Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1655: Ten. BABEL (7)

The rise of the empire made many countries uncomfortable, and the most embarrassing one was Lapland.

When the taste of sandwich biscuits is uncomfortable, especially when the neighbors on the left and the right have a tendency to expand, and they are all stronger than you, the pressure of this front door to resist the tiger and the back door to meet the wolf is enough to drive people crazy.

Charlemagne fell, and after the establishment of the empire, Lapland suddenly found that its national strategy that had been running smoothly had lost the foundation on which it existed.

"Take out the most abundant things in your own country and make up for each other's deficiencies"-this is the usual practice of the human camp in the past. Lapland relies on "resisting the invasion of the principality" and "providing security" in exchange for economic and material assistance from various countries.

But now the rise of the empire and elf camp has completely broken the pattern of the old world. Now the overall strength of the empire-elf camp is above the human and orc camp, facing the unprecedented threat, the former enemies have become crouched in the same trench The comrades-in-arms, the people who used to fight against each other in the past, now sing friendship for a long time, and the former allies have become enemies with clear barriers. This change was so fast and beautiful that Lapland couldn't bear to watch it. When the dust settled, Lapland suddenly found that Albion and the Principality of Ross had come together. The new neighbor, the sacred Gilmanian empire, not only had a strength far superior to Charlemagne, but also had an equal ambition. In order to contain the empire, Albion is seriously considering selling Lapland to the Principality.

From the perspective of Albion, the motivation to continue to assist Lapland no longer exists, and there is a suspicion of enhancing the strength of the empire in disguise. It should be known that once the empire decides to annex Lapland, the aid given to Lapland will undoubtedly become the possession of the empire. No matter what form or appearance these materials and weapons will appear in the future, Albian will not be comfortable.

In this case, before the empire started, it would be the first to sell the Lapland chicken rib to the Principality, so that the two giant beasts face each other directly, thereby reducing their own strategic pressure and facilitating their future strategic planning.

The Lapland people did not have much indignation at the shameless behavior of the Albian people. The face of the barbarians of the archipelago countries was not the first time they saw it.

All of Lapland's nationwide minds are quite clear. They are very clear that the aid to Lapland by various countries is not based on the so-called "chivalry" and "chivalry", but to protect Lapland is actually to protect themselves. There is no justice or fairness in this world at all. Small countries are always the chips used by big countries to play and sell. Lapland’s history has proven this more than once, and now it’s just repeating the old codes in history again.

But what is different from the previous history is that the new technologies and new modes of warfare brought by the empire completely made Lapland's tricks to resolve similar crises in history completely useless.

It is no longer a few elites such as nobles, knights, and magicians that dominate the battlefield. They can more effectively use the resources in their hands, produce more and more effective weapons for killing, and mobilize more gasping people to pick up weapons and use the fastest speed. The person who sends personnel, weapons and ammunition to the front can win. This is an all-out war in the era of industrialization, and this is a total war.

Affected by the perennial wars and geopolitical pattern, Lapland did not have the ambition and surplus to develop overseas colonies. It missed the trend of accumulating original capital to start the industrialization process. After waiting to start industrialization, it encountered the technological patents of the empire and Albion. Principality. In this situation, there is actually only one choice left for Lapland.

Reverse to the empire, become a vassal of the empire, and use the power of the empire to contain the principality. It is best to enable the empire to unilaterally open more technological patents to Lapland and introduce empire investment to complete its industrialization.

The Empire will not be happy to see Lapland annexed by the Principality. Without Lapland as a buffer zone, they will inevitably face the enhanced Principality and occupy a more disadvantaged position in future two-line operations. To avoid this situation, they should welcome Lapland's surrender.

"But the crux of the problem is that your country does not intend to be a pawn, and it is impossible for it to be annexed by the empire. So you will allow the empire to send military advisers, purchase weapons made by the empire, and introduce the production lines of the empire weapons, but It is absolutely impossible to allow the imperial garrison, let alone advance and retreat with the imperial foreign policy. So you will eventually part ways with the empire. In order to welcome that day, you will please the empire as much as possible, in exchange for more technical openness and assistance, to accelerate the industrialization process ."

Roland talked eloquently, and the in-depth detailed analysis made people wonder if he was a Lapland superman or a spy that had been latent for years, otherwise how would he know so much.

He is certainly not a big man, not even a spy. The reason why he can make such a profound insight is that he has a very good former guardian and opponent.

There is no more terrible opponent than Li Lin, and no better teacher. In the process of continuous learning and continuous improvement with Li Lin as the goal. Roland also learned how to look at strategic issues with the eyes of politicians, combining Lapland’s awkward position with the international situation, and it is not difficult to speculate on their strategic direction and general tactics.

Lapland wants to go back to the empire, but it wants to maintain its independence. The only feasible way is to implement "prone equidistant diplomacy." That is, at the same time maintain an irrelevant relationship with the empire, the Principality, and Albion. When one party's threat to Lapland increases, it immediately draws closer to the other party, thereby forming a balance of power and seeking benefits from it.

This is actually the diplomatic trick "make friends" that Alfheim played in the past. At that time, Alfheim used the contradiction between the countries and Charlemagne to cleverly put Charlieman in a helpless situation. At the same time, they received a lot of aid from the materials, intelligence, and diplomacy of the various countries. Even when the high-level leaders of the various countries realized the threat of the elf camp, there was still a strong wave of public opinion against Charlemagne and sympathy for Yalfheim within the countries. Coupled with Charlemagne’s own stupid behavior and the smart intelligence operations of Alfheim, the countries missed the best opportunity to intervene, watching Charlemagne being eliminated, and the empire rising.

This trick from Alfheim is very irreproducible, but its core idea is to strive to avoid two-line combat and use diplomatic mediation to create an environment that only faces one enemy at a time-the same as today’s Lapland It has great reference value.

It is against this background that the diplomatic strategy of "turning to the empire but not completely" was released.

"Change to another country, maybe your idea has enough feasibility and operational space. But you are facing an empire, an empire led and dominated by that emperor. You think they will not see through the tricks they have played , Willingly help Lapland grow?"

Roland raised a finger and asserted in a nearly sad tone:

"It's impossible, it's not necessary."

The loss of Lapland will indeed make the empire lose its buffer zone with the principality, putting pressure on its border defenses. Relatively, this also created an opportunity for the empire to wipe out the frontier field corps of the Principality at the beginning of the war.

"There are "legions", there are emperors, there are weapons of mass destruction. You count on the elements of the empire's compromise-the empire fears two-line combat-no longer exists from the beginning. You can only live without any chips Choose between being absorbed by the Empire and being absorbed by the Principality."

The final result of all small countries that cannot control their own destiny is the same. This was true of Czechoslovakia at the Munich Conference, Poland during the "Silent War", and so is Lapland today.

The only difference is that perhaps the empire's patience is better, and it pays more attention to eating. Unless it is necessary, it is absolutely impossible to take the risk of intensifying the situation to actively annex Lapland. In addition, perhaps the empire will trip the Principality and prevent the Principality from swallowing and digesting Lapland with peace of mind, but that is all. It is unrealistic to expect the empire to go over to the Principality for Lapland.

But even this is the case, the empire is a straw that must be seized in Lapland to prevent him from being drowned.

"This is really... a desperate idea. If there is enough evidence, it may be enough to persuade the lower levels of our country to reach a cooperation intention with your country."

Mika gently tapped the desktop, and the playful smile like a song asked:

"Government events cannot be decided on the basis of unfounded speculation. Our country cannot easily adjust its national strategy because of your unilateral speculation, nor can it easily give up the only remaining first-line vitality."

In Lapland's eyes, the empire is by no means a friendly friend, nor a good person who is willing to help others. Strictly speaking, it should be considered a potential enemy.

But even such an empire is still hundreds of times more lovely than the Principality. If it is necessary to introduce an external force to maintain the state, Lapland’s first choice is Albian, and the second choice is the empire.

The rest of the countries are not too weak to be cited as foreign aid, or are countries like the Principality who are reluctant to consider at all. Now that Albion is approaching the Principality and thinking about selling Lapland, there is only one choice left for Lapland.

"Of course ~www.readwn.com~ cooperates with you, there are also options for more open technology patents of the empire. The problem is that as a result, the Principality will grow stronger and the danger to our country will become more obvious. The worst is still our country."

The foundation of diplomacy is never morality and emotion, but demand and strength. The extreme point is to do business.

If Roland, the Republic, and the Legion of Liberty can give a better price tag, Lapland does not mind changing the course, and together with the Republic to contain the empire. However, the reality is that Lapland desperately needs a product called "security". Only the Empire can supply this tight commodity, and it may also be a little extra. Then Lapland can only deal with the empire and pay the empire the price of "helping to block technology patents outside the open list".

The so-called diplomacy, the so-called business relationship, is the same thing.

There is no room or significance for discussion.

"I hope that in the next negotiation, the Republic can come up with more interesting conditions for us."

The smile is still fascinating, but the icy coldness that renounces people thousands of miles away is beyond words.

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