Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1695: 12. The other side of good and evil (12)

"Roland wants to show the possibility of humanity, I permit. But anything will not only rise and be positive, as everyone knows, risks and benefits coexist. As much as he wants to gain, he should bear the corresponding risks. "

Touch the keys with your fingertips, the sound of the piano is as ethereal as silver, as if it is as clear as the moonlight, and the fresh sense of secession rippling in the room.

Playing Debussy's "Moonlight", the emperor's face was relaxed and comfortable.

"There is no doubt that the communication system developed by the Republic has a very considerable influence on the future world. Not only the battlefield, but also the world will be affected."

The relaxed expression said something that would make the listeners unable to relax at all.

That is by no means alarmist.

Participants who have experienced the tremendous energy generated by the flow of information and who have actually operated this energy to bring countless troubles and even disasters to other countries are well aware of the significance of Roland's invention to the world.

The size and extent of the impact of intelligence depends on the speed, accuracy, and quantity of information transmission. The reason why all countries, including the old Charlemagne, had been defeated by the empire in intelligence warfare was the complete defeat of the three major elements of intelligence transmission. Leaving aside the organizational structure and application concepts, the technical gap is enough to determine the future outcome.

In fact, at the beginning, all kinds of intelligence networks established by relying on magic and Mana, including communication skills, were not necessarily inferior to the Empire. But after the war, the interfering particles released by the empire made this information and communication network in fact a waste. Countries had to use the most primitive communication methods to grasp the situation and coordinate the front and rear. They were beaten to the ground in the information war. Find teeth. Although there was no interference from interfering particles after the war, no one could believe anything that had proved unreliable.

Since then, the various countries have also tried to explore new ways of transmitting information, but at first they were limited by rigid aristocratic thinking, and secondly, they were blocked by imperial technology patents, and the related attempts have made limited progress. Therefore, in the intelligence warfare, the nations are still being beaten by the empire.

Once Roland successfully popularized the new communication system of the Republic, it not only allowed the countries to stand on the same level as the empire for the first time in terms of information transmission rate and security, but also successfully avoided the patent problem. At that time, I am afraid that the overall strategy of the empire will have to be re-planned and formulated, and this is only the first step of many influences. This alone is enough to make the empire's high level shudder.

The actions of Roland and the Republic must be stopped-this is the unanimous opinion of the high-level empire, but how to do it, everyone is blind.

You don’t have to do it in the “Language Tower”? Don’t talk about the feelings of the representatives of the nations like this. Where do you put the emperor’s face and credit? As soon as I talked about it, I went back to assassinate. Does the emperor's credibility still need it? Does the empire's face even need it?

Although the empire does not really care about face, credit is another matter. It involves many agreements signed so far. It is to a certain extent a guarantee of the cornerstone of the new order. Once there is loosening, it must be costly to repair it. Times the cost, and there is no guarantee that there will be no sequelae.

This is a big thing, and no one dares to make any claims at all. In the end, the emperor personally took care of this trouble.

Li Lin's solution is simple.

In the final analysis, all the negative predictions are based on the premise of "recognition and acceptance of the new technologies of the Republic by the representatives of various countries". In other words, as long as Roland does not contact and communicate with the representatives of the countries, or the countries do not recognize the technology, a negative future without premises will not occur.

Then, as long as the "siren" is stationed in the "Language Tower" and the surrounding area.

The empire realized very early that "the magician would sense the existence of the "legion"". In several operations, the confidentiality work was clearly in place beforehand, and there was nothing to be missed during the operation, but some guerrillas seemed to have already noticed the "legion" in covert proximity and had prepared in advance. In order to clarify the truth of the matter, they deliberately captured some prisoners, and after the interrogation mastered the special induction between the magician and the "Legion". After a lot of experiments, after thoroughly understanding the relevant principles and mechanisms, he began to develop a model for the magician, that is, "siren."

Needless to say, "Siren" is a miniature "legion" used to hunt magicians. All its designs are focused on how to more effectively hunt and kill. It can be said that this is a malicious and murderous intention. The finished works, from the top of the head to the toenails, all exist to kill people. The central processor as the core of the whole machine-the "specially processed" brain tissue is a concentrated manifestation of all maliciousness.

Empire technicians once again used their actions to show that the so-called "moral floor" luxury goods simply did not exist on them. They tortured and abused the subjects for a long time, in order to stimulate the subjects to produce fear and hatred, and then determine the degree of the other party’s emotional response by detecting the concentration of adrenaline in the blood. After anesthesia, the brain tissue was removed and sealed in the body after treatment.

The reason for using such complicated and cumbersome means is to preserve the special sensibility of the magician, and on the other hand, to use the residual consciousness full of killing intention and curse to oppress the spirit of the hunting target. According to the experimental report ~www.readwn.com~, the impact of a certain number of "sirens" gathered will even affect ordinary people, causing hallucinations and hallucinations. The effect on the magician is even more obvious. Most of the experimental subjects were mentally disturbed on the spot, and a small proportion showed brain death or physical death.

The main purpose of concentrating the "siren" in the tower is to use this principle to block the communication system of the Republic.

The detailed principle is still under discussion at the verification stage. What is certain is that the communication system used by the Republic can resonate to some extent with the "Legion" central processor-artificial intelligence that replicates the structure of the human brain. The enemy is using this principle, using special communication systems and "unicorns" to diffuse the increased brain quantum waves, and close to a certain range of mayfly types resonate with it, which triggers similar electromagnetic pulse weapons Attack overload effect.

In short, the other party can resonate with the "Legion", just like the magician, hear the last words of the "Legion".

In this case, there is no reason not to use this.

A large number of "sirens" are already installed in the city, only because the activation of hundreds of "sirens" in the same area is likely to cause unnecessary trouble (mainly because of riots and public security cases caused by auditory hallucinations). Are sleeping. Nowadays, these taboo birds wake up and use the "Language Tower" as their nest, without any rest, playing the curse of the whole world without interruption.

As soon as Roland opens the communication system that connects with others to share consciousness, the souls of injustice entrenched in the tower will roar, dragging all those who hear this voice into hell. As for whether a hundred or so units are enough to suppress... The answer to this question is already there.

"Because we are numerous (.sumus)"-because of this, it is called "the army of undead".

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