Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1675: 11. Falling down the meniscus(8)

"The above are all the draft regulations on the Joint Commission on International Technology Export Control."

The voice of the female announcer fell, the lights in the conference room lighted up, and a bunch of high-ranking politicians were busy drinking water or throats or whispering. Everyone was busy except the emperor and Minerva.

Even veterans of politics and professional bureaucrats need a little time to properly evaluate and analyze the information released by the appropriate, understand their core goals and the devil hidden in various details. It takes more time to sort out the problems and ask technical questions.

The emperor is not so short of time, the good cards are in his hands, and time is also on his side.

Minerva's composure and silence are somewhat unreadable.

For someone else, most of you would think that you are pessimistic and desperate about the situation, and simply silent. But it was not the ordinary people sitting there, but the female master who persisted until the last moment in the face of the crisis of national overthrow and founded the Republic. It is not easy to make her succumb and despair.

Maybe she has any trump card?

More than one person on the scene thought so, but look at the situation in front of him, what other trump card can he restore?

-Her final trump card must be Roland.

When everyone sighed and shook their heads, Li Lin's Yu Guang never left Minerva.

The international situation, the national strength of the republic, and individual abilities — tying these together is not enough to subvert the situation dominated by the empire.

The last and only chance is for Roland to appear directly, to perform a paradigm shift in a way that is almost a show, and force the countries to evolve.

——In other words, I will engage in a terrorist attack. In the presence of the envoys of various countries, it will be supported by the telecommunications network. The imperial army, which is said to be invincible, will also suffer.

Li Lin once said that in the past. This is the simplest and most effective approach under the requirement of "maximum penetration into the hearts of the people in the shortest time". It is just that in Bonn today, whether it is to rush into this conference room or engage in a terrorist attack, it is an almost impossible task.

The military police, the Social Order Security Bureau, and the "Legion". The three-dimensional defense line composed of these three is enough to stop the intruders of the entire division. If the other party uses a guerrilla tactic that runs when it hits, it is airtight. Under the surveillance network, they have nowhere to hide, and will only be beaten into a ground by the high-speed hunter and air combat "Legion". As for the transfer through the sewer... There are "legions" everywhere, and the mechanical undead have always welcomed new members into their ranks.

If this is not enough, the elite of the Guards plus the "jealous" Gerles are always enough to watch.

All in all, at this juncture, no one is allowed to disrupt, and Roland is not.

Li Lin is evaluating Minerva's thoughts, and Minerva is also deducing the current situation and what will happen next.

This is a gamble that determines the future of the world. The empire wins, the world will run along the track paved by Li Lin towards the "future without any change", and the republic wins, at least for a few years of breathing opportunities .

The Empire has an overwhelming advantage in gambling and gambling, and the Republic’s disadvantage is obvious, but it is not without opportunities.

This is the first time in the three years since the armistice that the two sides have played in the "closest to equality" state. It is also the only time so far that it can expose the paintings of the empire and the emperor to the world, revealing the truth to the world, so that everyone can face the truth, think for themselves, judge for themselves, and decide for themselves.

Minerva knows how much risk there is.

Even if the same information is given, people may not necessarily make the right choice. Basically, people tend to "want to listen to favorite information" rather than "correct information". According to the deviation of each person's personality, sensibility, knowledge, and social status, the intelligence orientation is different, and the final choices are also different. It is even more difficult to expect the opinions of most people to have a far-sighted future. So even if there is a big premise of "subject to majority" and firewall, it cannot be asserted that the decision made by the majority is correct.

Some people may say that since the vulgar mortals can not correctly view themselves and the world, nor can they make the correct judgment, then it is not enough to entrust everything to the genius who knows everything and overrides the mortals? Domination of the masses has always been the norm in the world.

This is an unpleasant insight. First of all, it is equivalent to letting the public give up their due powers and responsibilities. Secondly, even if genius exists, "geniuses" and "geniuses" like "out of ordinary people" are not equivalent to "omnipotence", even if there is a genius in a certain field, He can't do everything, walking on the right path forever. This has been proven countless times by history.

The only counter-example is Li Lin. He is always correct and omnipotent. The elf family can become the overlord of the world almost from the decadent edge in just a few decades, and Li Lin is the master of it. Without this divine agent, this miracle cannot be achieved.

But the problem is that he is too correct and far-sighted.

With a long-term vision far exceeding that of ordinary people and even politicians, he can see the true shape of the distant future, and therefore also see full despair and maliciousness.

——The man 80% believes nothing.

Roland once commented on his former guardian and lifelong enemy, and Minerva felt the same.

It is precisely because I don’t even believe in hopes and possibilities, and I don’t have any expectations of anyone or things from the beginning. Only then can we make such a thorough and decisive decision to close all the future, and assert that "a future that is unchanged and continues to idle" can be brought to A happy future for all.

Maybe Roland and Minerva still have naive expectations for this world, or maybe they are born as human beings, and the yearning for the unknown future is a natural instinct, or maybe they are purely indifferent to Li Lin’s approach. In short, Roland and Minerva could not stand Li Lin's approach.

Before the final gate closed, they decided to bet everything, at least to leave a gap where people can breathe the fresh air.

——The destiny of the world, in one fell swoop...?

Somehow, there was such a emotion in his head suddenly, and Minerva smiled bitterly in his heart for the old Charlemagne words and for himself who would think of such a comment.


The first to notice the anomaly was the mayfly type scattered on the street.

While flapping its wings like a butterfly, it exudes the mourning of the dying person, just like the butterfly responsible for guiding the undead in the underworld, flying in the streets and alleys of the city of Bonn.

Compared with the reconnaissance type equipped with high-precision sensors, the mayfly type not only has lower protection capabilities (in order to carry various sensors, the reconnaissance type is very weak in firepower and protection, and it is close enough that 7.92㎜ rifle bullets can penetrate), attack All weapons were cancelled, and even the detection range of the sensor was only about 15 meters.

The strategy used to make up for the inconvenience caused by the body's specifications is very simple-quantity.

Nearly 50,000 mayfly types cover the entire Bonn, without any dead ends. Even spy and terrorists with superb skills can't compete with 50,000 sensors flying around. They should also be careful not to impulse the mayfly in a momentary impulse, so as not to trigger the alarm mechanism of the entire communication network.

This perfect surveillance network is experiencing an unprecedented anomaly.

"The scope of losing contact continues to expand? How is this possible?"

A technician leaned in front of the terminal and looked at the continuously expanding red clumps, his calm face always panicked for the first time.

The loss of association is not surprising in itself. As mentioned earlier, if someone wants to disturb the important meeting being held, the mayfly is the first obstacle that must be cleared. However, if an attack is carried out on the mayfly, it will not only trigger the alarm mechanism, but also attract reinforcements from the surrounding body, and the location and identity will be locked at once. Anyone with a little brain will not make such a low-level mistake.

The other party is obviously a smart guy, who can start to fight the mayfly in the whole area at the same time, and gradually expand the scope.

If it is just a certain area, it is enough, as long as the position is locked and the troops are sent to surround and clear. The loss-of-connection range of the ephemera type continues to expand. This can only confirm that an anomaly has occurred, but cannot locate and capture it.

"Don't panic."

Mahmo, sitting in an armored command vehicle, leaned on his chin and asked lightly:

"How about the communication system? Apart from the ephemera, have any other units lost contact?"

"So far no relevant report has been received."

"Continue to pay attention to the smooth communication between the units, and don't let any small noises go to ~www.readwn.com~ Once an abnormality is found, report it as soon as possible."


The men who finally entered the battle state answered loudly with a loud voice. Mach, who was satisfied with the hot air, let his body sink deeply into the office chair, his eyes coldly staring at the interface covered by snowflake noise.

The enemy's first move was somewhat unexpected, but also made Mach see some clues.

It is needless to say that you are prepared and well prepared. With the empire as the enemy, even the most basic preparations are not done. Do you want to become the protagonist of the joke farce?

The key lies in the tactics used by the enemy.

The first move to get started is not to make an explosion and set fire to the east and west, but to destroy the mayfly that forms the surveillance network first. This is not like the practices of the military or terrorists of various countries, but rather like the tactics often used by the Imperial Army on the eve of the war. That is, the enemy's reconnaissance and communication system is started to isolate the front and rear command and communication functions, and then quickly break through.

Although no more clues can be seen from this move alone, the unexpected combat method and several familiar tactics made Mach smell a dangerous smell.

——Is the other party very familiar with or even understand the tactics and techniques of the Imperial Army?

At the moment of thinking about this possibility, a strong tremor flows through Mach's spine. Without any hesitation or thought, he pressed the communication button.

"Can you hear it? One-year-old kid."

"Standby, my lord."

"Immediately with a large group of air combat type to the mayfly type missing area to carry out a forced investigation, and found any suspicious person -"

Mach gritted his back teeth, his voice cold as if he had just pulled out of the ice cave.

"No warning, don't talk about killing."


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