any time, fall into the abyss, and become a member of the bones.

At this time, even if it is an illusion or fantasy, a ray of dawn symbolizing hope is necessary.

"When we cross the mountain, let's go to the'Legislative Army'! They are also short of people. Everyone is from the same country and will definitely take us in."

The teenager's eyebrows were covered with frost, and his red face was filled with a happy smile, as if he had conquered the "mouth of a wolf", like a "legion of freedom" like a loved one, a warm house, bed, hot soup, bread. Greet him in front.

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