Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1693: 12. The other shore of good and evil (10)

Not only Marseille, Roland, who is in sync with him, Favna, Heinkel, and the girls who are in battle also feel subtle and strange deviations, and the most accurate description of this sense of violation is that The two words spoken by Marseille.

Paranoia and contradiction.

Paranoia is not difficult to understand. The word was originally synonymous with the elves, and it was also the identity plate and epitaph of the empirical technicians.

The paranoid part of "Salamanda III" is almost satisfactory, the ultimate enhanced air combat maneuverability, the most reasonable and effective configuration of medium and close combat weapons, and the fluid metal armor that takes into account the attack and defense functions, in urban warfare and the like In the narrow environment, the deformable structure that can effectively play maneuvering performance, artificial intelligence more cunning than human... If this is a design devised by a guy with a normal brain, then this world has already become a super giant mental hospital.

As for contradictions, Anrietta, who has directly fought the "Legion", can also clearly feel that this thing is different from all the "Legion" he has played so far.

To crush opponents by the number of absolute advantages, as long as the performance is slightly better than the opponent, it doesn't matter if it is flat, anyway, a sufficient number is formed to impact the opponent, and there is nothing that can't be pushed.

This is the basic idea of ​​the "Legion". Even if you have not received a complete military education, you can immediately feel the terrible and true effectiveness of the steel torrent from the bones once you have played with the overwhelming army of undead.

But "Salamanda III" is completely different.

As Marseille said, this kind of weapon that strengthens a single body to the limit, regardless of cost and without consideration of production, is simply contrary to the "legion" so far. There is also a clear deviation from the original intention of "developing artificial intelligence".

What kind of thinking is the empire based on in order to design and manufacture such a body? Being able to figure out this point has an important reference value for grasping the future development of the "Legion", equipment trends, and adjustment of the overall strategic structure of the empire. .

But the most important thing now is how to cope with the defense force of the "Tower of Language" headed by "Salamanda III".

After the emperor ordered a truce, the Imperial Army did not trouble them, but only enhanced surveillance and security. Then the two sides confronted each other across a road, a building, a window, and a wall. The strong smell of gunpowder lay in the streets of Bonn.

Both sides know that the ceasefire is only temporary, and as the situation changes, a peaceful street may turn into a battlefield in a minute. In order to meet the battle that may come at any time, both sides are preparing for the race.

At this time, the wrong behavior of either party may become Mars thrown into the gunpowder barrel. The Imperial Army was afraid of violating the emperor's orders and caused unnecessary troubles. The "Liberty Army" was afraid of not being cautious enough to adversely affect Roland, who was in contact with the representatives of various countries. Therefore, despite the patience and self-restraint of both sides, although the atmosphere is tense, it is not dangerous.

"Until the negotiation is completed, neither side can act lightly, and wait until the negotiation is over... No, the moment when it finally becomes clear, but it has not been officially turned into a result. There may be drastic changes, it may be a full-scale conflict, or it may be It’s a team-level battle. No matter what kind of battle, the monster must be the first to play."

"Salamanda III" has fully demonstrated its overwhelming strength in the previous battles, and there is no reason for the empire to leave the already proven strong fighting power aside. Once the battle started, Marseilles would have to face the "Salamanda III" offensive and the overwhelming number of Imperial Army encirclement. By then, they will not only need to protect themselves, but in the worst case, they will also try to rescue the Roland and Republic diplomatic delegations trapped in the "Language Tower".

"I don't think that the emperor will do such a heart-wrenching thing as detaining or even killing foreign delegations and leaders of the Republic, but from now on, both sides will launch fierce offensive and defensive activities around the representatives of the countries on and under the table. In this process Will there be anyone who does something out of the ordinary-this is something that neither party can guard against and at the same time are happy to see the other party commit this kind of mistake."

After receiving the mint water and refreshing pills from Anrietta, Marseille drank it quickly, and then said:

"Now the city and the destiny of the entire world depend on the negotiations in that tower."


Given that both Li Lin and Roland are very rational people, and the representatives of the countries participating in this meeting are also aristocratic bureaucrats who are well versed in national government affairs, people should not worry about what will intensify the situation. As a result, as well as the wisdom and rationality of the participants, most of this meeting should be the same as in the past, fierce but not dangerous. Even if no result can be discussed, there will be no loss of life.

But one should not forget that past examples cannot fully guarantee the future.

In fact, from the moment of the temporary adjournment ~ www.readwn.com ~ the unusually heavy atmosphere enveloped the "Language Tower".

Not because of the psychological burden or mental pressure caused by the situation, the representatives themselves needless to say, the accompanying translators, attendants, and guards are also used to the big battles. The current situation is of course intricate and complicated, and the empire and the republic are looming, but at best it is only "tensile". Everyone will be anxious, but never feel heavy.

In front of him, it is beyond that level, beyond the psychological anxiety, and directly entering the physiological level.

Chills that sting the skin;

The sight cast from nowhere;

There was no one in the empty corridor, but some people said that they saw the expressionless children with half of their heads;

Occasionally take a nap to rest, you will hear the laughter and footsteps of children or girls;

It sounds like some kind of supernatural phenomenon, or auditory hallucinations after taking drugs, but it all happened.

The reason is very simple.

"That guy...how much did he get..."

Pressing on the temple, Minerva's sigh sounded between resentment and wail.

The founder of the republic has always been known for its powerful emotional control ability. The calm in the war years when facing various crises is more well-known. Not long ago, she was still thinking about problems in a deafening noise, inventorying the situation, and planning negotiation strategies. . Now... in the best way of speaking, it's also gaffe.

No one can blame her for being replaced by someone else in the same place under the same conditions.

No doubt at all.

Imagine who can be elegant in an environment where dozens or hundreds of glasses are scratched by someone's nails or other sharp objects? If anyone refutes "this is too difficult for a strong person", then he should also be considerate Minerva listening to the call of the undead army.

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