Ishimuro Akio: "..."

He looked at the documents in silence for a while, then said to Atsuko:

"Atsuko, Qiao Ji, check this person named Kuroda Kei."

The person who can come up with this kind of information should not be an ordinary person. At least XIG is currently lacking a monster knowledge expert, so maybe we can consider hiring her.


After receiving the order, the two immediately started to operate.

As an organization established by the world union, XIG can naturally consult the world human database to a certain extent.

What's more, this is the original Neon.

There is no problem.

Soon, the results were obtained here, and several people looked at the screen.

"Feng Shui Master..."

Isn't that a liar?

Their faces were a little strange.

As we all know, this is a world of science, and those mysterious things are just the gradual evolution of people's ignorance of nature in the past.

Commander Ishimuro and Staff Officer Chiba looked at each other, and then nodded.

Although it seems a bit unreliable, they have to contact this lady anyway. After all, she is not an ordinary person who can give them so much information.

As for this mission...

Ishimuro Akio glanced at Gamu.

"Gamu, the mission of contacting Kuroda Megumi is handed over to you. How about it, are you confident?"

Hearing this, Takayama Gamu immediately nodded excitedly.

This is the first time he has been entrusted with a formal mission since he came to XIG.

Like the previous adjustment of parameters and investigation of colored energy, they are at most trivial matters that are asked to be asked casually, and they are not missions at all.

Does this mean that he is really a member of XIG? !

Beside him, Sasaki Atsuko frowned and said:

"Commander, forgive me for being blunt."

"Gamu has just joined XIG, and his age and experience are still too young. Is it inappropriate to give him this contact mission?"

"I think a formal senior investigator should be sent."

The contact mission is not an easy vacation-type mission, but it can be said to be the most troublesome one.

Because they cannot be sure who the other party is, what kind of personality they have, and whether they will be dangerous, they usually only assign senior people to take over.

"What? I am also mature, okay?"

Imu immediately refuted.

He finally received a formal mission, how could he let it fly away from his hands?

After that, he ran out directly and said:

"Just leave it to me with confidence!"

Looking at his "hurried" appearance, Atsuko sighed and said:

"Commander, look at him!"

Ishimuro Akio and Chiba Tatsumi looked at each other and smiled, but neither of them wanted to cancel the mission.

Although Imu is young, he is still very reliable.


Suburban Tokyo.

Imu drove the car borrowed from a friend at a speed of 40 per hour and arrived at his destination smoothly.

Probably because he didn't want any situation that might lead to the failure of the mission.

He came to the address written on the information.

"Kuroda... residence."

Yes, that's right, it's here.

But, the door seems to be closed.

Is there no one? Or did she go out?

He scratched his head, but still pressed the doorbell.

"Moshimo--Xi, I'm Gaoshan Meng from XIG. Is Miss Kuroda home?"

Soon, the door was opened from the inside.

Kuroda Hui walked out and saw Meng. She was stunned for a moment, then smiled and invited him in.

This red light... looks like "Gaia".

After sitting in the living room, Meng looked a little restless.

Sitting with such an elegant, intellectual and mysterious beautiful big sister, Meng, a young man, felt a little restrained.


I don't know if it's an illusion, but he always feels that the aura of Miss Kuroda is very special, different from everyone he has met so far.

It's just very... well, friendly? Respectful?

Or something else.

But anyway, it's definitely not the feeling of a stranger meeting for the first time.

However, Meng didn't care.

I just thought that Miss Kuroda was very friendly.

He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but was stopped by the other party.

"I already know the purpose of your coming here."

Kuroda Hui picked up the various materials that had been prepared long ago and handed them to me, saying:

"I'm sorry, I can't join XIG, but don't worry, I will help you as much as possible."

She can nowAs the apostle of the Rainbow Serpent God, she cannot join humans, monsters or any other party and must maintain her independence.

Now, she has understood what the "judgment" she predicted at that time meant.

However, she can't do anything.

She can only give them the best help she can.

After all, she is also a human being, how can she watch her own race usher in destruction?

I dream: "..."

He hasn't said anything yet, and the mission seems to have been completed?

He suddenly figured out the other party's identity, good or bad, and position...

This, this is not what he thought.


Well, forget it.

He stood up and said, "Well, Miss Kuroda, I'm going to make a phone call first. Can you wait for a moment?"

He had to report to the higher-ups, otherwise it would be unreasonable to complete the mission so muddled.

He walked outside and connected the communication.

He spent more than ten seconds talking about this matter.

"......I understand."

"Okay, Imeng, you come back with the things first, and thank Miss Kuroda for her help and information for me and the entire XIG."

Imeng nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

He closed his watch.

He turned back to the house and smiled awkwardly at Kuroda Hui.

It is not polite to leave the visiting host to go out and make a phone call in Neon or anywhere else.

"Well, Miss Kuroda, thank you for your help!"

He bowed to Kuroda Hui and said.

The latter smiled and nodded, and said softly: "It doesn't matter, after all, I just did what I could."

"You are the ones who are really working hard."

Soon, Imeng left the Kuroda residence.

He brought a lot of monster information and mythological stories compiled by Kuroda Hui.

In the house.

Kuroda Hui glanced at the car leaving and remained silent.


The person chosen by the light of the earth, I hope you can protect this world. Otherwise, I can only...

She rolled up her loose sleeves and took off the gloves on her left hand. The hideous snake-shaped scar represented the power of God.

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