Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1690: 12. The other shore of good and evil (7)

In most cases, the debate cannot solve any problems.

If the gun can solve the problem, there will be no war and crime, and there will be no need for the army and the police.

In the end, any verbal argument will fall into an indisputable situation. Both parties should have said and done what they should do, and they still cannot convince each other. Such a situation arises, basically because each other does not want to be persuaded at all. Even wise wise men often do such things-yes, I know what you say makes sense, I know what you say is probably right, but I am not satisfied with XXXX, so I strongly disagree !

The XXXX here can be "your attitude", "forced compromise", or all the reasons that intelligent creatures can think of, or even no reason at all. In short, not accepting is not accepting.

People like Li Lin and Roland can't escape this rule.

In other words, it is because of them that they inevitably fall into this situation.

They are all rationalists, with outstanding wisdom and keen speculation ability, and their long-term vision is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even if the atmosphere is fierce at the moment, the words spoken are still clear and quick, and every sentence is an irrefutable positive argument.

Some people may ask, since both sides are right, how can they stand still?

It is because they are based on two theories and viewpoints that are derived from correctness, so they must conflict and stalemate.

From the roots, Li Lin and Roland’s goals are "to pursue or achieve a better world." Does the two sides have any differences on this point? But what is a better world, where should we focus, and the opinions of the two sides are completely opposite.

Which side of the protection of the country’s overall interests and national personal rights has priority?

This disturbing issue is at the core of the dispute between the two sides.

Empires and nations that advocate order and strong leadership maintain that in the face of national interests, personal interests must unconditionally yield and obey. How many Roland and the Republic with idealistic colors advocate that as the most basic constituent unit of the country, individuals should also enjoy basic power when obeying their responsibilities and obligations to the country.

The arguments of both sides are reasonable. No one can convince anyone, and no one wants to be convinced by the other. For a while, the debate seemed to be more and more boring and rash.

If this continues, it will undoubtedly benefit the empire.

Will talk about the meaningless responsibility to Roland, and then rule out Roland's interference, forcibly pass the agreement-if there is nothing unexpected, such a play will soon be staged. But just before Li Lin moved, Roland took the lead.

"If you want to be stubborn, no one can stop it."

He straightened his back and said in a disappointed and indifferent voice:

"But I still have to make the final effort here, and I urge you to suspend the meeting for one day and decide after a calm consideration whether you want to sign or make changes. Just one day of thinking will not affect your reputation, if it is really worth it The decision you insist on, whether it is a day or a thousand days, the final result will not change."

——Is this the trick?

The small changes of the participants were accommodated in the corner of the field of vision. The commercial smile that had been hanging on the face receded from Li Lin's face. The elegant appearance showed a helplessness between sneer and bitter smile. confused.

"Not at all."

The finger that kept tapping on the table stopped, and the emperor said in a music-like voice:

"Today's meeting is temporarily over here, and it will be held the next day."


"He was really careful."

Minerva poured black tea into the cup, with a tired emotion.

"In any case, make the optimization choice, not only the short-term optimization, but also the optimization in accordance with the long-term planning. It is a fortress that is hard to beat."

"The most troublesome thing is that he will compromise."

After receiving the black tea, Roland said:

"This is much more difficult than politicians, nobles, etc."

The basic of politics is compromise. If you cannot compromise, you can only resort to war. Even if it is war, there is also a channel that can be resolved through political means-it is with this big premise that politics can be established. A mess of wars perished.

Compromise may not be the best solution, but it is definitely not the worst solution.

This is a very simple truth for intelligent creatures, but it cannot be understood for machines that only know "yes or not", let alone accept it.

Many people, including Roland and Minerva, refer to Li Lin as a "strategic machine" and "calculating perpetual motion machine". It seems that Li Lin is a machine that constantly calculates gains and losses. But most people neglected that during the rise of the empire, Li Lin also made many compromises or even concessions, and successfully avoided a lot of potential troubles. For Li Lin, face is just an optional indicator. As long as it is harmless and does not touch the bottom line of principle, he does not care about this indicator at all.

Don't care about face, know how to compromise, and always make the choice of the optimal solution-this is where Li Lin is difficult.

"Whether it is forcibly expelling me or ignoring the request for an extension of the meeting period, in fact, if he insists on doing it, he will certainly be able to do it, and no one can stop him. But he is very careful and warned that I will pass the information on the venue The "Alaya" system was transmitted to the outside, and then forwarded again, brewing an atmosphere of public opinion against the tyranny of the empire. So he accepted the debate, and argued reasonably, and each of them had nothing to do with privileges. Comfortable and compelling arguments."

Originally, Roland did intend to use the "Alaiye knowledge" to broadcast the debate with Li Lin. In his mind, the indisputable win is a secondary issue. The key is to awaken the majority to promote the lifting of the blockade of technology and knowledge.

However, this abacus was wrong from the beginning.

Li Lin remained calm from beginning to end, and not only calmed himself, but also grasped the atmosphere at the scene and did not allow those foreign representatives to say anything out of control.

"Now even if the debate process is sent out, it is useless, and not to mention the Empire's advantages in information networks and regulation, the content of the debate itself will only make people feel at a loss."

If Li Lin or other participants say something inappropriate and seriously hurt the feelings of the people, then this will inevitably anger the people of the countries. Under strong internal pressure, the countries will inevitably ask the Empire to make some concessions in the agreement. Ease the emotions of the people of the country. But Li Lin didn't count on it, and every response he made was impeccable. Whether it was the position of the government or the position of the emperor, his speech made people irrefutable.

In addition, the most important point is that he is Li Lin, an agent of divine will, omniscient and omnipotent, and never makes mistakes.

If you change to someone else, even if you say the same thing as Li Lin, the emotional masses won't care whether you are justified. In anger, "I'm very upset, I'm not upset about what you say" is all the people's ideas, no one can listen to the facts and reason. But what Li Lin said... Even if the content of the meeting was cut or modified, it was made into a version that very aroused the anger of the people~www.readwn.com~ After reading it, people still have to think calmly.

You can scold bureaucrats, you can scold the nobles, you can scold the king, and you can oppose it just because it is unreasonable. But do you dare to face natural disasters-why do natural disasters that breathe, think, and respond to your words and actions?

As long as they are not suicidal volunteers or mentally disordered people, there will be no such one.

Since Li Lin said it all made sense, his attitude was not aggressive or unreasonable, and he even took the emperor's posture to engage in dialogue with Roland, the leader of the rebellious organization. Its posture has been lowered enough. People who are afraid of the power of the emperor will inevitably think that "the emperor has done enough, and it is unreasonable for the "Legislative Army" to continue to struggle."

"It's like setting up an imperial social order guarantee bureau in everyone's heart. It is necessary to self-check several times before speaking and acting to be at ease!"

"The empire believes that this will make the people more responsible for their own speech and behavior, rather than talking nonsense all day and causing trouble to the people around them and even the country."

"This is really...the old army used to say that too often."

"Just looking at certain groups in the Republic, they are not unreasonable. It is just an excuse after all."

Roland shook his head and redirected the topic to the original direction.

"The most important thing now is how to use the day of adjournment to push the situation as far as possible in our favourable direction."

Being able to fight for a day is almost a godsend, even though it is estimated that Li Lin, because he has enough cards in his hand, may concede in order to make a pretense gesture, but in fact it is still a lot of gambling.

Right now this is a bet win, but what can you do in the day you won to reverse the situation?

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