Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1667: Ten. BABEL (19)

Throughout the history of the "revolution" group behavior, it is not difficult to find that a certain idea appears as the limit. Most of the revolutions before this have violently rebelled against farmers who were forced to breathless by taxes or disasters, that is, The so-called slave uprising and peasant uprising. After that, it was mostly a revolution with a clear political purpose and appeal. As the dividing line, the curtain of romanticism and humanism opened by Rousseau.

Romanticism has a tremendous influence on the development of the history of world revolution. It can be said that, in the revolution after the industrialization era, except for speculators, most revolutionaries are romantics. The only difference between them is the number of claims and the realism component of the body.

Roland and his father, Li Nadu, were both rebellious romantics, but unlike his father, he learned realism from Li Lin and had clear political demands, which made his three Views and views on the revolution are very different from their father's.

Li Nadu's way of rebelling was to hide in seclusion, let the existence of "ideal agent" disappear, and let the mother goddess lose the lever to intervene and manipulate the world. Roland was very soberly aware that whether it was the old world order, the system of nobles and churches dominating the country, or Li Lin's new order, the essence was extremely conservative and resistant to change. Especially after experiencing the war between Charlemagne and Yalfheim, the experience of dealing with the countries in the three years after the war made him fully feel the stubborn inherent in the "resistance to change, even the reasonableness of the countries". .

"So when the plan of "paradigm shift" came to his mind, the audience he first thought of was not dignitaries and nobles, but businessmen, scholars, and people in various countries."

Businessmen have a highly sensitive sense of smell for everything that can make a profit. Scholars are deeply disgusted by the imperial patent system preventing them from pursuing academic progress. The public both resent the national self-esteem of the empire and the herd mentality of blindly following the trend. This kind of thing triggers the trend, and they will quickly become fans.

As long as the benefits of "telecommunications technology" are promoted from the point of view, the trend will be felt among the people, and the government will feel the pressure, whether it is for the purpose of monopolizing interests or not holding a certain trend in hand, it will be uneasy. As a result, all governments will try to control and contact, and eventually understand the pros and cons of this trend. No matter whether they resist or accept later, the paradigm shift will be completed.

"Considering the status quo, this is also the most feasible approach."

"Do you want……"

"No, don't mobilize the police or the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau."

Li Lin shook his head.

"It is very sensitive to use hard means during the joint meeting, not to mention that it may involve foreigners. Once it becomes a diplomatic issue, we are passive."

"Several sets of plans have been prepared for the emergency situations when foreigners’ lives and reputation are in danger during the meeting. In addition, live ammunition exercises on the assassination and protection of foreign dignitaries have been carried out several times. If necessary, you can take them at any time action."

"Of course it's best if it doesn't come in handy, in case... Then I have to hope things can end as peacefully as possible."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the lord of the empire overlooked a stack of files from the delegations of the participating countries.


"The empire may have a record, but it will never start during the joint meeting."

Knowing the direction of the tide that the empire is trying to guide and the purpose behind it, we have a certain degree of mastery of the overall direction of the empire in terms of security and surveillance.

Create a peaceful and open atmosphere, restrain the use of violence, and in situations where violence must be used, be sure to control the scope of influence. In a word, it must not affect the convening and proceeding of the joint meeting. Until the meeting is successfully closed, all national representatives and foreign tourists are happy to return to the country, and we must ensure the image of the imperial "peace angel".

The Imperial Security Department and intelligence agencies should be very depressed these days, but the same is true of those who want to engage in things during the meeting. In the face of this delicate stalemate, there will not be any good ending.

——The key to the problem really lies in the particularity of telecommunication technology.

Roland wiped the water stains on the table with a handkerchief, counting the difficulties in his plan.

Generally speaking, the more audiences the model shifts, the better, it is best to hype the topic through the media, attract enough eyeballs and then disclose it, and then use the debates and disputes between experts and scholars to keep the topic hot So that people can accept the new paradigm.

However, it is not easy to make public disclosure under the empire's eyelids. I am afraid that the topic has not been heated up, and the empire security department will come to deliver coffee. Not to mention that Roland’s identity is sensitive, even if he is not one of the top few rewards of various violent institutions in the empire, but just an ordinary person who loves invention and creation, the Imperial Patent Office and the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau will also be suspected of “infringing empire technical patents”. Invite him to discuss whether he honestly admits to lose money, or to spend a few years in prison to accept the spiritual baptism brought by labor.

Public disclosure does not work, how about private contact with a few selected objects?

Same thing.

Wired telecommunications technology has relatively large requirements for venues and equipment, and the signal after the radio equipment is turned on will attract the attention of the empire. Considering that during the "show", it is necessary to demonstrate the entire process of how to use communication equipment and how to effectively use intelligence, the above process can never be completed in a short time, that is to say, it is impossible to display it within the empire. As for the display in foreign countries, we have to face the imperial patent system, and in the face of huge fines, few people dare to take risks.

It doesn’t work for the light or dark, does it mean that we can only do that?

I'm afraid not all.

"The first thing is to show clear results that can bring benefits."

It doesn't matter whether it's pursuit or profit. People are always interested in things that can bring benefits quickly. This is why there have been so many lessons from ancient times, but some people still hold the dream of a night of riches and step into those fraud traps that have been turned over and over for thousands of years, and they have ended in a homeless and ruined home.

Roland is not a professional scammer, but in those days when he followed Li Lin, he saw how many consortiums use this method to market new technologies or issue financial derivatives. It can be said that he has already pros and cons of this set. Ran to the chest.

The first step is to show clear and considerable benefits, the second step is to attract investment, the third step is to obtain initial results, and the benefits are fed back to the original investors, and the fourth step is to attract more investors with generous returns... And so on to form a cycle.

It sounds like a Ponzi scheme, but whether it is a scheme or a normal investment, the general process is the same. Besides, investment is inherently risky, and the difference between some garbage projects and schemes is negligible. The key is not how clever the scammers are or how good the salesman's eloquence is. The point is whether the scammers or investors are rational and professional enough to restrain their greed.

"Through the past three years in the Republic, I have been able to make sure that if the people are to use their power to participate in and discuss politics rationally, they should first improve their living standards and education. Only in this way can they be reduced by the populist forces and Extremely advocate the possibility of kidnapping."

It's just lower, it's impossible to put an end to it.

There is no shortage of highly educated intellectuals and college students among the extreme advocates within the republic and empire, and they are still the main force in individual organizations. It can be said that populism and education level are related, but not absolute. Those with higher education will be fooled by the populism, and they will be trapped in it without knowing it, but there are relatively few groups with high knowledge level in the populist army.

"The populism cannot be eliminated, and so is nationalism. It is of course a long process to improve the knowledge level of the people. Expecting everyone to think rationally and selflessly and expressing the results of the thinking with the votes in the hand may also be far away. Things. But this is not a reason to refuse any change, even to eliminate the possibility and hope."

The upper classes of all countries and Li Lin are conservative forces that expect no change in the world, except that one side is based on self-interest considerations, and the other side is based on divine will and the question of "how to ensure world peace and sustainable operation." From the purpose itself, Li Lin is obviously much more selfless, and it is no exaggeration to call it noble~www.readwn.com~ As a result, the new order created by Li Lin is an extremely bad result.

Rationalism, realism, utilitarianism, Machiavellianism, and social Darwinism are the core components of the new order. It can be said that the new order is an order built on the basis of science and reason. Its essence is non-sensual and even opposed to "perceptual thinking" such as romanticism and humanism. To put it bluntly, it's a blatant, impersonal way of thinking.

Roland criticized this thinking not only because it was impersonal or to stifle the possibility. To be fair, the new order has its advantages, especially in terms of administrative efficiency, officials' integrity, promotion of science and technology, concentration of power to develop the country, and maximum realization of social welfare for all. No country outside the empire can be as fast and deep as the empire. carried out. It can be said that it is the consortium and Yalfheim who lit the light of science and cast a bright light for the dark age that has been closed for nearly a thousand years.

However, although this light gives people light, it does not give people warmth. Although it drives away the darkness, it does not shine through.

Not to mention the indifference of utilitarianism and positivism to human nature. Nor does it talk about the fact that "science can explain everything, but cannot understand everything." Only the new order completely denies human nature and individuality. Using utilitarian shortcuts and technical convenience to erase the entire world's sensibility, Roland cannot bear it.

As a person, a person who is not like any person I have ever seen, very different from any person in the world, a person with self and sensibility. Roland understood from the bottom of his heart that he was incompatible with the new order, and he could never let the torrent of the new order engulf the world.

He had to win this round.


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