Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1700: 12. The other shore of good and evil (17)

The possibility is something that is uncertain and impossible to observe, just like a box given to a woman by a **** in ancient mythology. Before opening the box, I hope to coexist with the disaster. Until the last time the box is opened for observation, no one can know whether the last box is a hope or a disaster.

In ancient mythology, after opening the box, various disasters flew out, but in the end, hope remained. The box that Roland was about to open would almost certainly point to disaster.

The empire has no reason to let dangerous seeds take root and germinate. With the wise determination of the emperor, once it is confirmed that it cannot stop the promotion of the "Alaya consciousness" system and the subsequent wave of new technologies, he will definitely solve the hidden dangers without hesitation. . Once the empire initiates military operations against the republic, the countries that are now reluctant to maintain a balance with the empire will certainly follow up based on their own security. The vortex of war will rotate and expand at a speed beyond everyone's imagination, and the whole world will be swept into this crazy and cruel vortex.

The tragedy of war, the tragic sacrifices of up to half or more of the total population, the desolation of the earth, the overall collapse of social order and popular support-this is also a possible result after opening the door. Who dares to say that as long as the emperor makes a concession and the "Alaya" system is announced in this way, the world will surely continue to maintain peace? Towards a peaceful and happy future? Will there be no disputes and tragic total wars, and the entire world, including the Empire, will move towards an ideal society where coexistence and competition exist?

Totally impossible.

Li Lin’s goal has already been determined. No matter what other countries do and how to do it, that goal will not be shaken. To achieve that goal, war is an inevitable means. Depending on the development of the specific situation, there may be differences in form and method, but that is only the difference between more or less dead people.

Whether to promote the "Alaya" system or whether to open the door to the development of new technologies can only affect the advancement or postponement of the war, and that's all.

However, at the same time, if new balances are reached through the development of new technologies and multilateral negotiations, the Empire may make some concessions out of fear of not being ready to complete a hasty war. The originally scheduled time for the war was greatly delayed backwards, people have more time to enjoy peace, explore ways and means to maintain peace, and eventually postpone the overall overall war indefinitely-this possibility is not to say that there is no.

After all, everything is only an assumption, but only a possibility. In the face of the "necessary future" that no one can be sure of, choose the safest approach and abandon the possibility to ensure the peace of the moment and the peace of at least one generation-there is no reason to be accused.

"As an individual, the old man really wants to agree with your efforts. The young people are ideals-or to strive for the ideal of benefiting most people and striving for peace. The kind of energy, energy, and glitter that really touch the old man. But as a representative of a country, as a noble, as a father, as a grandfather, the old man can only say'sorry'."

The Duke's hands were held together, and the door of negotiation was shut with a sincere voice.


"Albion also refused flatly."

"Everything you expected."

Niederhogger owed his body and paid tribute to the emperor.

"Under the threat of a full-scale overall war, all countries have to be cautious."


The emperor's smile is still full of beauty and reason, but somehow it may be the tone, or the atmosphere, and the subtle question exudes subtle contempt.

"If you want to be cautious, they won't be in contact with Roland. This group of guys are just thinking about which side is more beneficial to tilt, and which side can get more rewards for being human."

If we want to say the decisive difference between Roland and Li Lin, I am afraid it is not a superficial comparison of power, wisdom, and strategy, but more rooted-from the deepest affirmation and denial of human nature in the spirit.

The essence of the possibility that Roland believes is to believe in the goodwill of mankind. All actions are derived from the goodwill of mankind, that is, the theory of sexual goodness. Li Lin’s actions and thinking criteria are based on the theory of sexual evil. Human nature is evil. All actions are derived from selfishness, self-interest, and calculation. The so-called good is just a measure to cover up the disguise of nature and maintain the structure of social order. .

Good and evil.

Both traits exist in people's hearts. People sometimes do good and sometimes evil. Pure goodness and absolute evil do not exist. It is hard to say which is the correct reference standard and the origin of the theory of sexual goodness and sexual evil. It is somewhat extreme, even cynical. However, in the field of politics, its ethical and moral standards are originally different from the general public's perception. In the political world where selling and betraying are commonplace, calculating and being calculated are as natural as breathing, tendency to evil and reality Is the more correct approach.

National events are events of life and death, and no tolerance or impulse is tolerated. Negotiations with the empire and the establishment of a peaceful common meeting for decades to come are even more so.

The nations do not like the empire ~ www.readwn.com ~ or fear and hostile to the empire. But now that the new order has been established and is gradually on the right track, no one dares to abandon the new order lightly. The interest entanglement around the new order has already exceeded the level of the international order. This system has already penetrated all aspects and is closely related to the lives of thousands of people. Not to mention destruction and abandonment, even a little damage will bring great shock to the entire world. .

Politics, economy, military, technology-various systems are intertwined with each other, and the whole body is moved in a flurry. Once Roland tries to open the door to the development of new technologies, the first impact must be in the technical and economic fields. By exporting various industrial products and technology patents, and then on this basis, the imperial mark has become an international trade settlement currency, and there are large imperial mark reserves in the treasuries and banks of various countries. If the "technical system that breaks away from the empire" develops and forms a trend, it means that the industrial products that serve as the pricing anchor of the empire mark begin to depreciate, and the empire mark will immediately fall. Not only the empire, but also the wealth of the countries will shrink significantly. The next step is the outbreak of the economic crisis that has affected the entire world. Business failure, worker unemployment, skyrocketing prices, social unrest...

This is just the first step, and all kinds of unrest, civil wars, and wars that shift domestic crises can be expected.

"In the past, in order to avoid post-war financial bankruptcy, the old Charlemagne kingdom gave up peaceful negotiations with Alfheim, and eventually the entire country was completely destroyed. Now the mentality of all countries is the same. Although the new technology is so good that it makes them Promising prospects, but they are willing to make a conservative choice compared to the possible crisis. However, it is not in their interest to let this new technology disappear, so they choose to wait and wait for the situation to change and see if they can While protecting the interests, give the Republic a little affection and pull them a little."

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