Rui Mengmeng froze.

She knew it!

She usually dressed in a rustic way, not only because she was poor, but also because she wanted to look inconspicuous.

It might sound a bit narcissistic, but she vaguely felt that she was one of the better-looking ones.

But now she had a very conspicuous rainbow-colored hair, which caused the disguise to be mostly gone.

She looked over there and found that there seemed to be a few gangsters.

But Rui Mengmeng just glanced at them and hurriedly lowered her head and walked away quickly. She didn't want to get involved with these people.

But the other party obviously didn't think so.

Liu Chuang smacked his lips, stood up and stopped her, with a wretched and ugly smile on his face.

This made Rui Mengmeng frown and feel a little nauseous.

Disgusting things...

But she didn't say anything, just lowered her head and tried to go around.

For such hooligans, the more you pay attention to them, the more they will find their own sense of existence, and if you ignore them, they will get angry and entangle again.

In short, it's a disgusting dog-skin plaster.

Seeing this, Liu Chuang winked at his two younger brothers.

Together, the three of them surrounded Rui Mengmeng.

In the distance, it seems that someone saw this scene, but did not help, just sighed and chose to call the police.

Everyone living nearby knows this gangster named Liu Chuang. It is said that he has someone above him. He went in several times, but was quickly released.

I don't know what's wrong with the country now, alas...

In a hidden corner in the distance, a man in black retracted his sight and put his hand on the headset, as if reporting to someone.

Giant Gorge.

Hearing the report from his men, Dukao's already dark face became even darker.

The carrier of the gene of the God of War of No Star met the carrier of the suspected No Star Sharp Knife gene, and there was a conflict.

Dukao was impressed by Liu Chuang.

After all, the previous No Star God of War was his good friend, but now the second-generation gene carrier has become a gangster. They have rescued him several times, but he has never changed his ways.

If they were not still counting on them to fight against extraterrestrial forces, the superiors would have ordered the replacement of the carrier long ago.

Well, let's find a way to stop it first.

According to the subordinates, the carrier of the No Star Sharp Knife seems to be a virgin, and she can't be ruined by a gangster like Liu Chuang.


"Don't, don't come over!"

Over there, seeing Rui Mengmeng's panic-stricken appearance, Liu Chuang became more interested.

His words became more arrogant, and he reached out to touch her.


Liu Chuang was startled, and saw the girl in front of him suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

"I said, don't get close to me."

Rui Mengmeng raised her head, and at this time, her eyes were covered with a layer of colorful light.

She first grabbed Liu Chuang's arm, then swung it and threw him more than ten meters away, and he fell to the ground and fainted.

How could Liu Chuang, who had not yet activated his genes, withstand Rui Mengmeng's attack?

Rui Mengmeng was also shocked.

"Everyone saw that he was the first to attack. I was just defending myself!"

She said this, then turned around and walked away from this place of trouble.

She was also a little confused.

Although her strength was much greater than that of ordinary people since she was a child, it was also within the normal range. It was impossible for her to easily throw a strong man ten meters away.

After returning to the rental house, she immediately went to the sink to wash her hands.

But as she washed, she gradually stopped.

Rui Mengmeng looked at her hands.

Her strength seemed to have increased a lot, otherwise, she would not be able to catch a big man and throw him.

Her eyes moved, and she found a screw in the room. She pinched it, closed her eyes, and gradually exerted force with her fingers.

A second later, she opened her eyes.

At this time, the screw had been completely flattened by her, as if it was not a screw, but a piece of plasticine.


Is she...getting superpowers?

But Rui Mengmeng felt anxious instead of happy at the first time.

After all, she had heard a lot of similar movie plots, being caught in the laboratory, conducting inhumane illegal scientific experiments, and finally dying tragically in it, with no one paying attention.

When she threw the gangster away today, there were quite a few people, and her hair was now quite conspicuous, and someone would definitely be able to find her by following the clues.

No, she had to dye her hair back quickly and then move to another place.

At the same time, there was silence in the command room of the Giant Canyon.

At this time, theyThey were all staring at the surveillance footage on the screen.


They all knew Liu Chuang, so I won't say much.

The key is this little girl named Rui Mengmeng.

She is suspected to be the carrier of [No Star Sharp Knife], but it cannot be analyzed and its true identity cannot be figured out at all.

The most important thing is that her genes have obviously been activated, otherwise she would not have such great power, but now the resources on Earth are limited, and it is impossible to activate these genes.

His daughter's [Time and Space Rose] was only activated after they had spent a lot of effort and even used the legacy of Denor.

"Have Rose and Ajie set out?"

He asked.

"Not yet, we are preparing." Lianfeng replied

Hearing this, Dukao nodded and said, "Then let them go to the nearest Juxia City first to contact Rui Mengmeng, and it would be best if they could directly persuade her to join us."

The Styx, Taotie, demons, the dangers of this world are countless, and there is not much time left for the Earth.

They must gather enough super soldiers in a short time, so that the earth can have more self-protection power in the future battlefield of the gods.

Soon, the prepared Qiangwei and Ajie entered Juxia City and drove towards Rui Mengmeng's location.

Soon, the two arrived at the place.

After using the National Security Bureau's documents to deal with the landlord, the two walked to the door of Rui Mengmeng's room. At this time, some noises were coming from inside.

It seemed that something was being packed.

Ajie winked at Qiangwei, then reached out and knocked on the door.


Rui Mengmeng's voice came out with a hint of vigilance.

"Hello, I'm here to check the water meter." Ajie said.

Check the water meter?

Rui Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief and was about to open the door, but was stunned again. The water meter was outside.


Who was outside the door?

Her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

She had just started packing her things and hadn't even dyed her hair yet. Why did she come here so soon?

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