Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1687: 12. The other side of good and evil (4)

Roland's speech put Li Lin in a very awkward position.

Roland’s proposal summed up: “We are not opposed to technology control, nor to agreements between major powers and the establishment of specialized agencies, but we hope that instead of consultations in the secret room, we will open dialogue and allow more voices to participate in the discussion. To express general opinion."

This suggestion is very reasonable, but it is undoubtedly difficult for Li Lin to deal with.

As "the supreme, sacred and inviolable His Majesty the Emperor", its authority must be absolute, which involves the foundation of the empire and there is no room for compromise. Engaging ordinary people, including no knights and officials, and even foreigners to participate in this discussion will undoubtedly seriously damage the emperor’s face, let alone open a door to expose the imperial people to certain dangerous ideas and values, which will then be produced It’s hard to overestimate the chemical reactions and the resulting riots.

This is not something that can be offset by a compliment such as "His Majesty the Emperor's Enlightened Kindness".

In the most extreme cases, the entire empire will be wiped out of the storm, and the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau will even be granted extrajudicial enforcement power of "subjective judgment is the basis of judgment". At that time, those who died will probably be in units of 100,000. Calculate that the territory of the empire will be covered by corpses...

Rejection may be able to avoid this ending, but this will make the empire fall into isolation.

Roland proposed "requests" and "opinions" rather than "conditions" or "strong demands", and in the name of its organization and supporters, it also received strong support from the participating countries. In other words, the content of his speech at least represents the voices of a considerable number of people worldwide. If the emperor refuses to talk, then it will inevitably be in opposition to public opinion (probably most public opinion). Although the emperor did not need to consider the term of office and the degree of support, the countries that had many dissatisfaction with the empire would inevitably use public opinion and the moral commanding heights created by Roland to fight back. At that time, the relevant agreements on technology management and control will either disappear or be delayed indefinitely. In addition, the Empire will have to pay a considerable price for public relations crisis management, which is also unacceptable.

Accepting or rejecting, no matter which side you choose, means huge losses, and no one wants to fall into such a choice hell.

Changed to omniscience and omnipotence, how do you deal with such a problem from your undefeated emperor?

With a bit of curiosity and gloating, representatives of various countries awaited the choice of His Majesty the Emperor.

They were not disappointed, but also very disappointed.

"Ru's appeal is to let more people participate in the discussion of this issue, so that these people's appeals and opinions are expressed through the modification of the agreement?"


"So how do you ensure fairness and justice?"

Tap your finger on the table again, and the sound falls into the listeners' ears, just like the bass of a piano.

This is a very realistic and very effective attack entry point.

First, keep the choices, and at the same time attack from the practical level, starting with the premise of "whether we can ensure fairness and justice", and thoroughly reject the rationality of Roland's speech.

It was a blow beyond imagination and unexpectedly effective.

Absolutely fair and just.

No one in the world can guarantee that they can do this.

Everyone has selfishness.

Even if it is a problem that has nothing to do with one's own interests, people have to think carefully about their calculations before saying their choices, let alone those related to their own personal interests. It is unrealistic to expect everyone to hold an impartial point of view, unaffected by feelings and preferences, and make a fair conclusion.

Another issue is that the technology transfer management and control agreement is a very professional and political issue, which has very high requirements on the personal quality and professionalism of the participants. Opening ordinary people to join in the open discussion is bound to join Many non-professional and even irrational murmurs will not only cause the meeting to become protracted, but also lead to many inexplicable problems.

Expecting everyone to be able to make judgments in a fair and rational manner and make the right choices is originally a fake issue of democracy.

This is Li Lin's criticism of the republic and democracy, and now he once again presents this paradox in front of people in a sharp manner.

How to ensure that the decisions made by many mortals are fair and just? Since there is a versatile genius who can make the right decision, is it not another form of unfairness for mediocre mortals to pull the back of the genius? Using the majority (mortal) to suppress the minority (genius), the result is not only to increase unnecessary Troubles and disputes, even the correct results that might have been obtained were missed?

No one can guarantee that this will not happen, the more clear the human nature, the more inclined to Li Lin's opinion.

Even if someone would refute the words "can't deny the value of fire because of fire", he could only retreat in the face of the emperor's more spicy questions.

"I am not depreciating the value of the people, nor is it intended to insult Ru and other ideas. It's just that... it is the people who support a small number of geniuses to lead many mortals, and it is the people who resist the **** of the so-called liberation and freedom. When letting most people think, choose, and decide, if most people desire to be dominated and not free, instead of assuming their own responsibilities and obligations, how should Ru wait to integrate those plausible words? If the people are dissatisfied with their current lives When deciding to use violence to vent emotions and change order, how can you persuade the public to remain rational, and how to bear all the problems and related responsibilities caused by it?"

Minerva's fists on his knees were squeezed firmly, and the green eyes flickered.

Li Lin's problems are always sharp. Whenever he asks questions and doubts, he always feels as cold as a cold wind blowing across his chest.

Now that bitter chill caught Minerva again, she had to tighten her body so that she would not tremble.

The foreign representatives present seemed to have the same feelings, and the talented and energetic faces were now covered with the cold mask of realism again.

In just a few words, the atmosphere that was finally shaped was suppressed, plus the questions raised.

Roland feels very bad.

The reason why Li Lin's problems are unacceptable is that he has unrelentingly exposed the complexity and weakness of human nature, and the sharpness of his problems can even lead people into despair.

He does not deny that all human actions originate from goodwill, nor does it deny that the actions derived from goodwill are reasonable and necessary. He just questioned the results of the actions and possible problems. This is a very pragmatic approach. The problems are also very realistic.

The problem is precisely the point of being too realistic.

The level of the public, the selfishness of being a person, the uncertainty of public opinion, the tendency of the crowd to intelligence and issues-these are the problems that Roland’s proposal has to face. As a proponent, he is of course obligated Explain one by one, and provide reasonable opinions to make the proposal operable, and then get everyone's approval.

Li Lin's question about this part is nothing special. Although sharp, it is based on his own position and there is nothing wrong with it.

However, the combination of these real-world problems and the following problems immediately formed an extremely cynical question.

People who choose democracy will also choose superior geniuses to control power in different time, space and environment. Sometimes, even if they are not geniuses, they can just say that the street politicians who will be able to write enough attractive empty checks are also possible. Ascend to the commanding heights of power.

If Roland's thinking is open to ordinary people participating in the discussion of national affairs, it can even influence and influence the direction of international politics. What signals will the citizens of all countries, including the empire, get?

——Stratum and power are not innate, but must be fought for by oneself.

——Participating in national politics is not the privilege of nobles, and the people also have the right to make their own voices.

——Government affairs should not be controlled by a few people, nor should they be decided in the black box of the secret room. Everything should be spread out in the sun.

Once Roland's bill is passed, no matter what the technical output control agreement and related bill will eventually be, information similar to the above will definitely spread. The people of all countries who have tasted the sweetness will definitely go further and request that this "national participation, national discussion, national decision" method be fully promoted in the country, from taxation, fiscal budget, compulsory military service, etc.~www.mtlnovel. com~ All people are involved in the decision-making process...

At that time, it will not be confined to the empire.

Li Lin once again pulled the nations into their trenches. This did not surprise Roland. It was the focus of the debate that was about fighting for the support of the audience, not to argue against the opponent. Use the fundamental conflict between republicanism and aristocracy to win over the nations-this was originally expected by Roland. He just didn't expect Li Lin to add a question of "how can you justify yourself when the people choose the monarch to control themselves".

Will the people who have the right to vote and can directly participate in national politics elect a strong leader and give him great power to control themselves?

Even Roland dare not say "no".

Li Lin in front of him is a vivid case.

At first it was a family of elves, then Yalfheim, and now it is the whole empire.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lin expanded his power and dominance in a way that most people recognized. Even the fourth-class citizens, after the initial resistance and resistance, when the standard of living improved significantly, the old Charlemagne Kingdom was plagued by various problems. After the rapid improvement of the emperor's iron fists, the vast majority of people also chose to be a fourth-class citizen of the empire, and were content with it.

This is certainly Li Lin's cunning and success, but no one, including Roland, can deny that now Li Lin has become the emperor of the empire and controls everything in the empire. He has the power to kill all the people. The factual attitude is recognition and acceptance. In other words, he is an emperor recognized and supported by public opinion. He was given the supreme authority, in addition to the omnipotent mother goddess, Li Lin's own terrible power, and the cowardly and lazy people.


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