Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1668: Eleven. Shooting down the meniscus (1)

The day in Bonn begins with the dawn sunlight dispelling the darkness from the horizon.

The first ray of sunlight illuminates neither the windows of the public residence nor the giant tower proudly standing on the ground. The silver-white giant wing body is bathed in the sunlight that kicked off the day, neither emotion nor shaking soar. At an altitude of 30,000 meters above the ground. Various optical, radar, infrared, and thermal sensors overlook the vast land, and through the tactical data link and many avatars, small movements that are still in the corner of the city in the sleep and even thousands of miles away are also clear.

Early warning "Legion".

With a total length of 120 meters, the variable swept wing can be fully expanded and a width of up to 80 meters. It is equipped with three types of carrier aircraft, including high-altitude long-endurance reconnaissance using a diamond-framed wing layout (commonly known as "diamond wing"). It is a type of electronic warfare specially equipped for electronic instruments and communications equipment; it is equipped with multiple tasks such as approaching reconnaissance, distributing interfering particles, and acting as a communication relay station. As long as it lifts off and releases the carrying aircraft, an early warning type can monitor the range of 4000 to 6000 kilometers in diameter in real time, and carry out periodic reconnaissance of targets within 10,000 kilometers.

This is no exaggeration.

Regardless of the range that the early warning type's own phased array radar can control and the range of the high-altitude long-endurance reconnaissance type, the mayfly of the size of tens of thousands of pigeons is scattered, I am afraid it is enough to see a large area. .

These "legions" are not directly involved in the war, but the information they provide is essential for controlling changes in the battle situation at any time and assisting in the formulation of countermeasures. It can be said that the early warning type and its carrier aircraft are the eyes of the "Legion" hanging in the sky. Through the various intelligences obtained by this eye, the "Legion" can maximize its own advantages and design various targeted tactics to effectively eliminate the enemy. In terms of tactical value, the next warning model is enough to be comparable to the elimination of a division's heavy combat model.

The Empire is of course aware of the value of early warning and its vulnerability as an individual on the battlefield. So every time the early warning type is dispatched, there is at least a large group of air combat type around. Two of the squadrons are responsible for vigilance within a radius of 100 kilometers, and one squadron performs **** missions around the early warning type.

It may be that this is not enough, or the importance of this joint meeting. This time, in addition to the original guard force, a small team of "Salamanda III" has been added.

In terms of air combat performance alone, this small team even surpasses the basic model of an air combat type of a large group, and it can compete with one for some specially modified airframes. When it comes to tasks such as rapid response in complex environments, support to the ground, town warfare, and fixed-point clearance, the "Salamanda III" is a few streets away from the air combat.

The air combat performance is good, coupled with the rapid adaptability and the battlefield adaptability is strong enough to deal with all emergencies during the joint meeting-perhaps this is the reason for the deployment of "Salamanda III" over Bonn.

"That is to say, to surprise the empire during the joint meeting, first of all, we must knock down the strange birds in the sky, right?"

"When you set down the first bird, the empire will immediately know what happened."

Marseille sighed and narrowed his eyes to look at the blue sky like a wash. Although standing on the observation deck 300 meters above the ground, the visibility is very good, but it is still a little difficult to see objects in the sky 30,000 meters high.

"The ephemera may all be reconnaissance aircraft and communication relay stations. No matter whether it is the early warning type that destroys the mother ship or any kind of carrier aircraft, the ephemera will send the attack signal to the tactical data link as soon as possible. Central tactics The calculation system will immediately take over command until the new warning type arrives at the scene to take over command authority."

"Is it necessary to kill all the airframes distributed within hundreds of kilometers at the same time?"

"Nightingale"-Anrietta Francois widened her eyes.

She is no stranger to the almost crazy paranoia of the technicians of the Empire, even if the group of sharp ears is really teasing in a joke, if you lose fifty Finney coins, she will draw a hundred squares on the ground, and she will search with a magnifying glass one by one. It will feel strange. The configuration and alarm mechanism of the early warning type and the carrier... What can I do besides sighing and vomiting?

At the same time, tens of thousands of reconnaissance airframes, as well as the airpower of the mother ship and the surrounding equivalent of a wing were killed. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to invest in division-level aviation combat power or strategic-level attacks. However, once large forces are assembled, it is impossible to escape the early-warning detection. Secondly, there are mayfly-type interfering particles, and it is impossible for strategic-level attack techniques to exert their effects.

If you want to cut off the air control and security system in the region at a time, it is almost impossible to complete the task.

"It's just like'Shoot.the.Moon, used to describe what is extremely difficult and almost impossible to try'"."

"Robin"-Louise Anhalt routinely fills the knife.

"Don’t forget that we are diplomats. Have you ever seen a diplomat with a gun in a foreign territory? And it is still in an imperial territory."

Diplomats used guns and artillery on the territory of their country until the beginning of the twentieth century. The most famous is Baron Klind, Minister of the German Empire in the Qing Dynasty. This minister not only succeeded in death, but also successfully detonated the Eight Kingdoms. The coalition forces invaded China. However, most of these cases occurred in the early modern period, and basically disappeared after World War I. Even if diplomats in this world are going to fight with swords, most of them have to duel for personal reasons. The two sides have arranged a time and place, found a notary, prepared a pistol sword, and signed a life and death. Countries generally adopt a tacit attitude toward such matters (in plain words, there is no way to manage it, after all, more than half of the duels are related to extramarital affairs). But in the territory of the empire, you still dare to do things during the joint meeting... Those spooky ear-eared beasts will not care whether you are a diplomat, whether you have diplomatic immunity, in the interrogation room of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau 101 Various ancient and modern torture techniques will be tried on you one by one, waiting for the value to be squeezed out and then dragged to the root of the wall and shot.

"Just in case, we are'security personnel dispatched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic'. How to protect the scene on the empire's side is their business. We discuss one or two emergency plans according to our needs and assumptions. Don’t violate diplomatic regulations."


Marseille shrugged, and Louise on the side was helpless.

Anrietta's speech is obviously sophistry, but it makes sense to take it out. It is necessary to know that the relationship between the Republic and the Empire is there. Based on the consideration of its own national security and interests, it is entirely reasonable to draw up one or two emergency plans based on the site environment. Whether this is sincere with the empire and whether it shows goodwill is not in conflict.

As for the real purpose of this plan... Needless to say, it is of course to imagine how to crack the air reconnaissance, communication, command, and attack systems with early warning as the core in the future battlefield.

The activities of the "Liberty Corps" are mostly high mountains and dense mountains. This environment is convenient for concealment, and can also effectively prevent the enemy from exerting the advantages of aerial reconnaissance, mechanized troops, and heavy weapons. Therefore, most of the light-weight bodies such as reconnaissance and hunting type that are engaged with them occasionally encounter combat models or even heavy combat models in relatively flat terrain, but that is also a small probability event. Admit that he is unlucky.

However, the future war mode will undergo great changes. As the international situation enters the security period, the war mode, which mainly focuses on security wars in the past three years, will gradually fade out of sight. In the following period of "peaceful vacation", all countries will inevitably carry out related research and attempts with the "big legion combat under the overall overall war" as the Republic is no exception. As soldiers of the Republic, they must forget some of the habits and mindsets of guerrilla warfare, and restrain themselves with the discipline, thought, and vision of regular soldiers. For this reason, the three of them are assigned to the delegation to act as security personnel, field visits and inspections of the powers. Our views and attitudes towards the development of armaments, learn to think and dialectically at the strategic level.

That is, the officer’s training journey is almost the same as the staff travel~www.readwn.com~ has actual combat experience with various "legions", and has a considerable degree of understanding of the Imperial Army’s establishment, tactics, and regulations, the most important What's more, he also has the combat experience of driving the domestic pilot MDS and the latest "Legion" early pilot aircraft. Whether such seeds are trained as staff officers or field officers, they have extremely high value, and may still be indispensable and important talents in future wars.

Armed with this idea, the military got entangled with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and after some plausible reason and indecent means such as scorn, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally disturbed the three of them as "security personnel" Join the delegation list. In exchange, the three must obey the instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the trip, and the related activities are arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

So the three former fugitives registered in the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau appeared in the "Language Tower", standing on the observation deck overlooking the entire city and the "Legion" drones in the sky in the distance, discussing What about the future war. I don't seem to know anything about where I am at a high level of focus on imperial security.

"Children's provocative tricks."

When the cigarette was lit, Mach exhaled a cloud of smoke, and a cold voice echoed in the command cabin. A group of terminal processors around them stared blankly at the interface they were responsible for, and the blue fluorescence cast a more icy cold atmosphere for the dignified atmosphere.

"We certainly can't do anything. They are actually the same. In this international occasion, any party's rash action will be magnified infinitely."

The burning tobacco shone suddenly and suddenly, and the cold eyes reflected the trio of people who looked very cheerful.

"Come on Bibi, who is more tolerant and who can laugh to the end."


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