Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1672: 11. Falling down the meniscus (5)

Minerva believed that the empire must have placed bugs and pinhole cameras in all rooms, and his words and deeds could not escape the eyes and ears of the Imperial Intelligence Agency.

She is correct.

The Empire does have monitoring, and it has invested a lot of resources. Its monitoring is so strong, as Roland teased, "Even monitoring his own toilet." Foreign delegates participating in various meetings were originally the focus of monitoring, and the delegation of the Republic was the top priority-apart from the well-known contradiction between the Empire and the Republic, three of the delegation members were wanted by the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau. Offense-From a macro and micro perspective, this is not excessive.

The only speculation that departed from Minerva was that the emperor was personally involved in monitoring her, and her conversations with the three young revolutionaries were being broadcast live on the emperor’s office through a dedicated line.

"If it was that guy, he would have done this kind of thing."

Minerva on the screen was gritting his teeth, Li Lin sneered at the wine glass filled with whiskey and ice, and sneered.

"Of course, ma'am, this is a matter of course."

That is work, mission, procedure, and law.

"The Alternator of Divine Will", or "the thug of the will of the planet", whose job is to give priority to ensuring the survival of the planet. As for the management and protection of the creatures on the planet, that is incidental and secondary work. To use a popular analogy, when protecting a person, by the way, even his body organs are also protected together.

This sounds similar to the bodyguard of a thug. In fact, it's really the same. It's just that the work scope of "God's Agent" is wider. In addition to the bodyguard, he also has to work as a doctor and nurse.

As mentioned earlier, the living organisms and even the entire ecosystem on the planet can be regarded as a part of the planet, similar to organ tissue. Since it is an organ tissue, no matter how you exercise and maintain it, there is always a risk of disease or even cancer. Once cancer is found-that may endanger the safety of the planet or be out of control, the "God Agent" will immediately change to Doctor, treat the affected area.

Just as doctors will treat the symptoms according to the condition, it is impossible to give the cold patients a full set of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, gene targeted therapy, and it is impossible to give aspirin to patients with cancer at the end of the cancer. The "ideal agent" will also adopt corresponding strategies according to the severity of the situation. Sometimes it is to remove people or things that may cause a chain reaction. Sometimes it directly intervenes in international politics and regulates through coordination or war. When the situation is more serious, some extreme population reduction measures need to be taken to make the whole text clear. At its worst, as Minerva said, the entire planet’s ecosystem must be completely cleared, and everything starts from scratch.

If things are so serious, Li Lin will do so.

Minerva will know that this is not surprising. She once saw the virtual scene, and also contacted some high-level secrets from Roland. With her ingenuity, she guessed that the overview and related mechanisms and procedures are not from scattered puzzles. difficult.

The only question is, why Li Lin, who has always attached great importance to confidentiality and information control, let Minerva be exposed to such hierarchical information?

Of course, I never thought of hiding.

Li Lin knows Minerva's political wisdom very well. As a politician, she may be inferior to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of Albion in terms of ruling the country with iron fists and consolidating power, but she is far better than the Iron Queen in terms of long-term vision and conceive of the future development of the country, plus excellent resilience. And upholding the principles, she can be called one of the most outstanding female politicians of this era.

In her wisdom, it should be clear what kind of consequences this information will have.

Li Lin will not engage in sealing because it is too annoying, wastes time and is inefficient. More importantly, the more this kind of thing is concealed, the more it will touch the curiosity of others, causing more people to explore the truth, so that it will be endless.

He doesn't want to repeat the story after Kennedy's assassination, mobilize law enforcement agencies, investigation departments, kill the killer, and then kill the killer...

Rather than wasting time and energy on something that is destined to be extremely troublesome and efficient, let Minerva speculate the answer by herself, and plant the seeds of fear in her heart, making her in the future strategic planning for Avoiding the worst situation and always having scruples.

In a word, Li Lin believes that Minerva will not dare to speak everywhere, even if he wants to say it, it will be at the end.

as predicted.

"...No matter what kind of future is not a good future, it is meaningless to discuss more."

Wise move.

The content itself and the transfer of topics are both.

As a topic of communication with young subordinates, the direction of the conversation is a bit off topic, and it is still shifting in a somewhat dangerous direction. At this point in time, the topic is brought back to its original direction, neither revealing dangerous secrets nor appearing abruptly to cause unnecessary curiosity and deep investigation.

"Back to what I said before, the technology of the empire has penetrated all aspects of the world. You can think about how much technology is exported by the consortium and the empire today."

This is the core of all problems.

From the weight of a country such as military, infrastructure, and heavy industry to the supplies of people's livelihood, the technology of the empire has become ubiquitous.

"With the disappearance of the empire, the first thing that must be hit is the manufacturing industry, and then spread step by step, and finally spread to all areas of people's livelihood, eventually leading to unprecedented civil strife, and then developing into a new world war."

As soldiers in the field of in-depth contact technology, Anrietta and Louise's focus on the impact of the empire's technology naturally tends to be an easy-to-understand military level. At the same time, Marseille, which has a dual perspective of civilians and the military, can be seen more comprehensively, but compared to Minerva who can be viewed from a long and comprehensive perspective, all three are still far away.

The technology of the empire changed the world. This change is irreversible.

If you compare the world to a cup of black tea, the technology of the empire is to add black tea milk. After adding milk, the cup is milk tea, and no one can separate the milk tea into the original black tea and milk.

For the same reason, the world infiltrated and influenced by imperial technology cannot return to "the era without these technologies." After enjoying the convenience and comfort brought by those technologies, the people will not allow this kind of reversal.

To give an example, in another world, there will often be environmental groups calling on people to change their lifestyles, asking the government to change the proportion of oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy in energy, and even shouting “unrealistic” such as “power generation with love” and “non-nuclear homes”. Slogan to gain the support of a large number of people who lack professional knowledge and social supply and demand data. At the beginning, they did encourage quite a lot of people to join the team, and they can also put pressure on the society and the government depending on the situation. The problem is that as soon as the weather is hot, facing the high temperature above 35 degrees, the temptation of air conditioning and lack of electricity During the crisis, the people and most of the team members would immediately shrink back home to enjoy the cool breeze, and then shouted to "greening with nuclear", "The current technical and social environment is not suitable for green power as the main source of electricity."

It is absolutely impossible to enjoy civilization but not to pay for it.

This world is the same.

After the empire and related technologies disappeared, it was the source of the lost working machine that first affected the nations.

The source of modern industry and manufacturing is all kinds of working mother machines. All kinds of raw materials are produced by cutting, stamping, forging, etc. various methods and procedures to produce a variety of molds and processing tools, and then various parts can be produced step by step. After assembly in the assembly line, it has become a variety of daily necessities that have entered thousands of households. With these products, people can maintain their lifestyle.

Without the empire supplying new working mother machines, it is not possible to produce products with the same processing accuracy. Countries can only continue to use and consume old working mother machines. When all working mother machines are exhausted, the entire manufacturing system will start to break down from the source. In the end, the entire production system collapsed, and the commodities that kept people's lifestyles completely disappeared from the market. Faced with the problems of a sharp retrogression in life and the subsequent surge in unemployment, economic turmoil, and the complete collapse of the financial market without industrial support, people will endure all this honestly and learn to reconstruct life from the origin. Way and civilization? Or do you point out resentment and anger outside of yourself?

"Most probably the latter."

Minerva’s expression becomes extremely bitter~www.readwn.com~ Compared to complicated and profound principles, people prefer to follow simple, easy-to-understand or even implausible impulses to take action, especially when life is difficult The anger and dissatisfaction that continues to accumulate in the crowd will eventually require a vent, either towards the country itself or to other countries.

Either the internal turmoil or the war with another country, no matter which kind, the end result is the war that swept the world and turned the earth into a purgatory of blood and fire.

"If someone survives such a disaster and continues to recount history, 80% will laugh at our generation, "It is not normal to know that the Empire's technology is still used if it is not normal", "If it will perish, then perish." The harsher one will directly say, "It is better to let the empire rule the whole world at the very least, avoiding the worst result of the world's destruction, and the vast majority of people can survive."

There are people who speak cool words in any era, without taking responsibility or facing danger. Any frivolous words can be spoken.

But even this is true.

If the result of the destruction of the empire is to bring greater misfortune, those who endure those misfortunes and disasters certainly have the right to criticize the fools who have acted rashly without careful consideration of the consequences, even if they are criticized as fierce sinners.

But even so.

"As a life with self and emotion, people should still explore a future that is very different from the present. The so-called "beautiful future" should not be the same place, nor will it be destruction and eternal disaster. Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow is better Today is better-to be able to hope this way, to be able to work in this direction. This is the future that should have been."


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