Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1688: 12. The other side of good and evil (5)

When describing the public's terminology for the related responsibility for Li Lin's monopoly, Luo Lan considered for a long time, and finally he chose cowardice and laziness.

Roland does not scorn the people, nor does he insult the people. He respects those he has contacted and those he has never contacted, even his opponents and enemies. The reason for choosing these two words is that only these two words can accurately describe the public's mentality and problems.

Cowardice is easier to understand. In front of the power of the emperor, in front of the imperial state machine, fear is normal. Life and death are human instincts, and we cannot expect everyone to jump out and die in martyrdom. Moreover, not only the parties themselves are sentenced or "relocated" when they are caught in imperial crimes, but they are the only ones who commit crimes. The reunion of the execution ground is very common. It is very unfair and irresponsible to blame others for not daring to resist.

But with regard to laziness, Roland himself believes that the people really need to review and take responsibility in this regard.

Cowardice can be interpreted as an external force factor, and laziness is completely its own problem.

In the final analysis, what the people yearn for is not self-reliance and independent responsibility and companionship, but command, obedience and responsibility exemption. The appearance of Li Lin and the Empire certainly made them feel fear and even hatred, but once life became stable and prosperous, the people would be at ease, refused to reflect on themselves, and were keen on sneaky and irresponsible slams against the incumbents.

This is not only the fourth-class citizens of the Empire, but also the citizens of the Republic and the citizens of other countries. It is precisely because of such an inert demand that the emperor's **** was recognized by the majority and became a reasonable existence.

To put it bluntly, right now, it is the people who expect Li Lin to stay in the emperor's seat all the time, and even further, to expand its dominance to the whole world.

Entrust everything to the omnipotent person, he will make everything better!

This is not only the propaganda and education of the empire, but also the true voice of many people. Indeed, it is obviously much more reasonable to let a mortal with limited capabilities and difficult to unify decide the fate of the country and the world, and let the supernatural being with vision and never make mistakes take control of the overall situation. The current prosperity of the empire is arguably the most powerful support for this argument. Even Roland himself believes that the performance of the empire can be called a model in terms of official integrity, administrative efficiency, good public security, and a virtuous economic cycle.

However, those who can enjoy this seemingly peaceful life in a prosperous world will never include those who are regarded as "destined victims" and "lubricants that drive the operation of the national machine gear".

Scholars who hide ethnic cultures, old people trying to preserve the ancient traditions, young people who distribute leaflets on the streets, mental patients, disabled people, family members of revolutionaries, villagers who take part in guerrillas... The "Liberty Army" has been verified through various channels. There are 400,000 victims. The reason these people were sacrificed was not because they opposed the empire, nor because they opposed or supported those who opposed the new order. It is under the operating procedures of the social system called "new order" that these people must be sacrificed in order to maintain national prosperity and social order.

Perhaps compared to the total population under the empire, these people are only a small part of it. Compared with people who died in the past due to war, famine, and plague, they are much more "benevolent". But this kind of practice of managing and using even resentment and resistance to make people's hearts completely settled-the so-called "perfect solution of genius"-Roland could not agree.

The people may not be able to see this clearly, or they may pretend not to see anything, but Roland will not be silent about this, nor will he think that this situation will continue forever.

There will still be life under the ice, and under the new order, there will still be rebels and people who realize that the world cannot sink into this. It's time for Roland to fight for his life. Let these rebellious seeds be preserved, and the time they survive, expecting these tiny seeds to take root and germinate, one day will completely break this twisted order and system.

Therefore, in the face of the emperor's criticism, he will never take a step back.

"You, if you compare the nobles and royals that dominate the country to the internal organs and the brain, then the people are the limbs and the shell. The blood circulating in the body is knowledge and money. The mind and internal organs are indeed important, but the blood has always been If they accumulate in these positions and cannot reach the ends of the limbs, to achieve a healthy cycle, the limbs will gradually die and then the body will not escape."

Roland's voice rang again, bearing the eyes of doubt and reproach, and said without fear:

"Open knowledge and money will seem to be lost in the short term, but in the end all of this will still be fed back to the internal organs (royal and aristocratic). It is essential to enhance the national strength of the country and achieve fair international competition."

The most ridiculous part of aristocracy is that people are not regarded as human beings like aristocrats. In the eyes of aristocrats, ordinary people are just two-legged animals with a certain degree of intelligence. They are ignorant, shameless, and lazy. It is the noble duty of the nobles to educate these animals, let them bathe in the light of civilization, and protect this relationship. This is the reason why the nobility always lives above the people, and it is also the basic core concept of nobility.

The guy who came up with this tone either lived happily and had nothing to do with the word hard, or syphilis or alcohol filled the void under the skull so that he could speak such a grandiose madness. Having said that, for a long time, the term "noble" has always been linked to words such as "syphilis", "mentally handicapped", "brain disability", "waste", "slutty" and so on. Even if this group speaks of strange words, it is actually Nothing strange.

But aristocratism is not a product of taking it for granted. It is a continuation of old ideas and a counter-attack of the conservative forces at the ideological level.

From the time when the old Charlemagne entered the military age, the traditional ruling powers began to shake.

The demand for talents with professional knowledge and skills by government departments and the military has opened a narrow gap in the originally closed areas of the civilian class. Since then, wars and technological advances have continued to expand the talent gap, forcing countries to further liberalize various fields. Restrictions on the public. Nowadays, the grassroots of the armed forces of various countries have been flooded with a large number of low-level officers from the common people. The middle and high levels are still controlled by the nobility, and the situation of government departments is similar. In the long run, it may only be a matter of time before civilians come into the top of military and political affairs and even master key departments.

For those nobles who are used to being high and take unilateral squeezing as a matter of course, this kind of thing is more than interesting, it is simply unreasonable.

In the past, when I saw the nobles, I bowed my heads and bent down, and even knelt down and put my head on the ground. The animals and beasts rubbed on the ground, even sitting on the same level as the nobility? Do you even want to live on top of the nobility?! The dirty foot of the beast stepped on, and those beautiful artworks were contaminated by dirty claws... As for the distribution of power and wealth to the people, it was enough to make most nobles crazy and brutal.

Aristocratism is the product born under this background. Its essence is not so much a noble self-talk, but rather a reactionary product born under a sense of crisis. Emphasizing the privileges of the nobility, emphasizing the natural rationality and superiority of the nobility’s rule of the world, its core purpose is to prevent social structural changes and cut off the continuous expansion of the ascending channel of the civilian class.

Because the sense of crisis produces resistance and even disgust, and combines with the inherent sense of superiority, arrogance, and privilege, to resist any change, and ultimately to wipe out the monsters that are even reasonable-this is the true face of aristocracy.

To break the stalemate in front of him, and to break Li Lin’s structure that united the upper classes of the nations, he must first break the myth that noble believers refused to change. Only by letting them accept the ideas of "it's not going to go on like this", and "it's just waiting to die without changing", he can open up the situation.

The question is, is it so easy?

There are also enlightened people among the nobles. If all of them are people with disabilities, they would never have thought that military reform and political reform would not be possible. Although only imitating Charlemagne, but can be combined with the actual situation of the country on the basis of imitation to achieve optimization, it should be said that their sensitivity to new things and their ability to accept are very strong.

The enlightened people are only a few of the nobles. Even the diplomatic representatives of all the countries present tend to be enlightened and reformed, and they can rationally accept Roland’s arguments and analysis, and agree with their ideas. But they were able to reverse the views of their respective domestic conservative forces and promote the acceptance of his plan by the nations? To draw a line with the empire? Let the group of people change their minds of psychiatry that "it would rather die to the empire than the untouchables" all day long ?

This kind of thing is more difficult than the reverse of the world

——It doesn't matter at all~www.readwn.com~ The voice of resoluteness reverberates in Roland's chest.

From beginning to end, he did not pin his hopes on the nobility.

In his psychology, the people, as unremarkable as the earth, but the people who solidly support the whole society, are the future.

Maybe the people have all kinds of problems, maybe they are very small compared with Li Lin. When it comes to foresight and talent, it is beyond the reach. But compared with the endless sky, it can really make people feel at ease when they can stand on the ground. Only when the earth is full of vitality can people survive and be happy.

The people are the real foundation of a country, a society, and a civilization. Any system that deviates from this point of view and treats people as property or parts and numbers cannot be lasted.

Taking a deep breath, Roland supported the table with both hands, and the voice full of passion and power stirred in the venue.

"Making the country strong is never so simple as'maintaining controllable reserves'! Even if it is poor! Even if the days ahead are very difficult! As long as the'blood' keeps flowing in the body, not only can people get the approval of the people, but also make them willing to continue Fighting!'Work hard to get a corresponding reward','Pay the equivalent of what you can buy'-this is everyday life! But today's technology export control agreement has to monopolize all efforts and hopes and take away This is the most basic and reasonable'daily life'! Please be blunt, this is basically a evil law like a parasite that wants to drain the people. Any signed representative's fingers will be rotten! It will also be angry after death People curse for hundreds of years!!"


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