Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1684: 12. The other shore of good and evil (1)

Science can explain everything, but it cannot understand everything, especially people's hearts.

This sentence does not deny science. The importance of science is self-evident. Without the enlightening light brought by science and rational dialectical thinking, people will always sink in ignorance and darkness. It is the rapid development of science and technology that broadens people's lives and improves their standard of living, so that civilization can develop and people can think about the world and themselves.

Science is important. Without the foundation of science, civilization cannot be established, let alone the cognition of the self and the world, and the relationship between man and nature.

However, if all science and rationality are the only value judgments, the most direct consequence is that all things lose their unique colors, leaving only the "need" and "unneeded" black and white.

Essentially, science is Yan Jin, and there is no room for sensibility to intervene. To put it bluntly, you can be angry, happy, sad, hesitant, one plus one will only be equal to two, will not be equal to anything else. This pure, rigorous reason is the essence of science.

It is precisely for this reason that after the Enlightenment era, the resistance to enlightenment rationality triggered the rise of individualism and romanticism. The romanticism revolution unveiled by Rousseau officially took the stage and finally affected the direction of the entire history.

However, in this world, the dominant, even absolute position, is still instrumental rationality represented by the empire.

It is not enlightenment rationality, nor value rationality. It is purely instrumental rationality that uses efficiency and results as the sole criterion for judging the value of things.

Instrumental rationality () is an important concept proposed by the Frankfurt School in critical theory. Also known as "efficiency rationality" or "efficiency rationality". It is to confirm the usefulness of tools (means) through practice, so as to pursue the maximum effect of things and serve for a certain utility. Instrumental rationality is the rationality that achieves its purpose most effectively by accurately calculating utilitarian methods. It is a kind of value that takes tool worship and technicalism as its survival goals.

The empire, or all Li Lin's ideological propositions, revealed after revealing the surface, it was pure and extreme instrumental rationality.

In all fairness, Roland does not believe that instrumental rationality is equivalent to evil and tyranny.

In jurisprudence, there must be procedural justice before it can move toward substantive justice, and procedural law precedes substantive law. In economics, efficiency must be pursued before lay the foundation for the pursuit of fairness. Without the foundation of instrumental rationality, human nature, ethics, and morality are just rootless. It is precisely because of this platform that instrumental rationality can stand on that people can look forward to a higher and farther future and pursue noble things that have no substance or outline.

The world cannot be without instrumental rationality, but instrumental rationality is not equal to everything, and it should not be the sole criterion.

Instrumental rationality is the inevitable result of the enlightenment spirit, science and technology, and the evolution and development of rationality itself. However, with the advancement of technology and the impetus of the empire, instrumental rationality has shown excessive expansion. In the pursuit of efficiency and the control of technological evolution, rationality is liberated And the tools of change degenerate into tools of domination. To the extent that hegemony of instrumental rationality such as the empire has emerged, making instrumental rationality a power to control and control people. That is to say, the reason that has been promoted since the era of Alfheim has now become a tool for alienating and materializing people.

Everything is countless.

What was originally used to reveal the importance of mathematics is now alienated into treating everything as a number. Without any enthusiasm, only pure and thorough instrumental rationality remains.

Without enthusiasm, without heart, there is no hope for the future-this is what the Empire intends to achieve in its final day of world domination.

——What you have to face and fight against is the existence that substantiates “despair”.

A calm voice echoed in his heart, and Roland said slowly:

"I wait for peaceful dialogue."

There was a little commotion in the venue.

As the leader of the world's largest and most determined anti-imperialist armed group "Liberty Corps", did he expect peace dialogue?

what is this?

Recognize reality and prepare to surrender?

A prelude to a certain tactic?

Is it just diplomatic rhetoric?

Some kind of synergy with the Republic?

The political world will never be missed by the word "simple". Those who do not respond fast enough will be eliminated from naive guys, and sometimes even buried in the dark.

In a dirty, corrupt, and complex political world, Roland Jane's simple and simple opening sentence can cause countless interpretations.

But this time, these calculations are really unnecessary and unnecessary.

Roland is not a politician, neither arrogant nor compassionate.

He is just very serious, he will not laugh at serious people, but also treat everyone seriously.

It’s just that.

"Our goal has always been to seek the path of peaceful coexistence, hoping to coexist peacefully with all people, including the empire, on the premise of pluralism. This has been the case in the past, it is now, and it will be the same in the future~ www.readwn.com~ riots Begin to subside.

If someone else said this, 80% of the audience would think it was flattering or empty talk.

But the "Liberty Corps" has always been an organization that adheres to this concept and acts strictly in accordance with this concept. Their targets of attack were limited to imperial military and political targets, and attacking and spreading to civilians were regarded as absolute taboos. Even if they missed a good opportunity for this, they would not hesitate to make sacrifices.

They are such a group of people who use their lives to practice and stick to their ideals.

Their words are not fabricated out of thin air, nor are they lies.


Credit and ideals alone cannot shake international politics, nor can they change the decisions made by the emperor.

When the emperor says "Look left" or "Look right," people can make small movements under the neck, but their heads can only turn according to the emperor's orders. This is true even for the countries. They can play various tricks in the details, but in the general direction, everyone can only compete in a small way within the framework drawn by the emperor.

No one was willing to do so, but no one dared to stimulate the emperor, because it was equivalent to flipping the table, and then the next world war and the emperor personally ended.

In other words, it is the end of the world.

Although the nations are preparing for this day, and in some cases are determined to awaken the consciousness even if they trigger the world war ahead of time, but people who do so before they are forced to the corner, a person nor.

So even if the representatives of various countries believed that Roland wasn’t talking about them, it wasn’t that they came here to discuss their ideals with everyone, but after listening to Roland’s opening remarks, everyone still subconsciously turned their attention to the emperor on the other side of the round table.


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