Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1694: 12. The other shore of good and evil (11)

After Roland broke into the venue, the "Legion", which was full of streets and alleys, immediately retreated, and the deafening voice of the mechanical deafness of the undead also halted for a time. It started from an hour ago. Somehow, the tower was suddenly filled with unprecedented sighs of undead.

"Voice" is completely different from before.

The artificial intelligence of the "Legion" is the product of copying the brain circuit of the deceased. While gaining intelligence, it also retains the thinking of the dying moment of the deceased. The "sound" heard by magicians with special sensibility is the original The last words of the dying deceased who were stranded in the killing machine, in academic terms, are "residues of existence."

As long as it is a magician or a person with magician qualifications, it is inevitable that he will hear that voice. For this kind of too strange and thrilling sound, as long as the initial impact is sustained, it will take a little time to adapt. Perhaps the kind of resistance and fear that originated from the deepest level cannot be completely eliminated, but people will eventually adapt. This is the same as listening to the same song repeatedly, which will cause aesthetic fatigue. No matter how scary the voice of the undead army is, if you listen too much and listen for a long time, you will only be regarded as a broken recorder.

But now the "sound" entering the tower one after another is completely different.

--I'm going to kill you.

--Kill you.

——I want to kill you all.

It was still a sigh of mechanical undead, but the hollow but extremely heavy murderous intention contained in it was genuine.

There is no clear goal, it is aimed at all living life, want to destroy everything, kill everything, and drag the living life into the Hades-such clear ideas can be felt from those complaints. This is a completely different level of whispering from the previous "Legion".

The same monotonous words are repeated, but there is a decisive difference between the murderousness, not to mention the fierce murderousness of the moment.

Men, women, children, the elderly, nobles, ordinary people...

No matter who it is, kill it.

It was like a thunderbolt, like a roar of a large-caliber artillery, like a dense shock wave bursting from a barrage, giving no breathing and reaction opportunities. It passed through the body one after another, shaking the internal organs and tightening the nerves of the brain.

That is no longer the "residue of existence", it is degenerate into a pure fighting machine, remove everything from life and be emptied, swallowed by the madness and killing of war, curse the whole world, the murderous intentions overflow, in a real sense "" Undead".

What the **** did the empire do to get this kind of thing, and actually made it!

"This... honestly, it's pretty bad."


Roland wiped the refreshing essential oil on his temples and said in a slightly tired tone:

"In this way, let alone show the Alaya consciousness system, how to maintain one's sanity is a problem."

The performance of Roland, Minerva, Marseille, Anrietta and others will make people feel that the howling of the undead is a kind of "a little scary, but as long as it lasts, it will be fine". In fact, this is a big mistake.

The tragedy of the "Legion" is a dangerous thing, and it must also be awesome.

That is the dross of the deceased who remains in the world. Synchronizing with it is synchronizing with death. If you are not careful, you will be dragged to "the other side". On the other hand, even if you don't want to synchronize, as long as the "Legion" approaches, the sound of the undead will ring in your ears, forced by mental pressure, or abnormal, or suicide, endlessly.

Based on the number and killing intensity of the "legions" currently deployed in the "Language Tower", even ordinary people are affected by that obscure breath, so that the phenomenon of hallucinations and hallucinations is produced. If the representatives of the various countries wear "Alaya" "Knowledge", if you feel it on the spot... Not only will it be the front page headline of tomorrow's major news media, but also the material for creation of supernatural, thriller, suspense, secret room murder and so on. The Republic will also be placed in a very disadvantaged position, and in the following negotiations, the empire and the angry countries will work together to repair it.

The probability of this situation can be said to be so high that people can not be seen as a joke.

"I didn't expect him to come here...no, I should have thought of it, but we ignored the possibility of actual operation."

Fists clenched together, and Roland made a conclusion in annoyed voice.

"The original "Legion" was made by them. No one knows the characteristics of the "Legion" better than they do."

In order to maximize the potential and perform tasks more efficiently, the Empire conducted many inhuman experiments in the process of developing the "Legion", attacking villages, observing the killing efficiency, and testing tactical algorithms; equipped with copied artificial intelligence and The brain organization of living people is better than the one on which side it is used; in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the "Legion", the Imperial Technical Department can spare no effort. During this process, it was not surprising to discover the influence of the "Legion" on the magician ~www.readwn.com~ and then to perceive the various effects and operating mechanisms of the sound of the undead on humans and use it to develop it. .

In fact, according to relevant findings, models using such principles have been developed and put into actual combat.


Roland murmured the ominous word and expressed his speculation.

"I'm afraid that all who are stationed in the tower now are'sirens'."


Minerva could not help but exclaim.

She has read the information about "Siren".

The appearance looks no different from that of ordinary teenagers, but in fact it has the appearance of a human being. It can truly negotiate and talk with human beings, and it is specifically used to hunt down magicians.

This all makes sense.

Because of its human appearance, it will not be conspicuous even if it is stationed in the "Language Tower". In addition, the central processor of "Siren" is not a sky crystal that replicates the structure of the human brain, but a "specially processed" brain tissue, so they While strictly obeying the orders like the general "Legion", the curse of those who can live happily as a human and the curse of the whole world continue to be radiated to the surroundings.

If the "Legion" is likened to an invincible battle axe, then the "siren" is a sword with a slanting edge and a haunting spirit. Now the demon sword lurks quietly in the "Language Tower", watching the actions of Roland and others. As long as Roland demonstrates the "Alaya consciousness" system to the representatives of the various countries on the spot, trying to make a paradigm shift and pull the countries into their own camp, then "Siren's singing"-in mythology, countless men in the sea lost their souls and died. The magical sound of is enough to transform the stage of changing the world into an altar stained with blood and death.

As long as this difficulty cannot be overcome, all of Roland's plans cannot be launched.

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