Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1683: 11. Falling down the meniscus(16)



how come.

These obsolete words did not emerge from those red pupils.

Realizing that a corner of the heart was sighing, Roland subconsciously appeared the urge to smile bitterly.

At this time, what are you still expecting, and what kind of naive thoughts do you have?

Resisting mocking and sneering at himself, Roland relaxed and asked again:

"Since it is a search for a path where all people can coexist in peace, it should also include people from the "Liberty Army". Or say--"

Zi Tong exudes an amazing momentum and pushes Duke Marlborough who wants to get up and asks back to his seat.

"Are you talking about ‘everyone’, only limited to ‘the one you choose’?”

Voter thinking.

Identify a specific group as "naturally elected people" and "selected people", and then justify all their actions. The essence is to inculcate the idea of ​​first-class, extreme thoughts that rationalize all behaviors including massacres. The old Charlemagne kingdom, the current empire, and the aristocracy in the upper levels of the nations have more or less elements of voter thinking.

Li Lin never publicizes voters' ideas. Even when talking about national policies such as grading citizens, the emphasis he put on all is "order" and "efficiency", and he never mentioned the issue of race.

Many people think that this is just hypocrisy, in fact, this is precisely his cunning.

He really has no selfishness. Whether it is to wage war, build an empire, divide ranks, and establish a new order, there is no idea of ​​doing everything for himself, and it is completely undesirable. No one, including Roland, can deny this.

Li Lin knows this, he uses the premise of "no selfishness" to package all behaviors into "measures for everyone" or "unfair to a small number of people, but for most people have to do select". That is to rationalize and justify all actions.

Each of his decisions is correct, and the results are reasonable. But among the many choices, it is by no means the only correct one, nor is it really "thinking of others".

The result has priority over everything.

This is Li Lin's motto and the only criterion for his actions.

and so--

"I don't remember sending invitations to anti-government organizations. According to the security regulations of the meeting, even if you are shot here, no one has any objections or complaints."

There was no smile in the quiet smile, and the heat in the room was instantly taken away by the emperor's words.

At the next moment, the air that was almost frozen regained its heat.

"But since you can enter this venue, you have the right to speak, and we also have the obligation to listen."

Li Lin raised his hand and stopped the security guard who was about to rush in.

"I'm not stingy enough to stop people talking."


Without any intersection, Roland strode toward the round table that determined the destiny of the world after the greetings that were completely parallel.


"What are you saying?! It's impossible!'Unicorn' is fighting'Salamanda III'! How did he do it!"

"That's not important anymore."

Niederhogg's voice was low and indifferent, and no words of heat could be felt on Gerers' head.

"Roland Dalke is undoubtedly present in the venue."


"The latest directive is to stop meaningless fighting and ensure the monitoring of terrorists."


Jarles shouted again, and he almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"The anti-thieves will be wiped out immediately, and we want to stop?"

Roland may have succeeded to a certain extent, but things are far from over, as long as "the lord" is still there, there is always a chance to win a round. Even if Roland could not be stopped here, the insurgents who were still in the city, largely the elite forces of the "Liberty Army", would be wiped out, and it would still be a heavy blow to the "Liberty Army". For at least a few years, this organization will no longer cause trouble for the empire.

Stop the attack now? Is the above serious?

Of course Li Lin is serious.

In any case, he is serious.

"Your Majesty means that it can no longer be solved by military means alone. Continuing to use violence will only make the situation worse. For the subsequent political negotiations to proceed smoothly, all unnecessary means of violence will be suspended."

Li Lin knows better than anyone. From the moment Roland enters the venue, the use of force is no longer an option.

The attitude of the Empire towards various anti-government organizations has always been "never to negotiate with terrorists." This is actually an international standard, so even if the empire dispatched an air warship to raze the entire block, foreign countries would at most publish "excessive use of force" and "hope to be more cautious". statement. After all, everyone is likely to encounter similar things, and no one is willing to be happy for a while, and in the future will be beaten by his own speech.

Before the Empire dared to use the "Legion" blockade and attack, it was also based on this convenience. As long as the other party’s "terrorist organization" brand was not removed, no matter how it was done, no matter how much the incidental casualties were, it could be pushed to the "Legion" afterwards. Anyway, the right to speak is not in their hands. Both the black and white are manipulated by the empire.

But Roland entered the venue and said, "Can you tell me a few words?"

In the process of negotiation, negotiation, and surrender, the two sides must not engage in war, otherwise it is regarded as an infamous sneak attack-this is a customary rule on the battlefield. Strictly speaking, Roland and the "Freedom Corps" are not considered regular soldiers, and this rule does not apply. But he made a "negotiation request" to the emperor in front of the diplomatic representatives sent by the powers of the world. Whether he refused or directly attacked him, it would damage the reputation of the emperor and the empire. Even if Li Lin doesn't care about the name, he has to care about the perceptions and reactions of various countries.

So he can only let Roland speak first while stopping the fight.

"This is forgiveness. Violators are punished with great disrespect and treason."

Niederhogg clenched his fists, blood dripping down the claws piercing his palm.


The rhythmic "Salamanda III" finally forced the "unicorn" to the corner. Ten high-frequency chain swords twisted and waved indiscriminately. It is foreseeable that a fatal blow will follow, ending the battle completely.

Suddenly, the leaning forward body lifted back, like a frightened beast, and like a hound drank by the owner, "Salamanda III" jumped back, jumped back and forth between the walls, and jumped onto the rooftop It changed back to the original form of a giant bee, and turned away without looking back.

"Finally... finally left."

Marseille panted under the mask, and after the tense nerves were relaxed, he almost sat on the ground.

Roland finally adopted the "reconciliation plan" to let Marseille put on a "unicorn" to fight around and attract the attention of the empire. Roland, through pre-arranged channels, disguised several times in a row and disguised as the "Tower of Language" The staff entered the tower, and then disguised as a diplomat of the Republic, and finally burst into the venue.

Bold and reasonable, and highly meticulous.

The only problem is that it is so meticulous that the fault tolerance rate of any link is very low. As long as there is a problem in one link, the subsequent trend is likely to diverge significantly, or even directly fail.

For example, how to make Marseille wear a "unicorn" is a big problem.

"Unicorn"'s biometric certification only restricts Roland to one person. Others cannot start even if they wear it. Once he takes it off, the security system will automatically lock and shut down. Unless the initial settings are restored and the authentication conditions are reset, this is an insurmountable level.

Before the practical use of the "Alaya consciousness", this was indeed an unsolvable problem, but with the "Alaya consciousness" system, without the aid of radio or other known means of communication, the entire unconscious sea of ​​all humans was submerged With the technical support of deep spiritual and sensory synchronization directly with others, this level was finally bypassed.

Roland's solution was to use the "Arayai" system to synchronize himself and Marseille's brain quantum waves in depth, thereby deceiving the "unicorn" security protection system.

Because it is "the brain quantum wave waveform of the same person", it is impossible to misunderstand. Although there are differences in body parameters, there is no doubt that it is the same person.

Use the logic holes in the program to deceive the security system. It is easy to say, but in fact it is not only difficult but also very dangerous.

It’s okay if it’s the first-class relatives like twins. www.readwn.com~ The physiological characteristics and the brain wave pattern are close. In fact, the origin of the "Alaya consciousness" system is also inspired by the telepathy phenomenon between relatives like twins. However, the in-depth synchronization between different individuals is still "almost the same person" synchronization. The technical difficulty is inherently high, not to mention the possible physical and mental impact on the parties after the force is reached.

Mixing a glass of cold water with a glass of hot water will result in a glass of warm water, which is what all three-year-olds can do. But it is necessary to restore this cup of warm water to "the original hot and cold water"-every water molecule returns to its original place-even a wise man with a complete world can't do it.

In the same way, to synchronize two completely independent spirits into one person may be successful, but once the deep synchronization is successful, the spirit and personality are fully integrated, and how should they be separated? What’s more, this highly synchronized spirit also needs to control the body Take part in battles and compete with the most elite fighting power of the empire. What may happen in the process, what will happen, and what side effects it will bring-these things are completely unsecured, and it is simply a crazy gamble.

However, where there is a little chance and a minimum of reason, Roland will never throw his life and the lives of others like this.

Because the opponent is an empire, Li Lin, who never makes mistakes and always stands on the throne of the winner, he can only choose to bet everything including himself and let go. Bet all bets on the gates that can prevent the future from being closed.

They did a wonderful job and accomplished a feat that was almost like a meniscus.

However, this is only the first step.

Gambling has only just begun, and there is still a long way to go to win or lose.


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