Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1654: Ten. BABEL (6)

Violence can destroy problems, but it cannot solve them.

As strong as an empire and an emperor, they will not use force to face brutal international problems. Rather than do it yourself or mobilize the army to kill everywhere, endless tricks and diplomatic methods often work better. In this case, what is the reason for the abuse of force?

This is actually a very simple truth, but there are not many monarchs who can control their own emotions, and even fewer monarchs can effectively control the emotions of the entire country and their citizens. Many times, the citizens who shout “Kill XX” and “Kill XX” don’t know the meaning of their actions and what kind of consequences they will cause. They just let their irrational emotions vent, or simply Just to join in the fun. As a result, the country was pushed to an awkward or even irreversible situation.

Charlemagne’s demise is the best example. Indiscriminate or even incitement to national sentiment, abuse of violence, diplomacy as nothing, and eventually made it universally enemies, overwhelmed by Yalfheim.

Drawing on the lessons of Charlemagne, the abuse of force and light warfare have become taboos for all countries. In order to avoid a full-scale war-even if only temporarily-all countries have agreed to hold a joint meeting, including a package of arms control negotiations Consultations on issues.

Although the situation is not clear and the specific meeting has not yet been held, people generally have great expectations for reaching a disarmament agreement and a treaty of friendly non-aggression, etc. The vast majority believe that this joint meeting will bring a whole generation Peace. The rest of the people knew that this was not peace, but a truce for a period of up to two decades.

In order to strengthen the national power as much as possible during the truce and at the same time contain the empire's national power, in addition to arms negotiations, the most concerned countries are the technical exchange meetings and negotiations on the opening of imperial technology patents.

Due to different national conditions and different threats, countries have different demands for technology patents.

Albian is also bordered by the land and sea of ​​the empire. As a matter of fact, the navy and the army should be developed at the same time to protect the land and sea of ​​Her Majesty the Queen. In fact, the Albion people see it clearly. At the same time, the development of the navy and army exceeds the limit of their national strength. Only one side can be selected between land and sea to focus on development. After repeated considerations and trade-offs, Albion finally decided to give up the battle with the empire on land and turn around to concentrate on the development of sea and air power.

According to the national strategy set by Albion, once fighting with the empire, Albion will take the initiative to shrink the land defense line or even give up completely, concentrating all forces to defend the island and overseas colonies. While blocking and damaging the maritime traffic lines of the empire, while accumulating strength, he vigorously assisted the armed republic and the Principality of the Ross, and charged them into battle to consume the empire’s power. When both sides consumed almost the same, Albion laid the battle in one fell swoop. To get the most benefit.

Not to mention the probability of the realization of the last part, nor to discuss whether this strategic plan meets the ethical benchmarks. Just looking at the "focus on the ocean, give up the land" part, it does have its feasibility and desirability, and more importantly, it is in compliance with Albi The situation facing Ang.

With this strategic direction, Albion is bound to require the Empire to open up the technology related to the ocean and the sky on the basis of the strong demand for the imperial constriction fleet.

The United Principality of Ross needs more. This country is the slowest in the industrialization process among the countries. It is still an agricultural country in essence. However, due to the underdeveloped agricultural technology, the limitations of the geographical environment, the lack of agricultural machinery and agricultural chemistry, such an embarrassing national situation makes the Principality urgently need a large number of basic industrial technology and agricultural technology patents, first concentrate on achieving a full-scale war It's not too late to talk about basic industry and agriculture.

The situation of Serres, Castile and Lapland is similar. In the face of the pressure of the empire, they are in urgent need of the basic industry that can support the overall overall war. They cannot even mass-produce bullets. What survives the war and wins survival.

"It should be said that everyone is under a lot of pressure, and their demands are also realistic. The problem is that they are too quick to get quick results, and they also have the idea of ​​not touching the concerns of the empire as much as possible, so it is not surprising that they were finally broken by the empire."

Roland spread his hands, his face with a bitter smile still had a touch of elegance. In the eyes of the visitor across from him, the young man's appearance did not change much, just taller, wider shoulders, and more expressive than in the past.

"But the result of each country's abacus is to put Lapland in an extremely dangerous position. Am I right? Her Excellency Mika."

"For three years, no, it's almost four years, your words are still so sharp, classmate Roland."

Slender fingers lifted a little reddish chestnut hair, the aftertone of the Kantele was faintly echoed in the air, and the warmth of the former classmates with some memories. But soon, the calmness as a negotiator under the table and the restraint of the Lapland nobility returned to her.

"To be honest, my country is very worried about the current situation, especially the private contacts between Albion and the Principality and the ambitions of the empire."

There is a saying in Lapland folks-all other countries were born with a golden spoon, and Lapland was born with a dagger.

Ordinary people may not understand it, and experienced politicians and diplomats will understand at a glance that this is a metaphor for the dangerous geo-strategic environment of Lapland, just like a baby with a sharp dagger, whether brought to the West or to the East will bring The danger of dying. But at the meeting point between East and West, whether it is the Principality who wants to go west or the human camp wants to go east, Lapland is an inevitable place that cannot be bypassed. Such an embarrassing position, coupled with the history of being tossed and rolled, so that Lapland also got the nickname of "scratch pad", meaning that anyone who steps out must step on a foot.

As the course of history evolved, Lapland eventually became the forefront of the human camp's fight against the Principality's westward advance. By fighting against the Principality, Lapland received various aids from various countries to maintain its state operations while establishing its position in the human camp.

Until the rise of the empire, this strategy was effective. The rise of the empire, especially the emergence of fast mechanized troops and long-range strategic weapons, made Lapland's status extremely embarrassing and even dangerous.

In the face of low-range long-range projection weapons such as V1 and V2, the traditional defense strategy has no meaning. In the face of strategic weapons such as Gustav equipment that can project seven-ton heavy artillery shells 1,000 kilometers away, it stretches thousands. Kilometers, a defense line with a depth of tens or even hundreds of kilometers is also useless. If the empire further improves the performance of such equipment and launches it from within the empire in the future, it is not impossible to carry out a strategic attack on the entire territory of the United Duchy of Ross via Lapland. The Principality was completely unable to fight back against the empire before solving Lapland.

"In order to change this unequal state, or to contain the empire more effectively. A proposal was made by the Principality. This proposal, which used to be regarded as a joke and crazy words in the past, is now getting more and more. The more the upper class of Albion recognizes and considers seriously."

Indulge and allow the Principality to infiltrate and station troops in Lapland. If necessary, acquiesce the Principality to annex Lapland and directly border the empire, thereby reducing the empire's strategic pressure on Albian.

It sounds like a good suggestion to Albion, but in fact it is completely hidden. However, the Albians are not fools. The gentlemen who are realists in these bones are well aware of the Principality's careful thinking, and understand that this act of breaking the strategic balance will inevitably trigger a rebound in the empire. But this is in the midst of contemplation. The empire is forced to turn its attention from the sea to the land of the east because of the westward movement of the Principality. Strategic resources are bound to lean toward the Continental Army. This is undoubtedly great news for Albian’s strategic planning.

"Frankly speaking, the gentlemen hope that by sacrificing Lapland, the two giant beasts will bite each other, and they will maximize their benefits by supporting the Principality and the Republic. When everyone is covered with desolation and exhaustion, they will come out again. Clean up the mess and become the overlord of the world in one fell swoop. As for the sacrificed Lapland, the young people of the empire, the Principality and the Republic, they will not care."

"It's really troublesome."

Roland's expression was a little moving, as if Mika's words made him feel the same.

However, it only seems to be.

"What's more troublesome is that the value of Lapland will be further reduced after the Empire opens up technology patents. As the'mass production of new equipment technology' is mastered by various countries, more resources will be tilted towards'enhance their own armaments', no longer Lapland, which has the important value of'confronting the Principality', will no longer receive assistance, and even be annexed by the Principality, becoming a forsaken child in the strategic chess game. Relatively, a republic that hangs overseas and has an independent technical system; although weak, the terrain Extremely sinister, easy to defend and difficult to fight, because it still has the value of containing the empire, it will not be abandoned for the time being. From the perspective of Lapland, it is better to connect small countries and weak countries with similar situations in series instead of sitting still. Form the same front and prevent the Empire from opening patents on technology in the next joint meeting. This is the script of your country."

"...Although sharp words are your usual characteristics, but even negotiations and tongue-in-cheek, I think it should be more or less sympathetic to women."

"The general theory doesn't apply to your countess~www.readwn.com~ and it doesn't apply to you and your country, right."

"Since you have seen through this point, this aggressive questioning is unnecessary, isn't it?"

Mika's smile was unmoved, and there was a trace of resentment in the voice of protest.

Even so, Roland has no intention of giving in or letting go.

"Of course, since your country regards the Republic and the "Legion of Freedom" as "partners in similar situations", in a state where the current time and resources are urgent, in order to be able to assist each other in the next common meeting, rather than each other It’s a stumbling block. I feel that instead of wasting time guessing riddles and making up for each other’s cognition, the words are made clear from the beginning, the problems that may conflict are coordinated, and how certain issues should work together to advance and retreat. Is the right thing to do."

Like not allowing the other party to make any more excuses, Roland stared at Mika's narrowed eyes and asked:

"Is your country's goal to make every effort to allow the empire to unilaterally open more technology patents to your country?"

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