Pick it up...

Pick it up...

Somewhere, a voice sounded in her heart.

This was Rui Mengmeng's own voice.

She hesitated for a moment, but still tentatively stretched out her hand and gently touched one of the bracelets with her fingers.

The next moment, the bracelets seemed to be guided by something, all flew towards her and were put directly on her hands.


A sound like the skin was burning sounded.

Rui Mengmeng's face turned pale.


A few minutes later.

She was panting, and cold sweat overflowed from her forehead.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

She has never felt such great pain in her life, it hurts more than those days every month.

After a while, she looked at her hand and found that the colorful fluorescence on the bracelets had faded, and they were now staying on her wrists honestly.

However, there was a scar on her arm...?

Or a tattoo?

She was a little unsure.

Scars are not beautiful, and they should not be tattoos, but this shape and texture cannot be produced by scars.


These two words suddenly appeared in her mind.

However, what is the use of this thing?

Rui Mengmeng quickly forgot the pain just now and began to think with her not-so-smart head.

She looked at her body and frowned.

She packed up her things and left the room.

There was no place to take a shower in the house she rented, and even the bathroom was shared outside the corridor, so if she wanted to take a shower, she could only go to a nearby bathhouse.

Over there.

After signing the contract, Kagachi also got Rui Mengmeng's detailed information.

However, he knew that he was not very good at these, so he asked the system to help.

"No Star Sharp Knife..."

Kagachi looked at the gene sequence projected by the system in front of him and muttered.

"Not very good."

The real high-end game basically gives you the rules and energy to play. It is difficult to go far in the gene path.

After tens of thousands of years of development, it is at best planetary level.

Of the so-called three major god-making projects, only the sunlight can enter Kagachi's eyes, and the others are useless.

Of course, for humans, these things are indeed strong enough.

"System, can you modify this gene?"

[Of course, you say. 】

This does not seem to be a difficult task for the system, and it agreed immediately.

The two began to discuss the modification of the [No Star Sharp Knife] gene.

Not far away, Nanase Risa, who was sitting at the counter, curled her lips. She can do this kind of thing, okay?

Can't she be used?

She is also very useful, okay.

Also, where is this place?

It is not the world she is familiar with at all, even the power system is different.

However, obviously no one will care about her complaints.

Seeing this scene, Nanase Risa stood up directly, holding the red ball and flew over, forcibly inserting her role.

Soon, under the modulation of Kagachi, the system and the red ball, the transformation plan of [No Star Blade] was completed and started to be loaded synchronously.

In a bathhouse, Rui Mengmeng, who was washing her hair, did not notice what kind of changes were happening to her body.

Kagachi mainly modified three items and some of their auxiliary functions.

The first was to load it with the [Exceptional] characteristic.

Under this power, all their troublesome characteristics, such as divine body, invincible body, phantom body, sacred body... were all vulnerable.

This was provided by Kagachi.

The second one was handled by Nanase Risa, who greatly enhanced this gene according to the computer group in the space.

It also incorporated some of her own characteristics.

The incomplete [Wish Come True] made this gene quite idealistic.

Even as long as Rui Mengmeng thought about it and had enough energy, she could constantly break through the boundaries. It can be said that she could not see the end and was quite idealistic.

Very characteristic of the Austrian system.

The last point is that the system has upgraded the gene comprehensively.

Whether it is the computing speed, firewall or anything else, all have been greatly enhanced. In the future, except Rui Mengmeng herself, only the three creators can view the relevant content.

Like these guys from the Super Seminary, they can't crack it even if they work themselves to death.

It is equivalent to adding a permanent hegemony buff at the gene level. Even if the big clock comes, it is useless because it involves the power of another system.

No matter how powerful the big clock is, it can't interfere with the Super Seminary systemThings other than this.

Looking at the gene plate that had been changed beyond recognition by them, Kagachi thought for a moment and said:

"Let's call it [Rainbow God Blade]."

[Good name. ]

The system has always supported Kagachi's decision 100%, even if it thinks the name is a bit rustic...

Nanase Risa opened her mouth, but didn't say anything.

In this kind of thing, her words don't count.

She was already very satisfied to be able to participate.

With Kagachi's support, she no longer had to absorb those wishes and feel the messy thoughts, and could use the power based on her own ideas.

Sighing secretly, it was the most correct decision at that time.

Through the space, Kagachi looked at Rui Mengmeng who had just washed her hair and was about to wipe her body.

Rui Mengmeng paused and looked at the mirror in confusion.

I saw that my ordinary black hair had suddenly turned into a dazzling color somehow.


A question mark popped up in her head.

"Is this... still me?"

She reached out and touched the mirror, a little bit unbelieving.

When did she dye her hair?

No, that's not right!

She had never dyed her hair since she was a child, and even if she had never been involved in this aspect, she could see that this level of hair color could not be obtained by dyeing.

Her brain was working fast.

Soon, her eyes looked at the bracelet on her left hand that she could never take off for some reason.

It happened to be seven colors.

Obviously, there must be something between them.


Wait, when did she become so smart?

Rui Mengmeng touched her head and felt that something was wrong with her now.

Should I go to the hospital for a check-up?

But going to the hospital is very expensive. Maybe I haven't done anything yet and I've spent hundreds of dollars.

But... my situation is obviously wrong.

In the end, Rui Mengmeng made a decision.

...Let's observe for a few days to see if there is any discomfort. If not, forget it. If there is, go to the hospital and know where the discomfort is.

Otherwise, there is a risk of being cheated by the hospital... She certainly doesn't distrust doctors!

It's just...

Well, forget it.

She shook her head, shook off some of the water on her hair, and wiped it with a towel.

Soon, Rui Mengmeng left quickly with a heavy heart in the surprised eyes of the front desk clerk.

"Hey, there's a hot girl here!"

At this time, a voice came from not far away.

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