Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1658: Ten. BABEL (10)

The advantage of the canonical shift is to accumulate thinly, but the disadvantage is to accumulate thinly.

There is a line of inheritance between the old and the new paradigms. No matter how large the difference between the paradigms is, a clear contextual connection can still be found.

Generally speaking, the process of paradigm shift is irreversible. As long as the technology continues to progress and accumulate, the paradigm shift will continue to occur. Even if it is forcibly prevented by administrative and violent means, it will only temporarily delay the transfer of the model within a certain range. When other countries or civilizations have completed progress, various forms of external force intervention will still initiate a new round of model transfer.

The most effective way to prevent paradigm shifts is not to promulgate laws or even use violent means to enforce them, but to disrupt or even cut off the inheritance link between technology and doctrine. The specific method is to directly input the technology that is too advanced, and the finished product is so large that the audience has no time to distinguish, compare, eliminate, and understand. People are unknowingly accustomed to accepting it when others give it. They never even think about whether they need it, and give up questioning altogether. Eventually, they only know how to accept new technology, and "know what they know but don't know why." Unknowingly, new and old technologies lose their inheritance and a "broken chain" phenomenon occurs. Even if people realize the harm of advanced technology, it is impossible to abandon the new technology that has been promoted to all aspects of society, and it is difficult to rely on their own power to rebuild civilization.

This step has been going on for many years, and now it is blooming as Li Lin expected.

Use the success of war, commerce, and nation-building to show the benefits of new technologies to various countries, triggering a sense of crisis in various countries, and then promote the technology through the transfer or opening of patents-continually repeating this process, and finally the technology inheritance of various countries has appeared With varying degrees of empty windows, technological progress has also seen bottlenecks.

Of course, the above problems can be overcome with patience and perseverance. But this triggered the second difficulty-time.

The revolution is an overall ecological upheaval. In the early days of the revolution, before the new ecological structure was stabilized, some species that took the lead in mutation had no obvious advantages in the old environment, and even often were at a disadvantage.

For example, was the car at the time of birth more convenient than a horse-drawn carriage? This depends not only on the performance of the car itself, but also on the corresponding environment. In a no gas station, there is no parking space, there is no repair shop that can repair and maintain the car, only the coachman can not find the driver, the road is also designed for the carriage, the car can not adapt to this environment or even More inconvenient than the carriage.

No technology is an isolated device, there is always a set of interconnected and interactive ecological chains behind it. Steam engines, trains, electricity, etc., when they first appeared in isolation, were nothing more than unknown toys. The value of these new technologies would not be realized until a complete ecological chain was developed.

Even more disturbing. Before the new technology proves to be successful, how can people be confident that a sudden new technology can be recognized and accepted by the public and bring broad market and application prospects? The fact is that there is no clear way to predict. Only after a long period of hard work and practice, and finally to achieve convincing results, can it be generally accepted.

For the great powers of various countries, they have no patience at all, and they can't wait. Because when they are advancing slowly and down to earth, the empire is likely to have launched new technologies and promoted their use. In order not to be pulled apart by a greater distance, even if they knew they were drinking thirst to quench their thirst, they could only ask the empire to open up new technology patents and pick up the empire's obsolete technology to maintain the gap between the two sides.

To use a not-so-good analogy, the technology of the Empire is an addictive drug. The countries are well aware that long-term use can cause serious harm, but a strong withdrawal reaction is likely to be fatal, let alone the pain of the withdrawal process. So despite hating the empire, the nations have no courage or surplus to resist the stimulant called "new technology."

Of course, it cannot be asserted that the countries will always be like this. There will not be a monarch or ruling team with the determination and courage to break the wrist of a strong man at a certain point in time, trying to develop a new model of civilized development or paradigm shift with perseverance beyond ordinary people. Only in this way, he will hit the second and third cards prepared by Li Lin.

Li Lin's second card is a technical patent. I have said a lot about this card, so I won't repeat it here.

The terrible thing is the third card. For the current world, for any enterprising monarch, this card has a magic power that will stop them and even retreat conservatively.

The third card is the ecological upheaval caused by the paradigm shift

At any time, any part of human knowledge is interrelated. Astronomy is related to mathematics, natural philosophy, physics, and even ethics and politics. After Copernicus moved the earth, the physics model based on the Aristotelian finite universe was implicated and could not be established. But this is not the area where Copernicus is good, so Copernicus did not pay special attention to the mechanical problems caused by his theory, but natural philosophers had to take it seriously, and finally it was Galileo and Newton who reinvented the split astronomy and physics. Integrate. The further tears between physics and ethics were not finally bridged. The interrelationships among various fields of knowledge had to be re-established, and the political, economic, and legal fields were also profoundly affected.

At the beginning of the upheaval of the ecology, some new changes in the environment may have occurred, and some species have rushed to complete the mutation to adapt to the new environment. For the old ecosystem, these new species proliferate like wild invasive species. Destroy the ecological chain that was originally stable, while creating a new environment. If other species cannot adapt to the new environment in time, they will inevitably die or be marginalized.

Such as the relationship between the government and the market, the relationship between the dominant and the controlled, and even the relationship between international politics and diplomacy-the ecology in these old environments will be challenged. Survival strategies that are more adapted to the new world are likely to be in a disadvantaged position in the old world, but if they fail to adapt to the new world, they will eventually be eliminated. Therefore, it is difficult to find the optimal survival strategy in the process of reshuffling caused by the paradigm shift. The best way may be to just let it happen.

Specific to this world, because of the precedents of the Industrial Revolution and the Republic, coupled with the combined effects of social contradictions, the gap between the rich and the poor, the rise of nationalism, the collapse of traditional morality, and the game of great powers, the end result of the paradigm shift is likely to be brought to all The country's already crisis-ridden internal injection of an overly strong catalyst triggered a "Crown into the ground"-style revolution. Those wise and wise monarchs will not see this risk. Once there is a risk of runaway, they will step on the brakes with more momentum than before, and some of the overly aggressive will also go into reverse gear.

This has already been proved by history, and specific cases can refer to several representative figures of the enlightened, authoritarian system, such as Frederick the Great of Prussia, Joseph II the Holy Roman Empire, and Emperor Yekaterin of the Russian Empire Na II. These are all determined to forge ahead in their early years and aggressively push forward reforms, but in their later years they either turned to conservatism or were frustrated in the face of reform failures.

"There are also considerations for letting the republic exist. There is such a country where people can directly participate in politics and even determine the future of officials. Undoubtedly, it is a vigilant object and a critical material for countries that uphold aristocratic thinking. Any intention to reform Once the monarch and the ruling team try to make a paradigm shift, they will soon find that their country is getting closer and closer to the Republic, and the people and the irrational groups of the Republic are more and more similar. In the end, they will step on the brakes because of fear. , Let everything go back to the original point."

"Everything is under your control."

"It shouldn’t be too careless. After all, in addition to nobles, technicians and ordinary people are also the audiences of paradigm transfers. If Roland focuses on long-term operations, it is very likely that these people will be intelligence-operated and spread the seeds of paradigm transfers. After a long period of accumulation, a wave of technological progress may still be brewing. But then, it is also time for us to play the final trump card."

In the end, the trump card is to launch a world war and use military means to forcibly interrupt the process of paradigm shift.

This is the last resort and the already scheduled schedule.

Li Lin never believes that his model can permanently prevent the model transfer, and he really wants to completely cut off the model transfer. The only way is to use military means to conquer all countries and put every inch of the world and everyone in the world. Under the **** of the empire. This is the only complete solution. The previous methods are at best only hysteretic methods, which will gradually loosen and damage over time, and eventually fall to the ground.

In the end everything depends on war.

Negotiations, contracts, games, paradigm shifts, social progress-all of which cannot stop the pace of war, at most can only accelerate or delay the arrival of war. Neither an individual nor a country can stop the war, nor can it shake the outcome of the war.

Because they are facing Li Lin.

Li Lin is an empire and an empire is Li Lin. His will is the will of the empire, and his actions are the actions of the empire.

Regardless of the Imperial Army and the "Legion~www.readwn.com~ as long as the emperor is alone, no one can subvert the empire and the established fate. When you wave your hand, you can level the mountain, and stomping the foot can tear the earth, as if it had In front of the emperor with the ability to think, the only thing humans can do is to crawl on the ground, praying that he can survive, and wait for the disaster to pass by.

Perhaps at the last moment, the brave can create miracles, overcome disasters, overcome powerful enemies, and bring peace and happiness to the world.

Even if it is a miracle, in the face of what Li Lin can do, it is doubtful in itself.

Even beyond common sense, even beyond the first tactical form, the second campaign form, and finally the final third strategic form.

As early as the initial design stage, the report on this form is full of suspicious traces. Either it is unclear, or it is unpretentious. As if this form should not exist at all, even mentioning it will make those technicians who have no ethics and morality feel taboo and fear, and let them sleep in the forgotten ocean is the best choice.

Whether it is a miracle or a brave man, even the sum of the will of all human beings.

In front of the wings of doom and the end of the gold, there is only worship.

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