Zog raised her head slightly and looked at the colorful energy body.

To be honest, this was the first time she saw this thing, but she instinctively felt a sense of danger.

But this was normal. She came here this time without the idea of ​​going back. If necessary, she would directly self-destruct and perish with the earth.

Of course, if she could get rid of the earth before that, then there would be no need to go to that step.

After all, no one wants to die if they can live.

She raised her hands slightly.

A wave bomb formed in her hand and shot towards Kagachi under the Rainbow Nebula.

She naturally knew which one was more important, the phantom or the entity. According to the information received, the Rainbow Serpent God on Earth was best at using energy, and the phantom above was probably born for this reason.

But this trick was useless.

The nebula body waved its hand, and the wave bomb disappeared directly as if it had never appeared.

Although it was just specious, Kagachi also put a lot of effort on this nebula body, which could not only exert his full power, but also enhance radiation.

The power of energy is increased by more than double.

When Kagachi merges more worlds, it may be upgraded to a real nebula body.

The next moment, Kagachi's mind moved.

The nebula body put its hands together, and the colorful light on its body shone brightly.

The hands slowly separated, and a black dot appeared between its hands, and it became bigger and bigger, and finally expanded into a black ball the size of a basketball.

Endless suction came from it.

The appearance of the black ball shocked Zog.


Is this... Is this a black hole? !

There was also a crazy warning sound from the XIG base. Obviously, this was undoubtedly a black hole.

Under Kagachi's control, the black hole slowly flew towards the sky. Although it was only the size of a basketball, everyone looked at it unconsciously.

There was no other reason. It was hard for them not to notice something that was swallowing up light.

Even if the real body was only the size of a basketball, the terrifying suction directly sucked the surrounding air, insects, light and even everything.

Everyone burst out with strength to stabilize their bodies.

Soon, the swarm of insects in the sky was swept away by the black hole, and there was no cloud in the sky, which gave people the illusion that even the air seemed to be a little thinner.

Seeing this scene, Zog's hands kept changing, as if he was preparing some killing moves.

But Kagachi didn't want to play with her.

The next moment, the power of nature exploded.

The nebula body shook slightly, and then stretched out its hand towards Zog.

Five fingers clasped together.


A colorful big hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed Zog.

Zog in angel form was 127 meters, but he still looked petite in front of this giant hand.

The giant hand arrived in an instant.

By the time she reacted, it was too late.

Seeing this, she immediately opened her arms, and the translucent shield unfolded, blocking the giant hand that was grabbing her from outside her body.

The huge pressure from the shield made Zog sweat silently on her back, but at least she blocked it. She exhaled and looked at Kagachi.

"What do you think, old man, you have no tricks, right..."


A crisp cracking sound rang out, causing Zog's mocking expression to pause.

She looked in the direction of the sound.

She saw a crack on the previously intact shield, and it was still expanding.


How is it possible?

This was the intelligence she got from the Rainbow Serpent God. A shield specifically targeting energy, how could it be so useless?

She looked at the growing crack and turned to look at Kagachi.

"Wait, I think we can talk..."

Talk about shit.

Kagachi looked at her disdainfully and continued to increase his strength.

Seeing that the delay plan failed, Zog looked at the impulsive place in the sky, hoping that someone from above would be sent to rescue her.


With a clear sound caused by space friction, the wormhole was directly closed.

Well, it was closed from the other side.


It is obvious that they were directly abandoned by the higher-ups.

Damn it.

Zog couldn't help but start cursing in his heart.

Who is in charge of that side?

There is still a chance for things to turn around, why did they just give up on them? They are all generals of the root-type destruction summoning body, and have made great contributions to the organization!

It must not be the main one.

Then it must be other colleagues. They can't bear to see her lineage make contributions again, so they directly cut off the connection here?

Maybe more than that.

Based on Zog's understanding of them, they might have directly deleted the coordinates of the earth, untilThe connection will forever eliminate the possibility of reconnection, so even if she wins, she will never be able to return to the organization.

Zog is very familiar with this set of operations, and she often does this herself.

Now the situation has changed.

She looked at Kagachi with a sidelong look.

"I am willing to surrender..."


The shield shattered instantly, and the big hand grabbed down and assimilated Zog instantly.

Hearing her last words, Kagachi raised his eyebrows.


Sorry, he has no plans to accept new subordinates at present, not to mention that this person came from outside and tried to destroy the earth.

Extraterrestrial aliens, chaotic evil, and those who want to destroy the earth.

They deserve to be put on the assimilation list.

Feeling a large amount of energy coming in, Kagachi was in a good mood.

He glanced at the few remaining fish and remaining insects of the root-type destruction summoning body, and resisted the idea of ​​directly destroying them.

After conveying an order to "eliminate the remnants" to his subordinates, he directly retracted the nebula body and returned to the void space.

This time, the threat of the root destruction summoning body can be said to be completely eliminated, and the earth consciousness seems to have been relaxed a lot, directly assigning the part of Renlong's authority to him.

This saved Kagachi a lot of time.

However, he has no plans to leave at present, but quietly waits for Deep Green to start.

The assembly line for the Death Star restart is missing this one.

Although the trees made by Deep Green cannot be preserved permanently and will wither with its closure and destruction, the seeds produced by these trees can grow normally.

This is also the reason why it is responsible for "sowing".

Half a month later, Kagachi suddenly felt something and looked at a swamp area.

Over there, Imeng and others were investigating the pollution hazards caused by the underground penetration missiles released in the Tsumura Lake area last time.

At this time, they didn't know that the swamp there would be polluted by toxic substances from underground.

However, there was also a person there who discovered the pollution coming from underground. In order to protect that area, he took the initiative to absorb the pollutants.


Is it the person named Kondo?

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