Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1682: 11. Falling down the meniscus(15)

From the perspective of physical theory only, the streets and buildings that can support the running of "Salamanda III" do not exist.

Under the same pressure, the smaller the contact surface, the greater the effect, and vice versa. This is one of the basic concepts of physics. The specific application to motorized vehicles is that the heavier land mobile platforms tend to use crawler chassis, and as the mass increases and the pressure increases, the width of the crawler bandwidth also increases accordingly. Four or six crawler designs will also appear when necessary.

Returning to "Salamanda III", a mass of more than ten tons is pressed against two thin "steel needles". Normally, the two shafts acting as walking mechanisms are bent or broken, or they are directly trapped in the ground and moved. No. But now this monster body not only walks vigorously, it can even run and jump on vertical walls.

This completely violated the basic laws of physics, but it was actually staged.

The mystery lies in the planktonic style that controls the flight of the body.

Accurately control the output so that it can stand on the ground or the wall, and it will not float directly or crush the ground or the wall too much. It can also be used for jumping actions and defenses as needed.

In addition to "monster", really no other suitable adjectives.

Compared with the smart "Salamanda III", the "unicorn" can only be described as awkward and rough.

"That's no way. While avoiding the other party's unpredictable attacks, while paying attention to avoid harming the innocent, the difficulty is already very high. It is better to say that it can be done to this extent."

The line of sight closely followed the shadows of the two groups of high-speed movements, and every movement of the two sides and the subsequent changes and backhands were all recorded. Gerles commented:

"It's stupid to get this kind of thing in a place where you can't let go of it at will."

Since the enemy is strong enough to crush itself at any time, even if it is evaluated as "despicable", some means should be prepared to restrict the use of force by the other party, at least not to "use force at will". In terms of this joint meeting, the most effective way is to seize the envoys of various countries as hostages and let the empire throw it away.

Ordinary citizens, even if first-class citizens are held hostage, the empire will also use heavy firepower to solve problems in the shortest time without hesitation. The situation of foreign tourists becoming hostages may be a bit scrupulous, but it cannot prevent the empire from taking tough action.

It is the representatives of the participating countries and accompanying diplomats who can really care about the Empire and have to act cautiously. It can be said that the key to the new international order is now in the hands of these people. Any damage to these people may shake the "blueprint for the future" that has taken shape. Even if these foreign envoys are taken hostage, even if the empire cannot be prevented from using force, it will at least allow them to have some scruples and not dare to abuse the "Legion" with impunity. And other heavy firepower.

However, the "Liberty Army" did not do so.

The reason is very simple. Once this is done, regardless of the motives and reasons, and regardless of the form of the final event. "Holding hostages to express demands"-This act of terrorism will not be shaken. How do the countries condemn the empire and how to adjust the agreements that have been reached with the empire? It is a matter between the states and the empire. The "Liberty Army" not only has no room for betting on this, but also sits on the label of "terrorist organization" because of its behavior, and has become the target of everyone in the international community. In the future, it will become very difficult to obtain public support or foreign aid, and may even be completely interrupted.

Because of such restrictions, the "Liberty Army" had to adopt the most risky plan, let Roland rush into the meeting at all costs, and bet everything on this blow.

It now appears that this game is the "Liberty Legion" lost.

As long as "Salamanda III" restrains the "unicorn", no matter how the Minerva in the venue is procrastinating, it can only be delayed for up to half an hour. After the representatives of various countries signed the agreement, whether it was signed by the Republic or not, everything was settled, and it was no longer possible to reverse it.

"From the moment you showed up, the victory or defeat of the battle has been revealed. No, when you come up with the unremarkable idea of ​​"publish the truth and awaken others", you have failed."

Being on the battlefield and being part of the war, it is the duty and the right choice to focus on war.

To be born for fighting, it should exist only for fighting.

If you want to survive on the battlefield, you should only know the battle and nothing else.

"When thinking about stupid ideas like'live','the future after the end of the war', you are already just half-existent. You can't abandon your weakness, you can't cut off what you call "humanity". , Grinded into a murderous weapon like a sword, after all, it is only a half-hanger. Not to mention resisting the adult, even winning the'Salamanda III' is impossible. You just bit your fingers there and wait for the big show to end. ."

I don't know when, the sneer on Jerez's face has converged, all that remains is the boring and indifferent poker face.


"Your Excellency Speaker."

With an inhuman red pupil reflecting Minerva's momentary stiffness, the corner of Li Lin's mouth raised a mocking arc.

"Do you have any other questions?"

No matter on the surface or on the inside, Minerva has no problem.

Or that there is nothing to say to this man.

Minerva tried to get entangled with every debate method and words she knew, but Li Lin avoided them skillfully.

Not only did he avoid the various traps and sharp edges in the question, but he also skillfully induced the atmosphere in the direction of the isolated republic.

In general, Minerva wanted to highlight the ambitions of the empire and the unreasonable current system, and Li Lin used the words to make the "different" of the Republic appear to everyone, using nobility to republicanism. The inherent disgust has increased the distrust of the countries in the Republic and created suspicions. As long as no one comes forward to help the Republic, there will be no end to the problem of Minerva. If she had to be irresponsible, I am afraid that it would also provoke the accusations of the republics, and even induce the adjustment of the foreign policies of the republics.

Such a price is unbearable anyway.

"Your Excellency Speaker."

Li Lin adjusted his sitting posture, and looked a lot more serious, and his tone became dignified.

"my country and you have different opinions on many things, from values, social composition, ethics and morals... differences exist objectively."

"Disagreement" is a discounted statement. Between the Empire and the Republic, there are far more conflicts between the two sides than the common language, especially on the ideological level. The two sides are completely different, and there is no urine in the same pot.

The empire advocates "rationality, calmness, and science", so they believe that all power is concentrated in the hands of the best, most correct, and least mistaken genius-His Majesty the Emperor, and the most responsible and best choice for the country and the people . The Republic advocates "freedom, equality, and fraternity", and believes that everyone is equal and born free, and there is no reason to accept **** and not freedom.

The claim of the empire is a manifestation of incomparable evil in the eyes of the republic, and it is one of the most unforgivable things in the world, second only to the empire occupying the territory of Charlemagne. The ideology of the Republic appears to the empire as crazy words, irresponsible and disregarding obligations, and is a concentrated expression of the typical Bourgeoisie depravity and decadence.

The part of thinking alone has already pointed the needle to the wheatgrass, and other fields such as race, religion, history, trade, technological openness, etc. are constantly conflicting and contradictory.

To be honest, the empire and the republic can sit down and talk, which is the result of the situation, plus the pressure of the emperor himself.

"In the past few days, including both China and China, the diplomatic representatives of all countries in the world are working hard to build a safe and peaceful future. This is obvious to everyone."

Li Lin's tone of voice is long-term, and the representatives of the countries on the side nodded busyly, and at the same time, looked at Minerva with confusion and blame.

"Our goal is clear and our determination is firm."

The eyes of the representatives of various countries are getting closer and closer to the director of the elementary school training. Unconsciously, they have begun to look at Minerva with the eyes of the pupils who made mistakes.

"Now we are only one step away from our final success."

Suddenly Li Lin's voice became erratic, and Minerva's consciousness seemed to be covered with a layer of white mist, and everything became hazy.

"calm down."

The man with dark hair and red eyes said:

"Your actions will involve the lives of many people ~www.readwn.com~ It is better to calmly observe and then act cautiously."

The **** red pupil stared closely at Minerva, wrapped around his ear, and continued to erode his voice.

"You should have known that certain things have to be done in order to guarantee world peace."

Hypnosis hints.

Without the power of magic, the hypnotic hints made solely by the use of motion, sound, and language induction.

If you can, Li Lin does not intend to use this trick.

No matter how there is no evidence, or use other hints to manipulate the memory, the fragments of the memory will still be reawakened and combined, and even if the agreement that has been signed cannot be overturned at that time, it will plant a pimple in the heart, maybe it will be in It will erupt in some form in the future, which is not good for long-term planning.

The so-called human beings are not always rational. Even Minerva will do irrational things in compliance with the inner impulse. This has been proven.

Compared with the highlight of the moment, this kind of risk is still worth taking.

As he himself said, things always have priority and priority.


Looking at Minerva, who was confused and nodded like a doll, Li Lin said:

"Trouble Your Excellency Speaker's signature--"


The closed door of the meeting room was suddenly opened, and a young man wearing a white three-piece suit walked through the door and walked into the venue with enthusiasm.

After taking off his sunglasses, his purple eyes stared straight at the expressionless emperor. Roland asked aloud:

"Can you allow me to say a few words before the representative of the Republic signs?"


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