The man named Kondo is one of the aftereffects of the Japanese militarism.

He is a very miserable man.

The war took away everything from him. In order not to scare or hurt others, Kondo hid in this swamp, wanting to end his life here.


After his daughter's death, Kondo was completely eroded by bacteria and viruses. He tried various methods but could not kill himself.

In the end, accompanied by his good friend Hirano, he maintained a human heart until decades later.

Gulp gulp gulp!

Bubbles and white smoke began to emerge from the swamp, and countless harmful substances were absorbed by Kondo.

He wanted to kill himself with this.

This is also the last thing he can do for this world that he loves and hates.

However, he obviously underestimated the development of science.

Or, he did not expect that after experiencing such a serious war disaster, humans would still continue to make harmful weapons without repentance.

The underground penetrating missiles were so powerful that Kondo could not withstand even the residual harmful substances.

His human heart, which was originally like a candle in the wind, began to fluctuate violently.


With a loud noise and a flash, a huge figure rose from the swamp. It was the giant Kondo.


He roared, his spirit fluctuated violently. In his eyes, the surrounding environment had become his nightmare place.

He was surrounded by neon imperialist soldiers.

The fear, pain, and hatred in his heart were all aroused in an instant. Kondo covered his head and roared, and began to destroy everything around him that looked threatening.

At this time, several colorful streamers of light emerged from the ground.

It turned into a soft ribbon, surrounding Kondo, and scattered dots of light, purifying the harmful substances he absorbed.

Kagachi's spiritual space.

This place is shrouded in endless colorful light.


A peaceful voice like a rainbow after rain was in his ears, and Kondo slowly opened his eyes.

Where is this...?

He looked around and found that there seemed to be nothing here, only endless colorful light surging.

"I am..."

He looked at his hand and was shocked, then hurriedly touched his face. The touch of his hand and the disappearance of the pain that had tortured him for half a century told him that he had returned to normal.

Suddenly, he raised his head.

Looked at the existence standing in front of him.


These two words surged in his heart.

Kagachi glanced at him and said:

"You are about to die, but I can revive you and give you new life again."

"Do you need it?"

He was indeed ready to revive this man. After all, the resurrection prayer had not been used until now.

However, he resurrected Kondo not because of his tragic experience. Even if he was ten times more miserable, Kagachi's eyes would not fluctuate at all.

It's just that this guy chose to absorb those harmful substances before dying, which is encouraging.

After hearing what Kagachi said, Kondo was happy at first, but then he was at a loss.


What's the point of his resurrection?

His wife and daughter are dead, and he has been suffering for decades.

It's time to rest.

He thought so.

Then he shook his head at Kagachi, then knelt on the ground, clasped his hands together and prayed.

"Kami, I have nothing to miss in this world, death is liberation."

"I beg you, let Hirano, who has been with me for decades, be healthy, safe and happy, this is... my only wish."

He knelt down and begged God to let him die.

Kagachi: "..."

Why is there another person who wants to die?

But it doesn't matter, he always respects human choices.

"I understand, your wish."

Kagachi waved his hand.

Outside, Kondo's hideous body slowly turned into flowing light and dissipated.

His soul, which had recovered to its original state, appeared on the body and said goodbye to his friend.

"Thank you, Hirano."

He smiled and nodded to his friend.

"I'm going to... find Chie. You, take good care of yourself."

Kondo's voice seemed to be intermittent because he hadn't spoken for too long.

When the words fell, the flowers fell.

Dots of pink cherry blossom petals floated from nowhere to see this man off.

Kagachi glanced at them and began to communicate with the earth veins.

A stream of life energy flowed silently along the ground into Hirano'sIn the body, under the nourishment of this energy, as long as there is no accident, he can live to 120 years old in good health.


Kagachi retracted his gaze. For him, this was just a small episode.


With the power and authority completely integrated, he can start the next journey at any time, but he still waited patiently.

The role of Deep Green cannot be ignored.

He is willing to wait.


Two months later.

Deep Green finally accumulated enough energy, rose from the ground, and appeared in the eyes of the world.

Countless trees rushed out from the ground, growing and flourishing at a very fast speed, and spread to the surroundings. Any buildings along the way were ruthlessly swallowed up.

On the machine, two ancient seal characters [Deep Green] were written.

However, since the Root Cult had been killed by Kuroda Hui long ago, no one greeted it.

Even the mysterious person named Yabuki Shiori did not show up.

That's right, she didn't need to show up.

The threat of the root destruction summoning body has disappeared, and that dark future naturally no longer exists.

The obsession disappeared, and Yabuki Shiori also dissipated.

Only Shenlu, who had accumulated enough power, recovered as expected.

However, before he could make any move, Kuroda Hui, who had been waiting here for a long time, transformed directly, packed it and transported it back to Gaomei Nishiyama, and entered the void space.

Shenlu: "..."

What's going on?

Next to him, a claw reached out and patted him. It was Yanshan.

"Little brother, don't pretend. You can't be rude in front of the god."

Hearing this, Shenlu was silent for a moment, and still transformed into the second form and began to observe the surroundings.


This seems to be some different space?

His eyes looked at Kagachi.

This is the god that Yanshan mentioned. This energy value has exceeded his detection range.

Kagachi nodded to him, as if he had seen him.

Shenlu was about to speak, but the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and they seemed to have come to another area.

At this time, several pairs of inquiring eyes fell on him, making him tense up and inexplicably feel a sense of danger coming.


This place should not be a dangerous place, right?

Yanshan is weaker than him, but he is still alive and well, so there should be no problem.

He looked at a certain place, and over there, the heaven was slowly rotating.

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