Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1659: Ten. BABEL (11)

When the first rays of the sun crossed the horizon and projected onto the "Language Tower", there were already many citizens on the street, some chatting and chatting, some drinking coffee and having breakfast, and some yawning and saying hello. The merchants shouted enthusiastically, and there was a lot of screams. The shop was full of people. The shopkeepers who were preparing to make a big profit, the housewife and tourists who were preparing for shopping, skipped the warm-up stage and directly entered the fighting state.

What a lively and prosperous scene.

But this is just the beginning.

The fleet of seven giant flying ships is lined up in a geese formation, and the neat queue advances with the accompaniment of the marching march. The flying fleet sprinkles a lot of petals and colorful pieces of paper while flying around the city. Not far from the fleet, the MDS fleet pulled out colorful smoke and painted a variety of patterns in the air. On the main road on the ground, the military band was moving forward while playing cheerful tunes. The citizens screamed and cheered, and children and young people reached out to grab colored paper and petals.

This is Bonn, the city of universities, the city of parks, and the city of conferences. This city of central empire, which is full of greenery and academic atmosphere, is the venue of this joint meeting. Officials, dignitaries and tourists from all over the world poured into the city this month, bringing vigorous vitality to the local economy and bursting the pride of local residents.

The only thing that makes this first-class citizen 95% of the population a little bit unpleasant, or rather unsuitable, is the massive influx of humans and the elimination of the "first-class citizens only" sign. Although this is for the needs of the country and the etiquette that should be given to entertain guests, the sudden changes in the scenery that are common to the day can make the citizens a little uneasy and at a loss.

On the other hand, those foreign visitors looked at Mancheng's pointed ears and smiled at themselves with a standard business smile, and then looked at the new scratches and wipe marks on the road signs, park seats, and alleyways.

"The empire is clean and complete no matter what it does."

Gnawing at the freshly baked sausage, Roland gave a sneer and spoke in Castilian.

"Especially for people or things that do not look good."

Fafna, who was tasting the annual ring cake, shrugged, his face full of approval and sneer.

The two who often traveled between the empire in various masquerading identities knew of course what the words had been removed or washed away in a hurry.

-Only first-class citizens!

-The speed limit of the fourth-class citizens is 40 kilometers!

——Fourth Class Citizen Only Store

—— Corresponding to the level! Unauthorized entry into the first-class citizen channel is fined 20 marks

This is the real normal state of the empire, with strict ranks and clear boundaries. From the moment of birth, each empire national is determined according to his ethnic origin to the treatment and life he deserves, where he can go, where he cannot go, where he can. What kind of education you can't receive, what you can't learn, what kind of work you can do, and where you can get promoted are all clearly divided. Anyone who dares to cross the line will suffer an all-out iron fist crit.

It may be the loss of work, it may be the loss of social welfare, it may be that the whole family was driven out of the apartment and live on the street, or it may be "relocation"...

Neither the slogan text nor the way the empire controls it is not something that outsiders feel comfortable when they look at it, let alone the high-ranking countries visited during the joint meeting and the large number of entourages with knighthood.

In order to show the sincerity of seeking peace, in order to make him look more like an angel of peace than a plush monster, the empire wiped out the slogan, removed the nameplate, opened various public facilities, and allowed merchants to sell foreign tourists This kind of goods, free and unlimited supply of Fanta, is to leave a good impression on all countries, and strive to create an image of a prosperous and prosperous empire and a strong national power, and do everything possible to promote peace talks.

For now, the empire's efforts have been very fruitful. At least tourists enjoy the amusement park carnival atmosphere, and the perception of the empire seems to have been eased to a certain extent. As for how long this relaxation will last, what impact it will have on the peace talks and public opinion in other countries remains to be seen. But if I think that the Empire has relaxed supervision without any sense of crisis, it is a good time to judge that it is a good time to engage in small actions, then it is really asking for trouble.

The waiters of high-end restaurants receive a second salary from the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau. The cleaners and bosses of low- and middle-level hotels are all loyal to the government. All monitoring and monitoring systems are running. The security forces in the dark are ready to go. .

——The Empire also exerted its full strength, even the new rookie was sent out.

Roland's Yu Guang captured the young lovers holding hands next to the emperor's statue. For lovers, their movements are too polite and unnatural, and a closer look can reveal that they always peep into the crowd with their eyes squinted intentionally or unintentionally. As for the vehicles that clean the streets and carry garbage, pin-hole cameras are installed, and the guide dogs that guide the blind are military dogs that have undergone anti-detonation training.

It may be a spy that the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau temporarily transferred from the police station, or it may be an intern in the Stasi Spy School. In short, in order to ensure foolproof during the joint meeting, the empire seems to have invested all the security forces, even the rookie who has not completed the training.

Considering the importance of the meeting, as well as the image of the empire's intention to show to the outside world and the problems facing it, this approach is nothing wrong.

The empire has too much to guard against.

Prevent foreign spies from stealing secrets, prevent foreigners from committing crimes and crimes against foreigners during the meeting, prevent domestic third- and fourth-class citizens from causing riots during the joint meeting, prevent terrorist organizations from launching terrorist attacks, prepare for lone wolf terrorists, and prepare for domestic technology Personnel defecting or being kidnapped, to prevent foreign technical personnel from privately exchanging technical information outside the prescribed meeting schedule, to be prepared...

Looking at this long list, Roland could vaguely hear the wailing of the imperial security system.

The most important thing is that this pile of things to be prepared for is not the onset of a delusional delusion or the occurrence of daily obsessive-compulsive disorder, but something that may indeed happen.

Do not.

Some things have happened.

To the best of Roland’s knowledge, terrorist attacks have occurred throughout the empire over the past 24 hours. He knew of six bombings and three shootings. The targets of the attack ranged from the school bus to the senior local government officials. It ends with the attacker being killed or committing suicide.

It may be that the recent drastic changes in the international situation and a series of empire attacks against resistance organizations have made various underground organizations aware of the "big drama is coming to an end", holding funerals and burial, "death is also based on their own will", "death will die "Booming" mentality, various organizations have launched the final curtain call performance.

Roland has always opposed terrorist activities against civilians. It is not only a strong sense of morality, but more importantly, this kind of behavior will only unite more people who can fight for the emperor, and provide the best excuse for the empire to strengthen its armaments.

Not to mention that thanks to these **** curtain calls, the monitoring and security of the empire has become more stringent.

Because they are veterans, they can see through those rookies with poor pretense.

It is precisely because he is a veteran, and he must have information on the frequent terrorist attacks in the empire recently.

When the two are combined with each other, it is easy to fall into the mentality of "the empire is extremely lacking in security, and it is likely that there are loopholes available for exploitation." As a result, flaws are revealed.

Deliberately revealing flaws, tempting opponents to avoid cameras and tailing, the result is instead exposed to well-covered anti-spy experts, once they are registered in the case, whether they want to catch it or something else, it depends on the mood of the Empire. Too.

At this time, the best way to deal with it is to be honestly the first time to enter the city as a bun, just to marvel at the prosperity of the city and the grand meeting of the common meeting.

Soon, the erratic eyes around them shifted to other places, and the heads of the two resistance groups disappeared into the crowd.


Just as Roland and Favna walked carefully on the street, the envoys of various countries including Minerva were talking in the stands in front of the "Language Tower". There was still some time until the opening ceremony of the meeting at 9 am. Set up friendships in the stands, exchange information, distinguish between enemies and enemies, and draw up differentiation... Using a small theater like this to pass the time is also exclusive to the upper class.

"The empire is really good, even the small details are very good."

Duke Marlborough swayed craft glass, and the cups decorated with ivy were dazzling under the sun, and filled with green fruity soda even more colorful under the sun. Just looking at it makes people feel cool.

Between mid-summer and summer, under the hot sun, the streets are already filled with summer heat at more than seven o'clock, and pedestrians on the streets are wearing thin and cool clothes. The men and women in the stands were wearing formal suits under the sun, and they were all sitting upright, talking and laughing.

This is not because the envoys died to face and suffer, or the empire made a mistake. There are enchantments around these stands, and there are temperature control methods inside for cold and hot air exchange~www.readwn.com~ When the outside is 30 At 5 to 37 degrees Celsius, the enchantment range is 18 to 20 degrees Celsius, even if wearing thicker clothes will not feel uncomfortable.

Coupled with various cold drinks and iced mineral water, the diplomatic envoys of the countries are actually very moist.

Under a comfortable environment, various negotiations are unfolding delicately.

"We still have a few concerns about the issue of'Westward Advancement.'"

"Is your country worried about this?"

Earl Gorchakov smiled slightly, his thumb pointed toward the empty podium.

"Does the merger of the two forces make your country so uneasy?"

"Not uneasy, but alert."

Duke Marlborough drank the apple soda in his hand and said in a calm and strong voice:

"In fact, the situation has begun to develop in a vigilant direction."

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