Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1656: Ten. BABEL (8)

For gamblers in a bad situation, counting the cards in their hands is a painful and expected thing. To say pain is to hold a bad card in my hand, and to say expectation, hoping that the opponent's card will be worse than himself, or hope that the opponent will make a mistake, so that he is so salty.

Roland is not a gambler, and the Republic with the lessons of the old Charlemagne will not easily gamble on the national games. However, the game and gambling between the big powers are actually very similar. Prepare chips and cards, observe the opponent’s cards and details, formulate corresponding strategies, disrupt the rhythm of others, and guide the situation to your own development, and finally win. .

In order to deal with the next game, he must carefully count the situation and the cards in hand.

In the next "common meeting" this big game, all the countries participating in the game are. In terms of goals and tendencies, they can be roughly divided into three categories.

One is the imperial camp. In addition to the empire, the camp also has Lapland that has decided to fall to the empire.

The first category is the alliance camp, the camp participants are Albian, Castile, Ross United.

One type is the loose camp, which includes the Republic and Cyrus.

The focus of the three camp games is "Military Scale" and "Patent Opening".

The goal of the imperial camp is to maintain the military superiority of the empire. It can make some concessions in terms of quantity and scale, but it must maintain its leading position in military technology and strictly control the outflow of military technology.

On this issue, Lapland even acted more positively than the Empire. They knew very well that the empire’s deterrent to other countries, especially the Principality, came entirely from the Imperial Army, especially those frightening and sophisticated weapons. Once the strength of the Imperial Army is weakened below a certain threshold, then it will lose its deterrent power against the Principality, and then the first hapless one is Lapland.

The alliance camp is more realistic. They really want to weaken the military strength of the empire, but they also understand the truth that it is still too short. Once the empire was rushed, the gang of sharp-eared beasts would lift the table. When the time comes, no one can stand it.

Therefore, it is the biggest and most urgent issue of the camp to define a proportional distribution that can satisfy everyone within the acceptable range of the empire. As long as an arms control treaty can be reached, all countries can take advantage of the open issue of technology patents.

The loose camp is probably the most embarrassing camp. People say nothing, and even the internal demands have not been unified.

Ceres’s appeal is to open the market to the Empire, allow Ceres’ financial capital to enter the Empire’s development, and open up technological patents in the fields of machinery manufacturing and finishing. In addition, it is best to reach a treaty of friendly non-aggression. No matter how strong the effectiveness of this treaty is, it is always an explanation to Serres. This small country on the top of the mountain really needs "good news" that can give them a sense of security.

In addition to the proportion of the military scale suitable for its own national conditions and the status in the international order, what the Republic wants most is the patent that enables the Empire to open up telecommunications technology. In this way, all countries outside the empire are brought directly into the world of telecommunications, and the speed of information exchange processing is comprehensively improved.

The goal of the Republic, or Roland, is to promote the exchange of technical information between countries through the construction of a high-speed information network, connect technicians from all over the world with a telecommunications network, and build a world-wide super technical team to catch up, Erosion Empire's technology patents. If it can eventually lead to the abolition of patents and deepen cooperation among nations, it is naturally the best. Even if this is not possible, the technical level of each country has also been improved, and it can be considered as a partial balance of the advantages of the empire. As for breaking the intelligence superiority of the empire or something, it is at best a bonus.

Although his plan was good, the first step was not smooth.

I originally thought that the countries have realized the importance of the speed of information transmission. After starting to build their own information transmission system, it will form a pressure on the Empire to continue to block telecommunications technology patents. After being serially integrated, it can be twisted into a rope and the Empire will fall into isolated. But in fact, the countries attach great importance to information transmission technology, but they have "selected attention".

The nobility always overrides the civilians. Before understanding the urgency and rationality of technological development, the first thing that countries think of is this kind of aristocratic thinking foundation.

Here is an example. Major countries are vigorously developing tank and anti-tank technologies after the Battle of Rhine. Among them, the Republic and Serres have made anti-aircraft guns (also known as door knockers) and anti-tank mines, but similar equipment has never appeared in the equipment sequence of the Principality and Albion.

In fact, the frontline soldiers have already proposed the concept of "reconstruction of field guns" and "burial of underground bombs." The technical capabilities of the Principality and Albion are not impossible to produce such low-tech anti-tank weapons. But the problem is that the color of "the civilians can defeat the nobility" with this weapon is too strong, and it is really unacceptable for those big people who are noble and aristocratic.

The chariots seen by the aristocrats were not the tools used to break through, but the extension of the knight’s armor-huge, gorgeous, solid, and an extension of authority on the battlefield. The symbol of authority can be easily broken by cheap means, like the spears and crossbows that used to make knights fall to the ground...

For the lords who feared the revolution of the citizens, this situation was not interesting at all.

The same is true of telecommunications technology.

In the past, authorities and experts from noble families controlled the information transmission system, and what information should be released through which channels in what form, when, and after all, they had to be reviewed by the nobility and submitted to the royal family and the Privy Council for ruling, and sometimes with the church. It can only be implemented after coordination of ventilation. However, once it is decided to build and popularize telecommunication technology in an all-round way, it is bound to be impossible to rely solely on official capital. Attracting private capital and opening up the right to use information networks and even some management rights is a general trend. This impression that "civilians and the nobility are on an equal footing" will inevitably arouse the nobility of the nobility, not to mention that the voice channels controlled by the people are likely to attack the nobility in order to fight for the right to speak, and even promote the idea of ​​bringing down the nobility and instigating the revolution.

Just look at the number of "transactions" who are exiled from various countries to the Republic every year, and you can understand that the worries of the nobles are not entirely unreasonable. However, it was decided to define it as a "military secret", which is completely and completely in the hands of the military and the country's top management. It will never allow civilians to have a slight touch on the telecommunications network, and it is not allowed to open up private capital to participate in the construction and investment of telecommunications networks. Completely turn it into a "toy of the nobles and the military"... It can only be said that the countries have become extremely sensitive or even extremely allergic to change, and even the rationality of the use of technology has been wiped out. It is completely a symptom of self-poisoning caused by an aristocratic thinking model.

Roland does not know whether this situation is also included in Li Lin’s calculations. After all, the empire’s civilization evolution also has quite unusual characteristics, some of which have a considerable degree of coincidence with aristocracy, and now I want to analyze it The most primitive overall consideration is obviously impossible. But what is certain is that Li Lin is happy to see this situation, and maybe he will secretly contribute to the situation, bury two or two dark chess pieces, and control the development of the situation as needed.

For the rigid thinking of Albion and the Principality, he had no good idea for a while and a half. The change of the original thinking mode was much slower than the progress of technology, not to mention letting a group of conservatives accept excessive advancement that may affect Technology of its own status and interests. This kind of thing can only stew the frog in warm water, slowly step by step. So he went to Lapland again, trying to split Lapland from the imperial camp, weakening the empire's reservation of telecommunications technology patents, but the result was that the failure was more thorough than before.

Roland’s idea is to use Lapland’s needs for foreign aid, using political assistance and participation in technology research and development systems as a bait, to pull Lapland’s diplomatic strategy from “incremental equidistant diplomacy” to “multilateral diplomacy”. However, what he did not expect was that Lapland's sense of crisis and desire for survival were so deep. The hatred and vigilance against the Principality exceeded the worries about the empire, so that even if it was clear that the empire could not blatantly open face for himself and the Principality, he had to be desperate. Gamble. Compared to the real straw in front of the empire, the picture cakes offered by the Republic and Serres are not enough to be hungry, and they will be rejected in the end. It can only be said that it is reasonable.

In the final analysis, the root cause of all problems is strength. The initiative of the Republic is not unreasonable, and the strategy behind it is also very reasonable, but it bears the original sin of the cross of the "defeat of the ruined party" and the "weakness". Deterrence, even if the nations do not have a bunch of "own national conditions", they are afraid of the deterrence of the empire, and it is still difficult to connect the nations in a concerted action.

In summary, after a turn, the problem returns to the original point, that is, how to cross the imperial barrier that seems insurmountable?

"That guy once commented on this phenomenon. He said:'Politics and mechanics have a highly similar part, that is, individuals with small masses operate around individuals with large masses, not the opposite. Rudder, not maverick'."

Roland walked over to the table and lifted the coffee cup to signal to Fafna. After the other party nodded, grinding coffee beans, he said:

"His opinion certainly has his truth and is in line with most people's approval. But in the final analysis, it is a kind of conspiracy technique, and the only consideration is only conjugation, and it is still trying to fix the world forever in "now". From this point of view, it is in fact consistent with the aristocracy that is trying to resist change, and it is an extreme conservatism."

Perhaps Li Lin has made indelible contributions in technological progress and promotion of technological progress, but its original intention is not to promote social change, but to use technological development in turn to put an end to all progress in thought and society~www.readwn.com~From At this level, Li Lin is actually more conservative than aristocrats.

"In order to "maintain the status quo," he will never let go of "telecommunication technology", an important patent that may promote the development of technology and society around the world. No matter how we connect it, as long as he is an emperor, he will not relax. There is no intention to increase the tension with the empire for this reason, and in the end it will definitely be gone."

"Are you going to give up?"

Smelling the fragrance of real coffee beans, Favorna smiled provocatively.

"It's too early to say."

Taking a spoonful of condensed milk from the tin jug, Roland's expression changed back to what Favna was familiar with.

Confident, positive, and even ambitious.

"Fortunately, we have already reached this point, and the empire should also be able to grasp the situation where we hit the wall everywhere. Next, we may do more work, let us under the eyes of the empire, try to stage a'model shift for the countries (Paradigm.shift)'s show."

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