Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1657: Ten. BABEL (9)

"It turns out that Roland has become very attentive."

Putting down the file gently, Li Lin emerged a smile between comfort and harmony.

"Most countries have reservations or even rejected the "open telecommunications technology patent" issue, but Roland still enjoys visiting diplomats from various countries in Serres... Nidhog, why do you think this is?"

"...Is it psychological warfare?"

"Yes, and it's still multiple psychological battles."

Maintaining close contact is itself a part of psychological warfare, and its purpose is to shake the determination of the opposing commander.

Even if you know that the probability of reaching an agreement between the two forces is very low, the frequent contact between the two parties will still make the third party concerned, and it will inevitably strengthen surveillance. This alone will waste a lot of resources instead of investing those resources in more needed directions.

If you enter a melee state and the front is blurred, this waste will be more serious.

In order to avoid falling into the enemy's desperate situation, the commander will be cautious and will not dare to use high-risk tactics easily. In this way, his strength will be compromised, and it is difficult to achieve the desired purpose. Even if he holds a good hand, he will end up with a bad ending or even a defeat. It's not impossible.

In addition to making opponents suspicious, this deliberate behavior can also divert the enemy's attention and complete other layouts under the table.

"According to the actual situation and operational effects, there may be other effects, generally in the category of psychological warfare. The ultimate goal of all these layouts...mostly a paradigm shift."

Paradigm shift, also known as paradigm shift. It was originally a vocabulary proposed by the famous American philosopher of science Kuhn in "Structure of Scientific Revolution" to describe a change in basic theory to fundamental assumptions in the scientific category. This change was later applied to tremendous changes in various other disciplines. It can be understood as the transfer of the nature of casting the original model or DNA template.

It is quite troublesome to use specific academic language to explain the paradigm shift, and it is not easy to accept and understand. Using simple and easy-to-understand examples to illustrate, is the steam boat and sailboat competition, Tesla and Edison "electric war" and other intuitive cases. Through the close comparison experience, actively accept the new paradigm, and then increase the recognition of new technologies or concepts, and eventually replace the old paradigm.

"He will try to make the nations notice, no, it is forcing the nations to notice the importance of'universal telecommunications networks', the Congresses are forced to evolve and enter the'telecommunications world' in advance. The empire's intention to continue to block telecommunications technology patents will be It will be under unprecedented pressure, and in order not to break the game prematurely, it is likely that it will eventually have to make concessions.

"Do you want to stop him?"

"Before grasping specific information, there is no way to act arbitrarily. And this time my country is the initiator and host of the conference. There are a lot of scruples and it cannot be as arbitrary as before."

"If you know the clues..."

"If I were to carry out such a paradigm shift, I would choose to engage in terrorist activities. Kidnapping the representatives of the participating countries, gathering them together, through the live show, for example, fighting with the imperial army, using careful pre-preparation to win, use Practical results to educate leaders of various countries on the importance of telecommunications technology and the imperial army is not invincible. What will Roland do... Until more evidence is obtained, speculation alone cannot be used as a basis for argument."

Niederhogger's face suddenly appeared surprised, and then relieved again.

In the absence of intelligence support, guesswork alone cannot be used as a basis for action.

More importantly, the paradigm shift itself is an extremely unpredictable process. Its origin is sometimes small and clumsy, but the consequences may be extremely huge.

There are not many such examples.

The most famous is probably Copernicus.

Compared with Ptolemy astronomy, the calculation speed and accuracy of Copernicus astronomy have not been improved to the extent that it can be regarded as a revolution. Copernicus himself was far less enthusiastic about advancing the new doctrine and the Renaissance than Bruno, who was sent to the torture rack. Its popularity and influence far exceeded Bruno, and he was hailed as the founder and earliest founder of the new era.

The most important thing is that compared with the scale and depth of the later science, philosophy, and social revolution, Copernicus only achieved some achievements in astronomy, but this small change opened an era and completed an extremely classic paradigm shift.

The same thing, Roland may not be able to do it. Even if the empire has technological patents and violent means, it is difficult to take it lightly in the face of the inherent characteristics of the paradigm shift.

"In fact, most of the paradigm shifts are initiated by trivial trivial matters, and those intuitive cases are a few. It is because trivial and difficult to be noticed, so the viability is stronger and there is more time to brew and develop, that is, The process of accumulating thin hair."

Still taking Copernicus as an example, his achievements are indeed impressive, but astronomy is certainly an important discipline, and has always occupied a central position in classical science, which can be compared with the modern scientific revolution, astronomy After all, it is just a small specialized area. In fact, even in this field, Copernicus's work is purely technical. In addition to the preface's discussion and promise of heliocentric theory, the main content of celestial body operation theory is professional mathematical deduction. The Copernicus system initially affected only a handful of mathematicians who could understand its technical details. But soon, its influence exceeded the small circle of mathematicians, and its philosophical consequences gradually replaced the technical content and became the focus of people's attention, opening the curtain of the technological revolution.

As the initiator of the revolutionary drama, Copernicus did not initially want to trigger such a huge revolution, but its original intention was "retro". The so-called Renaissance was originally a rediscovery of ancient Greece and Rome, and the scientific revolution was originally part of the revival. Copernicus and his contemporary scientists were deeply influenced by the revival of Platonism. Compared with medieval philosophers, Copernicus' ideas and concepts in many fields are closer to Plato. In the early days of the scientific revolution, even until Newton, many scientists believed that the ancients had already mastered the truth of the world, but they were lost or distorted.

The reason why it will develop from a small circle of "retro" to a paradigm shift that affects the entire society, there are only two elements. That is, the accumulation of knowledge and technology itself has reached a level sufficient to transform from quantitative change to qualitative change. At the same time, the conventional science under the old paradigm has been in crisis, and it is difficult to solve and explain the newly discovered problems.

No innovation can come out of thin air. People can build on their predecessors and continue to expand the possibilities contained in traditions, and this can lead to progress. But revolution is different from general innovation. In addition to continuing the path of its predecessors, it will also cause some kind of break. However, it is difficult to say that the break came from nothing, and ancient wisdom will become the foundation of innovation. Without long-term accumulation, exploration, trial and error, and summary, the so-called innovation is nothing more than a rootless tree.

As for the latter, since there are revolutions, there is often a period of relative stability between the revolutions. This is the so-called period of conventional science. In the period of conventional science, the model itself is generally not questioned. The main task of scientific research is to "solve puzzles", that is, to solve some difficult problems in a standardized manner. The solution of these problems will expand the use of science and technology, but will not subvert the basic scientific paradigm. For example, in the era of running mail on bicycles, tricycles, and carriages, the focus of technology development is "how to improve the performance of the platform under the existing technical conditions", that is, how to increase the speed, loading and unloading speed, cargo capacity and stability of the human and animal carrying platforms Sex. When the potential of these platforms powered by manpower and animal power is exhausted, the relevant technicians will not immediately consider the new power source, but will check the observation conditions, look for unconsidered variables, or test other hypotheses. However, some problems are destined to never be solved under the old scientific system. More and more such problems have formed a "crisis" over the old paradigm. Some people who are disappointed with the old paradigm begin to try to jump. The old formula tries to create and discover new doctrines to solve problems that the old paradigm cannot solve. As a result, new disciplines, hypotheses, and technologies came into being. In the previous example, the transportation platform using human power and animal power as the power was eventually replaced by an internal combustion engine and an electric motor.

Back to the case of Copernicus, Copernicus was in an era precisely because of the doctrine that started with "retro" and the technological development has developed to a "crisis stage where classical science cannot solve problems~www.readwn.com~" The scholars who advertise the retro are trying to go further on the shoulders of the ancient sages, perfect and expand the science, but the final result is to open the door to a new era and eventually trigger a comprehensive revolution.

A world-changing revolution started with a few small issues in the marginal circle that were not concerned by the world. Finally, because of this huge revolution, even the structure of the entire society has changed. The original unremarkable marginalized people finally took the lead. Has become the backbone of a new world that leads the times.

This is the power of the paradigm shift. Even in the dark ages when the heretic trial venue grabbed people for barbecues and even committed the Tucun blood case, Europe could finally complete the paradigm shift called the "Renaissance". With the current influence of the empire and the geopolitical environment that is almost universally enemies, it is obviously an impossible task to prevent the paradigm shift initiated by Roland with a light or dark method backed by the Republic.

Even if one million people were killed, it would be difficult to prevent the model transfer that had already started and spread. Moreover, if one really wanted to kill one million people, the Imperial Army would have nothing to do.

But even if it is a model transfer, it is not omnipotent. On the other side of the coin, the model transfer also has difficulties and drawbacks that cannot be circumvented, and Li Lin has long been prepared according to these characteristics in order to prevent the occurrence of the model transfer. The corresponding ace.

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