Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1701: 12. The other shore of good and evil(18)

Li Lin takes everything seriously.

Although most people think that this is a necessary condition for walking on the "always right" path, from another perspective, holding the power at any time can destroy the entire world. Is it an accident or disaster?

Regardless of the macro-strategic level or the tactical detail level, Li Lin has done a perfect job and is very cautious.

Li Lin has been very prepared to cause a paradigm shift through technological innovation, and then shake the entire new order. He is very clear that there is no way to stop this kind of thing with violence, and not only that, but also to avoid using violence as much as possible.

As for the practical aspect, it is to link the countries and the empire with intertwined and complicated interest chains.

The so-called new order (Neuordnung) refers to a brand-new order that includes political, economic, military, and diplomatic aspects, and can also be said to be a whole new system. In this system, the apex is the empire. Other countries are both stakeholders and collaborators, and they are also the targets of the empire's harvest.

That's right, the essence of the new order is a system for shearing wool. There is no difference from the behavior of a superpower in another world.

Just as a smart creature has a dual core of physiology and psychology, the new order is regarded as a living body, and it also has a core of matter and spirit.

Control the development of intelligent biological civilizations including ancient species and intelligent species, so that they can develop in a "conform to demand" form, and form a fixed cycle as far as possible-this is the core essence of the spiritual level. After specific implementation, it is the patent system, the inspection system, the processing of knowledge that does not meet the needs, and so on.

The material-level approach is to shear wool and continue to strengthen armaments in preparation for the world war.

Needless to say about the military, here we will focus on shearing, which is the economic basis for the operation of the new order.

The empire relies on the imperial army, the patent system and the imperial mark to harvest social wealth and attract talents from all over the world to strengthen the empire itself and weaken the strength of other countries. From the time of Yalfheim, a systematic combination of punches and methods has gradually formed, and the disintegration of the old Charlemagne and the disintegration of the human-orc confrontation have exacerbated this dependence. This provided an excellent objective environment for the Empire to shear wool.

The specific method is this:

Relying on the influence of the empire and the support of the national power, the imperial mark provides liquidity to the world in the form of a trade deficit, and allows the imperial mark to flow around the world. We can think of these imperial marks as fry and lambs. Then rely on the empire's military strength, international influence, and intelligence operation capabilities to artificially create regional conflicts and crises. There are various forms of expression, such as political crisis, economic crisis, interest rate hike, and even international conflicts, which make the asset price of a particular country fluctuate greatly relative to the imperial mark. Reserves, on the one hand, allow this batch of value-added wealth to enrich the imperial treasury, on the one hand, recover the issued imperial mark to reserve liquidity, prepare for the next round of harvest, the specific process of releasing and recovering imperial mark liquidity is to raise interest rates and Cut interest rates.

The whole process is a systematic combination of punches, just like raising sheep, let go to eat grass, and grow back to harvest.

This method is often effective. As long as the countries still need the working machine produced by the Empire and various industrial products, they will have to earn the Empire Mark and recognize the position of the Empire Mark’s trade settlement currency and foreign exchange reserve currency to protect the Empire Mark. Free circulation. As long as there are more Empire Marks in their hands, the more they cannot break away from the new order, they can only let the Empire take their demands. Even if anyone wants to escape or destroy the new order, other countries will immediately take action to prevent them from worrying about their own economic stability and shrinking assets.

This is a highly sophisticated system. Once any country or organization falls into it, it is impossible to break away. It can only proceed in accordance with the system's operating procedures until it is squeezed out or the war is provoked.

However, the emergence of the "Alaya" system has brought great challenges to the economic operation system of the new order. "Alaya" is not just as simple as "technical development options outside the empire", its emergence and expansion are destined to become the biggest challenge and hidden danger of the new order.

The first impact of the new technology system represented by the "Araya consciousness" was the Imperial Mark linked to the industrial products manufactured by the Empire. Because of the substitution, imperial industrial products are no longer indispensable. The imports of imperial industrial products by various countries will inevitably be reduced. At the same time, the republic’s technological system will be vigorously introduced to offset the dependence on the imperial technological system. The Republic can not only weaken the economic strength and influence of the empire, but also strengthen its influence and form a positive economic cycle. Next, the governments of the republics and nations will strengthen their control over the economic field and have many control measures for capital in the financial field, making it difficult for the empire to harvest wealth only by operating capital.

The increasing comprehensive national strength of the Republic and the countries will stabilize the social and political environment, and it will be more difficult for the empire to create a divestiture of asset prices in other countries by creating a political crisis. Even if it is created, due to the existence of regulatory measures, wealth is also difficult Out of the countries, and back to the imperial reserve a new round of liquidity.

At that time, apart from directly declaring war, there is no other way to interrupt the ascent process of the Republic and the nations, and the whole new order will be completely disintegrated.

"If that is the case, it is not a serious problem, or in other words, it is definitely not more serious than the outbreak of the overall total war. The reason for the empire and the new order is to start the total war before the preparation is completed. The more dangerous reason is that the Republic has taken a completely different approach to the rise of all great powers so far, eroding and corrupting the foundations of the empire."

Li Lin still maintains an elegant smile, and Niederhogg on the side has frowned.

The foundation for maintaining the empire and the new order is the harvest and recycling of wealth around the world. The rise of the republic and the new technology system not only makes the republic itself an object that cannot be harvested, but as the influence gradually spreads, it will also make the past to other countries. The effect of the boxing of the harvesting combination is greatly reduced, and even against the empire itself.

First, the Republic guarantees that it will not be harvested by the empire, and then "taxes" the empire by holding a large amount of the imperial mark's foreign exchange reserves. The specific method is that when the empire created a "crisis" and began to reap other countries, the republic and the empire acquired assets at a low price (including not limited to the development rights of raw material resources, bidding for infrastructure construction, or just acquiring some resources, or participating in reconstruction or investment ). This is tantamount to the fact that for the empire, only paper money is returned, not wealth, and only inflation, not actual benefits.

"In a short period of time, this trend will not make the empire vigilant, or it will not make the empire vigilant. But with the decrease in demand, the industrial products produced by the empire's enterprises and factories will inevitably appear to be unsalable, and the empire mark Will depreciate, soaring prices, sharp social contradictions... that is, the economic crisis caused by inflation. With the national strength and volume of the empire, an economic crisis will not destroy the country, but the problem is after that."

The economic crisis will inevitably damage the power of the empire. In the past, the empire needed to find a target to harvest wealth and export crises. But by then the Empire will find that it is not only impossible to harvest the Republic, but also not much wool to other countries.

As the empire suffers from inflation and the economic crisis, the Republic has not stopped its accumulation of power. Eventually, the strength comparison between the two sides will reach a delicate tipping point. That is, the empire gradually finds it difficult to support the hegemonic position of the imperial mark in international economic activities, and the national strength of the republic has grown enough to promote the internationalization of its own currency, replacing the position of the imperial mark, and carrying various infrastructure, technology, and products to foreign countries. Build your own trading system. At this time, the empire will have to face the fact that the use of past harvesting methods not only has the issue of whether there is a profit, but also the question of whether it can return to the original

The reason is that in the past, the empire detonated the crises of other countries. After the price of manufacturing assets fluctuated, it was possible to purchase high-quality assets of other countries at a low price of the imperial mark and recover liquidity. Although it will be intercepted by the Republic, most of the proceeds are still imperial.

But once the Republic grows to export capital, products, and infrastructure, and builds its own trading system, most of the proceeds will inevitably be collected by the Republic.

"They will probably do this. First of all, they sign a series of currency swap agreements and local currency trade settlement agreements. At the same time, the Republic provides various international financing channels dominated by them. Gradually change the previous way of directly using Imperial Mark to acquire resources or assets. The products and infrastructure produced are converted into imperial marks, and the countries have traded imperial marks with options of their own high-quality assets. The two parties only claimed to use imperial marks, and in fact, no Finney has flowed."

In this way, the situation has evolved into that after the empire created various regional conflicts and crises around the world, the Republic intervenes in this way, not only intercepting the return that should have returned to the empire's economy, or even no return. For example, the Principality needs to export agricultural products and timber. The Republic bids on infrastructure and products, and the Principality mortgages on options for infrastructure gains or other assets to complete the transaction. The only thing in the middle is the flow of materials, and the Imperial Mark is only responsible for the valuation unit. The empire cannot harvest any gains in it. And the Republic must also have its own funding channels, such as various private investment banks that act as white gloves.

For the empire, this situation is not interesting at all.

"At that stage, it was no longer a challenge, but it was severely shaken and even gradually eroded and shattered the foundations of the empire. For a long time, the empire paid huge costs to build and maintain a new order system, and had to maintain huge military expenditures and A certain degree of external deficit to maintain liquidity, but as long as it can be harvested, then the Empire’s trade deficit and high military expenditures are worth it, and in the end, they will always get excess returns... But now, the Empire has paid the cost and consumed The influence, but no corresponding benefits."

It is also a way for the empire to abandon a single new order and return to international coordination of multilateralism, but this does not mean that it will succeed if it is changed. The country’s system and society and concepts will change abruptly, which is most likely to cause chaos and civil war. So easy, a certain red empire will not collapse overnight.

For the great powers, turning around is a difficult thing. If you can easily change the way of life or social system ~www.readwn.com~ then many great empires in history have already done so. This is why the empire must be strangled when the danger is still in its infancy. If not, it is necessary to proceed immediately with direct, powerful, and substantial attacks against the Republic.

As long as the republic lives a day in this way, both the empire and the new order are at risk of disintegration. When the republic’s dangers formally surface and do this again, it is difficult to say not only if there is no certainty of victory, or if there is more than half of it. At that time, no matter whether the empire was willing or not, they had to bet half and half on this. This is undoubtedly the worst case for the choice of national strategy.

There seems to be a choice, but there is no, because there is only the difference between bad and worse. If you do not solve the problem at hand, even if you find more wallets in the future, you will not be able to fill the belly of the empire, and you will become more and more hungry. In the end, you can only choose between self-destruction and destruction of the world.

"Roland may not be able to predict this level, but after the new technology is on track, he will surely notice various phenomena and derive conclusions from various effects. At that time, he may try to delay the relevant process and prevent the train from The collision happened. But who will listen to him then?"

Perhaps as Roland said, the starting point of human actions is goodwill, and it is their duty to seek happiness. However, the good intentions of a person or a few people cannot change the world, nor can they pry the course of historical development.

It is totally wrong and unrealistic to place the foundation of national policy decisions and even the destiny of the world on the expectation of goodwill.

What can be believed and can be relied on is only the result of careful calculation based on malicious thinking.

"This dispute is of equal importance to us and the Republic. They can't lose, and we are the same."

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