Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1673: 11. Falling down the meniscus (6)

The future that can be chosen and can be expected is the future.

For most people, this is a matter of course. It is precisely because we can plan the future after one year and ten years, and can look forward to the "future where good things can happen", so that people can carefreely greet tomorrow.

But in Li Lin's view, that is purely because of limited lifespan and vision, so it can only be so.

Can choose, can expect, and then? Then what? Better tomorrow than today?

Never possible.

The future is extremely cruel.

Because it is unknown and the chaos is unknown, it can be imagined and depicted at will, just like the sculpture in the temple, because it does not speak or move, so people can be allowed to put their imagination and prayers on it. But after all, the statue is just a statue, and it will not respond to people's wishes because of the number of prayers. The future is the same.

The so-called "beautiful future" is, after all, just a false imagination created by humans to escape despair and reality. However, with sufficient wisdom and longevity, and careful study of a long history, it can be concluded that the so-called future is originally And it will only be a "fixed future".

In another world, human beings can also choose and create their own future, and even enter and leave the universe, build a life circle in a vacuum of nothing, and resurrect the dying earth. However, the nature of human beings has not changed as a result. Human beings are still human beings, and they will not change if they do not want to change.

Someone once said that everything comes from the goodwill of mankind.

The government will be established, the system will be established, all want to maintain the lives of most people; want to transform nature, explore resources, create inventions, economic and trade are to make people live better; trying to get ahead, improve family life, the same Also in good faith;

Perhaps this is the case.

However, it is this kind of human being that will kill others, destroy the planets in which it lives, and even try to resurrect the dead parent star to serve as its own back garden.

This is the nature of mankind, preaching equality, freedom, fraternity, justice, nobleness, but doing things that are oppression, discrimination, prejudice, evil, and inferiority. Self-reliance is rational, but he hates order and opposes extremes, but opposes extremes.

Others have tried to persuade and guide mankind from chaos and predicament. The sages and saviors who showed miracles a century ago, and the philosophers who wrote books from BC, from "existence is reasonable", "I think, therefore I am" to "God is dead" "——Countless attempts and efforts, but no one has changed the nature of humanity.

Speech is nothing but speech, and laws that are regarded as sacred and inviolable can also be annotated or even distorted as needed. Moral preaching and philosophical debates are impossible to really shake people's hearts. Even if it will cause shock for a period of time and cast a wave on the society, the waves will eventually subside. Those persuasion and thinking will one day be ignored. Everything went back to the original point without any change.

Since no matter what you do, after all, it is just "the future that will not change". Well, instead of letting humans toss the world and themselves as they please, they finally get out of control. Constraint and management with the "new order", with "the sustainable existence of the world" as the single highest priority goal from the beginning, on this basis as much as possible to ensure the survival of the ecosystem including all kinds of smart species-this way Obviously much more reasonable.

As for freedom, dignity, and choice... a savior did say that "people cannot live on bread alone." But without bread and food, it is impossible for people to survive.

Law, dignity, morality, ethics, power-these are all luxury goods built on the right to survival. Any discussion of equality, freedom, fraternity, etc. under the premise of survival is unrealistic empty talk, not to mention that the dead will not extravagantly ask, what will remain after the entire population perishes and civilization collapses. ?

After death, people will not go to heaven or go to hell, but will become gray and disappear without a trace. The same is true of the population.

If you really want to realize the big proposition "for everyone", then the consideration should not be to satisfy the hundreds of millions or even billions of private desires, but to eliminate the differences and treat "all people" as a whole to manage and Control and conduct screening and management on the basis of "assuring the whole", thereby maximizing the survival of the entire population.

"Roland and Minerva may have argued that'it is a big mistake to give up pursuing any possibility because of despair', but what I want to say is'only seeing the possibilities in front of you, but deviating from the most basic goal, this It's a big mistake'."

After taking the renewed whiskey, Li Lin continued to say with a sneer:

"To be honest, both of these statements are actually correct and have their own reasons, but they will agree that there are very few on my side. After all, no one can accept and tolerate the elimination of the differences of all people and lose their unique personality. Nor do I Expect to increase identification through debate and persuasion, because this is in vain. Since they have no courage and do not want to change, then things cannot be fooled by them."

"As I said."

Niederhogger owed, and the amber pupil was happily glowing.

This moment is what Niederhogg had been waiting for for a long time, so that the fools who do not know the heights and heights could understand their own weight, know the necessary proportions, and then succumb to the adult in front of them. This kind of thorough crushing feeling and pleasure is impossible to taste even the best wine and dessert.

Ordinary people may be too excited at this time, and take the opportunity to pick up a cheap mentality and take the initiative to make certain admonishments to their superiors. Niederhogg is also a little excited at the moment, but he is very clear that the comments and opinions are not needed for this adult. At this time, it asks "what should you do" and "what will happen if you don't do this"-not only rash, but also stupid.

The responsibility of the guards is to protect the emperor, and to deal with some tasks that are not convenient for the emperor to show their heads. In other words, fighting is the job of the guards. As for the state affairs, the emperor asked the relevant issues to be discussed separately. In general, the Guards-including Niederhog himself-should not intervene in this, let alone intervene in the state affairs.

Loyalty, ability, and a high degree of clarity and implementation of their own positioning are the reasons why Niederhogger has been able to sit firmly in the position of captain of the guard.

Giving a glimpse of appreciation to Niederhogg, Li Lin's fingers began to tap again on the carefully aligned stack of documents on the table.

That is a negotiation list.

Its content is about the empire exporting working machine, processing machine tools and agricultural machinery products to various countries.

These are all urgently needed by the countries. Although they are all second-hand goods, they are still very useful. In order to express enough sincerity, the empire is almost sold at cost. According to conscience, the Empire really didn't make much profit in this transaction.

The Empire is not a philanthropist, nor is it a manufacturer that has faced bankruptcy, launched a **** tears and cleared up a big sale, and will not suddenly brainlessly make such a profitless sale.

The empire generously exports the industrial products that countries desperately need, and of course the countries must give corresponding returns. The conditions imposed by the empire are simple to say. The empire will not hinder everyone's development and prosperity. Sustainable development is also pursued by the empire, but the transfer of related technologies and patents must be controlled. The empire does not want to see certain technologies and industrial products flow into the hands of those terrorist organizations. If things have evolved to this point, the empire would rather not do this single business.


"What on earth did he want to do?"

Looking through the secret letter from Minerva, Fafna was confused.

On the surface, Minerva’s secret letter is okay, but it is just an ordinary travel note plus greetings, but if you pay close attention to the punctuation marks in the article, you will find that there are very subtle differences in the length of the punctuation marks.

This is not a writing problem, but the length of punctuation marks is used as a "dot-dot" password. First write the content of the secret letter, and then convert it into a binary programming language composed of 0 and 1, and finally replace it with a "dot-dot" type password. Even if the empire can intercept this secret letter, if you don't know the secret, you will see only a plain ordinary letter.

Favna, who received the latest report from Minerva on the progress of the joint meeting, was just baffled.

"Low-cost export of technology patents and working machines", "establishment of an international technology export control joint committee"-Li Lin played two cards at today's international conference that most people including her couldn't understand.

The former is easy to understand, is to facilitate the concession of the latter, but the latter... does it really make sense?

Everyone knows that the empire intends to monopolize technology ~ www.readwn.com ~ The purpose of constructing this "International Technology Export Control Joint Commission" is to ensure that the interests of the empire are maximized, and that the technology exported by the empire is not allowed to bite itself. Not to mention that the Congresses will not allow this committee to be established smoothly. Even if the reality of the establishment of the committee is accepted under pressure, various small actions will certainly be carried out behind it.

"No, this is a very smart plan ahead."

Roland raised his hand to stop Fafna who wanted to rebut.

"Don't forget, the feelings of different countries on the new technology, especially the telecommunications network."

The countries will of course engage in small movements, and will also find some remote and hidden places to do those activities that have seen the dead. But if it is the Republic that does this kind of thing, it will definitely consider measures to keep the workers secret, and the countries will not.

The reason for this deviation is that the Republic has an affirmative attitude towards "telecommunications technology". It is clear that as long as the clues are leaked, it will touch the efficient and meticulous intelligence network in the empire, but not in the countries with aristocracy and letter supremacy. . People in various countries are weak in their ability to raise their own power. The higher the upper class, the less they take telecommunication technology seriously. In their perception, as long as the place for small actions is remote enough, do good security work, use cumbersome procedures and sentry checks You can isolate all spies.

If it was an era before the founding of the empire, the ideas of the upper classes of the nations did apply. Regardless of the Empire’s intelligence network, the biggest result of such thoughts and actions is to kill Roland’s plan in the cradle.

"Yes... this is an intelligence war, an intelligence war launched to build a guillotine that prohibits people from developing technology on their own."

The tone was still calm, only the fist was clenched tightly to white.


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