Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1676: 11. Falling down the meniscus(9)

In the underground warehouse serving as the temporary command post, icons of various colors and patterns are constantly moving on the map, and the red discs representing our army are moving between the blue masses representing the enemy.

The original blue clumps cover a wider area and are more closely connected to each other. The entire map is densely blue and there is no gap. But as the blue icon of a certain area constantly turns into white, in order to To fill the sudden vacuum, the surrounding blues continued to march into the blank area, but the blank area thrived instead. In order to curb the continuous expansion of the blank area, the blue icon in the rear control area began to move like an avalanche, and the blue clumps that had been tightly stitched began to appear gaps.

"Move, move... finally came out!"

Looking at the blue clumps that were being pushed and turned over, the middle-aged man in a three-piece suit showed a happy look, turned his head and looked back, and several men nodded toward him, one of them holding the ring on his neck Installation, speaking aloud:

"This is 9006 (Integrated Information Center). The weather is good and suitable for travel."

"9005 (command center) received."

For this battle, the "Liberty Army" can be said to have taken out all the houses at the bottom of the tank.

In the past month, nearly one-third of the best communication and command systems of the guerrillas have successively entered Bonn through various methods. In the next time, they are familiar with Bonn’s urban layout and draw high-precision planes. The map, while learning how to use the "Alaya consciousness" system, formulating applicable regulations based on its characteristics and adjusting the structure of the command system, is now an exam that examines the academic performance of this month.

For now, their test scores can be considered excellent.

Due to the characteristics of "Alaya", you can achieve real-time synchronization of information without worrying about being eavesdropped, and you can also grasp first-hand intuitive information through a shared feeling. It can be said that the command and communication system of the guerrillas is at the same level as the Empire.

But this alone won't win.

Even if you have a communication network of the same level, the other party has more resources in its hands, plus home combat, more tactical choices, and has the initiative.

It is necessary to have more powerful tricks to mobilize the security forces of the empire and pry the door leading to the "Language Tower".

"Here is 9005, call 9003 (interference combat force), just maintain the current temperature (output), don't be too reluctant."

"9003 received, maintain the current temperature."

Anrietta's response was powerful, but she couldn't conceal her tiredness and pain.

On the side, several women, including Louise, had no strength to respond, clenching their teeth and enduring the impact of syncope or even collapse.

The magician will resonate with the sound of the undead stored in the "Legion" processor. So far, there is no explanation for this phenomenon that can be explained, only a hypothesis proposed by the Republic.

The artificial intelligence of the "Legion", that is, the central processor, is a product of replicating the structure of the human brain. When copying the brain nerve circuit, the thinking circuit and the nerve signal at the moment of death are also copied. Therefore, the undead existing in the "Legion" is not the "soul of nowhere to go after death" in the usual sense. , But "remains in the calculation circuit", "existing residue". Therefore, there is neither human consciousness nor communication with the deceased during his lifetime, but only repeated the "sound" immediately before the cycle of death.

It stands to reason that these sounds should be murmurs that are repeatedly played like a broken recorder. Except for the machine itself, humans should not be able to hear it. But after all, it is a product of copying the structure of the human brain. While completing its work, it will also release special waveforms similar to brain quantum waves. The magician is extremely sensitive to such waveforms, so it is easy to hear the "dead's voice".

In addition, there are "the consciousness that should return to the collective unconsciousness of all human beings remains in the world, so it is easy to resonate with particularly sensitive people", "The "legion" that replicates the human brain has some undiscovered additions to behavior "Human characteristics" and other hypotheses, but the most recognized is the first.

Regardless of academic disputes and discussions, it is an indisputable fact that the "voice of the undead" will have a great impact and spiritual burden on the magician. When the number of "Legion" is sufficient, the case of fainting the magician by "sound" alone has also been recorded.

Thinking in reverse thinking, can we use this feature to reversely interfere with the operation of the "Legion"?

To be honest, this is an extremely irresponsible hypothesis and a crazy game.

"Legion" can have an effect on the magician, because the magician is a living human being, who can shed blood and tears, can feel the pain. The influence is bound to deepen the synchronization with the undead, what strength will the spiritual shock at that time, what kind of sequelae will be caused, how to deal with these sequelae-there is no countermeasure at all.

In contrast, the "Legion" does not know what the pain and fear are, and its bearing capacity is much stronger than that of human beings. Once deep synchronization is carried out, interference and interference with each other, the bearing capacity will become a key factor in determining victory or defeat. Considering only this one, it can be said that there is no chance for humanity.

But after the battle really started, it was the mayfly that fell one after another.

The reason for this subversive situation is the white MDS surrounded by girls.

The whole body is white, the flowing red light is looming in the gap of the armor, and the iconic head horn is shaking slightly.

Trial-made MDS "Unicorn".

One of the cutting-edge bodies using the brain quantum wave induction frame, although it was a product three years ago, but its performance is still enough to stand out from the crowd. The abnormal phenomenon that the frame absorbs the consciousness of the passengers into physical energy even makes the technical experts of the Empire afraid.

In short, this body has the characteristics of increasing the quantum wave of the brain. The "Liberty Legion" also used this to project the consciousness of six people including Anrietta onto the "Unicorn" through the "Alaiye" system, and the amplified brain quantum waves were attached to the "Legion" The residual consciousness of the processor is converted into high-frequency physical energy, which causes overload of the calculation circuit-this is actually the same principle as the electromagnetic pulse weapon.

It may not be easy to move to another model, but the ephemera model's original protection ability and arithmetic processing ability are relatively weak, plus each ephemera model has a communication relay station function, which makes the "unicorn" The quantum waves of the brain quickly spread along the communication network, and more and more mayfly types are overloaded. In order to fill the loopholes in the monitoring network, more and more "legions" are gathering, and as a result, the damage continues to increase.

As the party that has always been suppressed by the "Legion", it has been very difficult to make such a start. They have every reason to be proud and proud of it.

But the dignified atmosphere at the scene showed no signs of loosening.

For granted.

This trick can only play a role in the mayfly without any protection, but it has no effect on the reconnaissance and above models. With the quality of the Imperial Army and the efficiency of the "Legion", a tsunami-like attack will soon arrive.

There is nothing wrong with their expectations.

At the moment when "Salamanda III" lifted its **** mission and swooped down from a high altitude, the early warning type also began operations.

In a world where the concept of "early warning aircraft" has not been popularized, including the "Liberty Army" and the Republic, the vast majority of people only regard the early warning type as a huge warning boat or patrol that can carry a large number of mayfly Boat. In fact, the early warning type should be regarded as a command headquarters and intelligence processing center moving in the air.

Under the cover of absolute air supremacy, from 20,000 meters above the ground, with various detection methods overlooking the ground, the innumerable and ever-changing information is fed back from all corners, and the analysis is completed in the blink of an eye. According to the current situation, it The theater under management could not simultaneously maintain the full coverage of the surveillance network and effectively annihilate the enemy, so it sent a request for reinforcement to the central tactical computing network.

After sending a request for reinforcement, the silver-white giant moth continued to hover slowly at high altitude, tracking the movement of the enemy.

——Confirm that the E017 warning type in the second theater of war issued the highest priority reinforcement request.

——Accept the request.

-Confirm priority.

——Call air forces under the jurisdiction of the second theater to immediately gather in Bonn and accept the command of the E017 warning type.

——Call the air combat forces belonging to the third and fifth theaters to enter the first-level standby state, ready to increase reinforcement at any time~www.readwn.com~ . Fighting and heavy fighting models immediately go to the depot, ready to take the high-speed freight train to maneuver.

The central tactical computing network broadcasts instructions for all combat power under the jurisdiction of the organization. Humans can’t hear or whisper whispers through the designated units. The sensors light up one after another. The air combat type is lifted off one by one. The hunting type, combat model, and heavy combat The models rushed to the designated locations to stand by.

All commands and corresponding plans are already prepared. As soon as the request is received, the computing network will immediately adjust the combination according to the actual situation on the spot, and issue the instruction in the form of the optimal solution.

The pre-emptive attack by the "Legion" was indeed somewhat unexpected, but it did not deviate from the prediction range of the "Legion" central tactical computing network.

There is not enough troops, and the technical weapons, especially heavy weapons, that can be invested under the influence of blockade and surveillance are also quite limited. Finally, it is considered that innocent civilians and important foreign persons cannot be injured. The only thing the "Liberty Army" can do is to attack the west, continue to launch feints to contain and disperse the fighting forces stationed in Bonn, and wait for the opportunity to break through the defense of the "Language Tower", rush into the conference site, and make a paradigm shift to the dignitaries of the countries.

This is the conclusion drawn after analyzing the enemy's objectives and investing combat power.

In response to the exhaustion of the enemy, the mechanical undead responded with only one sentence.

"All fighters are released from standby, and the tactical algorithm is set to annihilation mode."

The enemy must be eliminated completely. No matter who the enemy is, what is the meaning of this behavior, as long as the individual is registered as the enemy army, it must be annihilated.

Thousands of undead roared silently together.

"Start annihilation."


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