Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1685: 12. The other shore of good and evil (2)

"Diversity and plains are the goals and explorations of the empire. How to make everyone coexist most effectively, minimize the danger of war, reduce the risk of terrorist attacks, and minimize the conflict between ethnic groups-these are all empire The goal is also the core of this joint meeting."

Hitting the table, the emperor's eyes and sounds as if they were fully aware of it would begin to subtly change the atmosphere back to the original track again.

Leaving aside the means and the part of the people's hearts, Li Lin's speech has no part to blame.

The original goal of the joint meeting was to "keep the current peace." No matter what calculations were behind it, and how many means were used in private, the empire and the nations all took this as their goal in the process. As for "coexistence of all races", strictly speaking, it has indeed been achieved to a large extent.

Even idealists and anti-imperialists cannot deny a basic fact: resources are limited, but the hearts of the people are never satisfied. You cannot satisfy everyone’s demands or please everyone. There are huge differences between races and individuals. No matter what choices you make, or even at the expense of your own rights, you will still be unable to satisfy everyone. In the end, you will definitely damage the interests of some people, the difference is just how much this "some people" are.

Li Lin’s approach is to sacrifice those who do not agree with the new order and are unwilling to submit to the empire, use the flesh and blood of these sacrificed and eliminated people as lubricating oil, and ensure the continuous operation of the gear of the new order. Disputes to promote economic circulation.

Military orders and arms production guarantee employment, continued consumption promotes consumption and procurement, and the war on terror promotes the promotion and acceptance of new technologies to some extent. By selling industrial products, collecting royalties, transferring technology, the Empire It can also continue to obtain foreign funds to inject into the economic cycle.

Judging from the results, "the happiness and peace of the vast majority of people" is indeed kept in this cycle.

No matter how criticized or blamed, this fact will not be shaken.

"Since the same goal is pursued, isn't it good to join the empire from the beginning?"

The untouchable red pupil stared at Roland closely, and a temperatureless voice floated from the abyss.

"However, you who are looking for that kind of goal stand on the opposite of the empire and the world. Become a criminal against law and order."

The expected interrogation is still full of heavy weight. Under the pressure of real pressure, his eyes turned back to Roland.

The ideal is beautiful.

Not only Roland himself, but for most people all over the world, it is also a noble and beautiful ideal.

However, the reason why ideals are noble and beautiful is precisely because they are only ideals.

Just as everyone recognizes the existence of justice, even if there is no clear form and law, people still agree with the existence of justice. But once returning to the reality level, most people know that "there is no justice in the world at all, but only correct". Once the beautiful ideal returns to the real level, only the attraction and instigation of the people's hearts is left, and this is precisely the greatest threat to order.

The only thing that can affect reality is the result, but after the "empire is the optimal solution to all problems", the ideal of "freedom, equality and fraternity" is no longer meaningful. On the contrary, this is opposed to the optimal solution 'S claims will only confuse people, bring chaos and confrontation.

As Li Lin said, Roland and the "Legion of Freedom" with "multiple peace" as their claims are criminals who stand on the opposite side of the order, and this claim itself is untenable.

Everyone waited to see how Roland would solve this initial difficulty.

-Sure enough, come this hand.

There was a wry smile in Roland's heart.

During debates and negotiations, the support of the majority of the audience is required. The most common tricks are to advocate the legitimacy of one’s own side and question the legitimacy of the other party.

A legal government recognized by the world;

Terrorist organizations that are not publicly recognized by any country;

Highlight the difference between the positions of the two parties, thereby denying the legitimacy of the other party, and then use the right to speak to block any anti-imperialist claims.

There is no fancy or sophistry, a steady attack.

At first glance, one might think that "is it too honest?" In fact, the simpler the foundation is, the more troublesome the defense is. Not to mention that all the important people of the country are present at this moment, and any evasion and sophistry will cause unpredictable consequences.

At this moment, this is no longer a venue for debating skills.

This is a battlefield where one word will determine life and death, and one word will determine the country's rise and fall.

Escape is to escape before the battle, sophistry is to show cowardice to the enemy, the difference between victory and defeat here is the difference between life and death.

Everyone was waiting to see how Roland would take the blow.

"You once said, ‘I allow comments, but not resistance’, so are you refusing to give comments, including me?”

The unrelenting counterattack made the representatives of various countries nod silently.

To counter the emperor's behavior with the emperor's words, to counter the emperor's correctness with the emperor's correctness, this is indeed the best counterattack.

"Confirm each other's position and righteousness, this is mentioned before the negotiation, but where is the righteousness? What is the idea of ​​the righteousness?"

"Diversity, peace, freedom, equality, and fraternity are all ideas of the "Legion of Freedom". Every member of the organization is based on this belief and honor. Without any of them, it is incomplete. Therefore, I am waiting for freedom, Fighting for equality and fraternity, now comes for diversity and peace."

"Yu's words are nothing but your own self-interest and convenience, claiming that'it is incomplete without any of them', but the actions are based on the premise of benefiting yourself, and you can selectively adjust the order of claims, and how can you insist on it? Words?"

"Because it is an important concept, it is necessary to coordinate and communicate with people on the basis of sticking to the principles. Otherwise, will it not be the kindness of a few people and run counter to fraternity and equality?"

Neither party refuted loudly, nor was any one emotional.

But everyone on the scene seemed to be on the fierce battlefield.

Obviously it was just an opening remark, but the fierce offensive and defensive actions of the two have directly sublimated the lips, tongues and tongues to the sword and the sword. Every time I speak, I seem to be able to smell the smell of gunpowder and steel.

This is somewhat exaggerated, but it is a fact.

This debate is completely outside the schedule, and is described in military terms as encounter. The debates on both sides at the moment are actions taken to establish advantages, but they are just appetizers before the dinner. As the dialogue deepens, conflicts and confrontations will only escalate.

It may be that you are aware of this, or you feel that it is only a waste of time to continue to entangle your position. Eventually, the two parties introduced the dialogue to the topic in a subtle way.

"His Majesty the Emperor, no one admires you and your talents more than I do. However, everyone will have a different view of a problem. Therefore, if I hold the opposite view of the empire and have no scruples Express it unreservedly, and hope that it will not be regarded as having any disrespect for the empire. There is no time for us to continue to politely and debate the position. The problem facing the world today is whether people should be allowed to speak freely, or apart from a few being called Apart from the "genius" characters, the voices of all beings have no value to be listened to. Only when facing this problem directly, the organization I belong to, and many people who agree with my ideas, are expected to clarify the facts and complete the country with the representatives. , The prince, the important task entrusted by the people. At this moment, if I remain silent because of the fear of offending others, I will think that I am betraying my comrades and the idea that I have always believed and observed, and it is also contrary to what most people in this world expect. direction."

Li Lin did not interrupt Roland's speech again. Like every loyal audience present, he sat calmly in the position and listened quietly.

On the side, Minerva noticed that for a moment, the emperor's smile narrowed. But the emperor's expression did not become serious or terrible. On the contrary, he just appreciated and judged the students' performance as the university professor who reviewed the students' reply.

Without being interrupted, Roland gradually began to enter the state ~ www.readwn.com ~ The voice full of excitement and vitality was stirred up like a wave in the venue.

"People think that important things and power should be entrusted to excellent people, because that is the inherent power and duty of excellent people and natural choices. I don't deny that there is rationality and necessity for them to be used by the right. It was originally the principle that should be followed. Letting the best and the right people use their strengths and create their own value in life while bringing happiness to others. This was originally an act based on goodwill."

Entering a company or government department to work, get ahead, get a promotion, and increase salary-this can be called selfishness, but is the source of this selfishness, it is not a kindness to want to let yourself and your family live a good life?

The source of all human behavior is goodwill.

"Based on goodwill, people think that it is reasonable and good to entrust power and responsibilities to extraordinary geniuses. But people don’t forget, and geniuses have their limitations. In other words, those who are considered to be like the brightest stars in the vast sky The genius of the bright star is, after all, an ordinary person with flesh and blood. No matter how dazzling they are, they still cannot cover the entire starry sky. Even the genius known as the omnipotent and omnipotent, even if they can see the end of the starry sky, they are stepping on the name ' Only on the foundation of the masses can one look up at the starry sky from above, or overlook the living beings."

When speaking this paragraph, the clear purple eyes looked straight at the opposite red pupil, and the red eyes that were bottomless like an abyss did not retreat and dodge. Just like the one who peeped into the abyss and the peer who gazed at the peeper.

Everyone, including Minerva, thought that this blunt remark might provoke the emperor's antipathy, but Li Lin just watched quietly, waiting for Roland's next speech.


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