If Gaia can't protect it, then she will choose to ask the gods to help.

Although it's only once, it's enough to solve any enemy.


She sighed.

This world is really becoming more and more unfamiliar to her.

It's also becoming less and less peaceful.

Even in the whole world, Neon is known as the country where monsters are infested, the least peaceful one.

Therefore, the strongest force of XIG is stationed here.

"God, what should I do?"

Kagachi heard her doubts and felt her confusion.

But he didn't care.

He didn't want to go and there was no need to bother to explain anything, time will prove everything.


Over there, I dreamed back to the base.

"How is it?"

The commander of the stone room looked at him and asked.

I dreamed nodded to him and put the information in his hand on the table.

Among these, there are not only the detailed contents of the entire page of "Taiping Fengtu Ji", but also many other things, but he just flipped through it twice on the way back, and it was not very clear.

Everyone picked up some and flipped through them.

The commander of the stone room looked at them and picked up the information about myths and legends.

There were only two pages, and there was almost no text description.

One page was a rainbow hanging upside down, like a bow of punishment pointing to the earth.

One page was a dragon totem with a gem on its forehead.

What is this?

His intuition told him that these would not be just two paintings.

After keeping a little careful, he looked at Atsuko and said:

"Enter all this information into our database as soon as possible."

It will be more convenient to query this way.


Atsuko and Qiao Ji nodded immediately, then put the information together and started to work.


I dreamed lying on the bed, looking at the starry sky outside through the window.

What happened recently echoed in his mind.

Monsters, giants, XIG...

Suddenly, he seemed to have a feeling.

He took out the blue gem cone and found that it was shining with a flickering light.

"This is..."

He was wondering, but suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness. The next moment, the scene in front of him changed.

"This is..."

He looked at the gray scene around him and was a little confused, but then he found that he was in a transformed state at this time.

He shook his hand.

It was very powerful, not like an illusion or something like that.

The next moment, two more figures appeared in this space.

They were giants like himself.

One was the female Ultraman he had seen when he dealt with Kiru last time.

The other was a blue figure.

Moreover, for some reason, he actually felt a familiar feeling from the blue Ultraman, as if his real body was someone he knew.

"You are..."

He tried to ask out loud.

But Skye ignored him, still lowered his head, his eyes were dull.

It was the blue Ultraman who spoke.

"I didn't expect that it was you who got Gaia's power, Meng."

A male voice came out of his mouth.

This surprised Meng. Did he know his identity? !

But the next moment, a question mark appeared on his forehead.

Not only did he feel it, but even the voice was familiar to him.

Fujimiya: "..."

This idiot, could it be that he still hasn't recognized him until now?

After all, the two of them have worked together for quite a while.

"It's me, idiot!"

This familiar impatient scolding and slightly disgusted tone made Meng react.


"Wow, it's really you, haha?!"

He laughed. I didn't expect it was an acquaintance.

"Yeah." He nodded and continued, "I got the power of the Ocean Light Aguru."

"Yours is the Earth Light, right?"

Hearing this, Meng nodded, which was considered affirmative.

The next moment, the two of them simultaneously turned their eyes to Skye.

I Meng took a step forward.

"Um, may I ask who you are..."

Hearing his words, Skye moved, raised his head, and looked at him with slightly dim eyes.


A clear and ethereal voice came out.

"Ultraman Skye, the light of the sky."

Seeing that she did not reveal her identity, I Meng did not care, after all, this was her power.

However, it was great to be able to communicate.

He began to talk about his experiences during this period, how unbelievable it was, etc.

Skye: "..."

Control behind the scenesKagachi: "......"

How come this kid is still such a chatterbox?

It was Fujimiya who interrupted him, and he looked at Skye.

"Who are you?"

Skye, or Kagachi, glanced at him.

He didn't like Fujimiya Hiroya and Aguru very much. To be honest, of the two chosen ones, he liked Gaoshan Womeng more.

No other reason, she has a better personality and is more comfortable.

Unlike most people, Kagachi doesn't like the so-called cold and lonely people. He doesn't have the spare time to "melt" them.

Instead of doing this, it's better to "melt" them.

I gave you face, right? !

Seeing that Skye was still silent, Fujimiya walked directly towards her and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to force it.

"No, Fujimiya!"

Womeng wanted to stop him.


Skye raised her head.

The next moment, her figure appeared in front of Aguru and slapped him.

Snap! !

With this slap, the space seemed to be lifted, and the three were submerged in a burst of white light.

Outside, I Meng suddenly sat up from the bed.

What happened?

Why did I come back suddenly?

He recalled everything he had just experienced. At this time, the sapphire cone that was still shining faintly proved that it was not an illusion.

"... I didn't expect that Fujimiya also had the power of the giant of light."

"And that green female Ultraman..."

"So it was the light of the sky?"

"Sky, Sky..."

There were too many things that happened today, and I Meng couldn't sleep at all. The next day, he came to the command room with a faint panda eye.

"Puff... What's wrong with you?"

Seeing him like this, Atsuko couldn't help laughing.

Even Qiao Ji covered her mouth.

Hearing this, Imeng was helpless. There was nothing he could do. He couldn't sleep last night.

At this time, the commander of the stone room came over and naturally saw the dark circles under Imeng's eyes. He raised his eyebrows and asked:

"What's wrong, Imeng, are you not used to it?"

Hearing this, Imeng shook his head and said:

"Of course not!"

"I just... thought about a lot of things last night about that female Ultraman."

"Oh." Staff Officer Chiba asked: "Then what did you come up with?"

Imeng scratched his head.


"I just came up with a name."

Everyone: "..."

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