Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1689: 12. The other shore of good and evil (6)

After Roland finished speaking in one breath, the venue was silent.

There was no applause, no admiration or rebuke, only sinister silence and anger filled the sight in the scene.

Minerva once wanted to get up and applaud, but had to remain silent in the strange atmosphere around him.

The atmosphere is so dangerous that it is almost on the verge of explosion, not because Roland said something wrong, but precisely because he said it all right, which made the prominent big men angry and unable to vent.

-I'm just upset!

-Why doesn't this person respect us!

This is probably what the delegates wanted to say the most but could not speak because of their face.

Being censured by a group of people, even if the other party said irrefutable positive arguments, the aristocrats who were present still felt dull, hindering their identity, they were inconvenient to attack, just like a child of anger, everything Without saying, just stared at Roland.

——The aristocracy in various countries can be regarded as a patient to some extent.

Roland's evaluation of the nobles of the countries in a secret letter echoed again in Minerva's heart, and the performance of these representatives now undoubtedly proves his judgment.

The so-called patient does not refer to physical diseases, but refers to the epidemic diseases of the nobles of various countries on the spiritual level.

Simply put, it is extreme hypertrophy of self-esteem.

Treat yourself as the greatest and most glorious existence, and will not tolerate any words or ideas that are contrary to yourself. Even those who make suggestions for their own sake, even if it is only a vague advice, are regarded as accusations and betrayal, and they must stop by turning the other party to the ground and punishing them. On the contrary, as long as they are flatterers, no matter how inferior the other person's character is or how misbehaving, they will be regarded as loyal partners or servants.

Including the old Charlemagne, the nobles of various countries have exhibited such mental illnesses. It is precisely because of such illnesses that they are not reflecting on their own past when facing the crisis of increasing influence of the citizen class. It is resistance to change, and even a freak of aristocracy is brewing.

From the moment of the birth of aristocracy, the aristocracy can be regarded as the symptoms of the final stage. When aristocracy is generally accepted in the entire class and taken for granted, the degeneration of the entire aristocracy is completed.

Regardless of what the delegates have in mind and personal opinions on Roland's speech, the class and position they are in cannot accept this accusation. Even if they internally approve some parts of this speech, or even agree with most of them, they can’t show a hint of thought or an expression of similar approval, otherwise the news will be sent back to the country, even if they have a prominent identity, they can’t bear the crazy counterattack of the entire class. .

So they could only glare at Roland without saying a word.

For Li Lin, this is an excellent opportunity.

"Ru Zhi's words are too biased and almost the same as sophistry."

As if the voice taught by the elder Chunchun sounded, the solidified air flowed in the direction of the more unfavorable Roland.

"Controlling technology output is an effort to stifle the people? Signing an agreement is meant to squeeze out the people? There should be a limit to nonsense. If you don't control and control, the consequences of the abuse of technology, how should you be responsible? If you don't reach an agreement, How should the interests of patent applicants be guaranteed? How should the authority of the government be demonstrated?"

Every rebuttal is an irrefutable positive argument, and each one is a very real issue of interest.

Patent, technology export control, international cooperation-the original target was the private sector. The empires and the countries have different perspectives, but they are completely consistent in "controlling the development of civilian technology." This is also the fundamental reason why the countries can quickly accept the technical control agreement regulations and establish relevant institutions.

Everything is for benefit.

The interests of the empire, the interests of the nations, the interests of the nobility-in front of these, public opinion and the interests of ordinary people can only rely on the sidelines.

This is reality and the limit that Roland can do as an individual.

Into the heavily guarded venue, the voice of the highest level of power is heard, the voice of the people at the bottom is conveyed to the international stage, and every effort is made to strive for the interests of the people. At least part of the sight can be obtained.

He has done enough, far beyond his capacity, and even beyond the limit of ability, but in front of this invisible high wall-no clear form, but towering there, will not be with anyone Dialogue and compromise, only when the word "obedience" is written in front of the high wall, no one can do more. No one would blame him for it.

But Roland did not retreat.

It is easy to run away and give up. You don’t need to do anything. Quit silently or pretend to see nothing.

It's really easy.

But if he did that, he would not be Roland.

"Gentlemen, don’t deceive yourself anymore! What is protected is only the interests of the empire and the nobles. What you want to protect is the unilaterally squeezed order. The so-called guarding of the order to ensure that most interests are only the final pretext. Please be here. Gentlemen, if this agreement cannot guarantee the normal power of invention, what is it used for? What gentleman can tell me, is there any other intention? Is it somewhere in the world because of a What two people have created, and promoted some kind of technological progress, this world will be destroyed? All civilizations will disappear overnight? No, gentlemen, it is people who create technology, and people who use technology are people. !Just like fire is a terrible disaster, fire is still indispensable in our lives. Technological innovation and social progress are also necessary. Injecting new technologies will indeed bring about drastic changes to the world, and it will also bring irreversible civilization evolution. But because of this we should give up our pursuits and wait for the end of the demise and the end of the stagnation? I think there should be no normal people who say this. So, gentlemen, I urge you to think about it! It is to do our best. Is it still enough? Is it to respect the people’s wishes or to ignore the voice of the people? We have come, we have petitioned, we have protested, and we have begged; now it’s up to the princes to decide where to go, all decisions are all Freedom of the public. Only one thing must be explained clearly. Before making a decision, please ask yourself'what can we ask the people for next time?'"

This time no one could bear it anymore. The accusations and swear words of various languages ​​rushed like a flood. The most excited ones were Earl Gorchakov. They almost threw out their white gloves to fight Roland. The noble's restraint and other reasons, the fists clenched in white gloves are always held high in the air.

It wasn't until the emperor tapped on the table that the noisy little theater had temporarily rested. A group of nobles sat back to their seats with gleaming little eyes from time to time moving back and forth between Roland and the emperor.

"Can you understand the meaning of your speech? Do you think that intimidation and threats will be effective for anyone here? Can there be such people in the upper levels of today's countries?"

"I'm not intimidating or threatening, I just state a simple fact."

"The fact is not just one of Ru's mouth."

The emperor's fingers are not in a hurry, his tone is also calm and soothing, but the invisible power contained in it has to be faced by everyone.

"People have the interests of the people, and the government has the government's priority. You speak for the people. This is reasonable, but it is an indisputable fact to coerce the international conference."

As a matter of fact, Li Lin can completely use Roland’s statement just now to define it as “terrorist activity”, and how to say “coercion” is a very serious crime, and the “terrorist organization” label on the “Liberty Corps” also has Not torn off, if Li Linfei had to do this, others would not be able to pick out anything wrong.

Even so, Li Lin is still very cautious.

This is not a university debate, nor an imperial parliament. All the dignitaries present here are experienced diplomats and state decision-makers. In other words, every one here is an old fox. Don't look at them one by one, it seems that they are filled with indignation because of Roland's speech. In fact, these people's delicate eyes have revealed enough information. At this time, if you are proud, you will be aggressive on the wrong issues, and you will end up in an unexpected dilemma.

"Do you want to decide everything with a majority of justice? Whose voice is loud~www.readwn.com~Whose supporters are more than those whose opinions are more correct and reasonable? Is this really the voice of the general public? What?"

The emperor's counterattack was full.

For public order and national interests, the virtues of hope for all are too naive. Throughout history, only a handful of people have consistently placed the public interest above their personal interests. A qualified politician must consider the relentless reality of human nature. When the public interest and national interest conflict with each other, the best solution must be compromise. If the nations are indeed unwilling to accept it, most grassroots including the imperial people also firmly oppose this, and even Li Lin has to make some concessions and compromises.

But Li Lin is very clear about what the so-called public opinion is and what the true attitude of the people is.

Perhaps Roland’s opinion can indeed be accepted by people of insight, but that is only a small part of the majority of the population. Most people are instinctively alert and indifferent to his argument. They would rather believe that the same is not the case. I only want to pursue the sure, small happiness that I can see in front of me, and never want to risk the loss of my life to think about the so-called "future" that is too far away from myself.

Expect the lovely people to stand up? Support him with every effort? If Roland really thinks so, he can only say that he is too naive.

Not to mention, even if it is open for ordinary people to discuss, they will not discuss any good results.

"The voice of the people is very important, but they are not professionals. Letting most but limited knowledge mortals drag the back of a few geniuses will eventually lead to greater tragedy and chaos. It is impossible to admit this and see the reality You are, after all, just a little kid who can play smart."


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