"So beautiful..."

Dr. Serizawa sighed.

Beautiful, it seems a bit strange to use this word on a Titan beast, but this is indeed what everyone present thought.

Kagachi also saw the big fluttering moth outside.

At this time, Mothra's body looked a circle larger than in the original work of King of the Monsters, and it felt like it should be comparable to Rodan.

But the most important thing is the energy fluctuations in its body.

Although it is still not as good as Godzilla now, it is almost catching up with the level of Godzilla five years ago.

It seems that for the Mothra clan, the little beauties are indeed an important part of the birth and metamorphosis process.

After putting the two little beauties down, Mothra took off again.


It seemed to be calling something.

Not long after, the detection device in the base of Fort Bravo received a familiar wave.

"It's Godzilla!"

Dr. Serizawa recognized the wavelength at a glance and said excitedly.

It's not dead yet, great!

However, although Godzilla is still alive, the situation is still not optimistic. Its wavelength is very weak, and it is obviously seriously injured.

Under normal circumstances, Godzilla needs decades of self-recovery before it can return to normal.

But they humans probably can't wait until then.

Therefore, some human intervention must be adopted.

Just as Dr. Serizawa was thinking, Mark suddenly turned his head and said with a serious and crazy look:

"How many nuclear weapons do you have?"

As a nuclear-eating creature and atomic dinosaur, Godzilla's main food is nuclear radiation.

Mark's words made Dr. Serizawa's eyes light up.


A few hours later, a submarine left the Castle of Cheers, carrying a nuclear warhead, and followed Mothra to a certain direction, where Godzilla was.

And on the Castle of Cheers, Emma hugged Madison and watched them leave.

She didn't want to get involved in such a crazy thing, and she didn't want her daughter Madison to get involved, even if they might not be in danger.

"Let's go, Emma."

Dr. Ling called her, and it was still raining outside.

Hearing this, Emma retracted her gaze and took Madison into the Bravo Castle base.

She was not interested in saving Godzilla.

In the command room, Emma began to discuss Mothra's cocoon with Dr. Ling and Dr. Chen.

Beside her, Madison looked at the two sisters from time to time.

No matter how many times she saw them, she would sigh that the two looked too similar. It was not an exaggeration to say that they were exactly the same. The only thing that could distinguish the two was probably their hairstyle. Dr. Ling had long hair, while Dr. Chen had neat short hair.

I don't know how far the seabed is.

After experiencing big and small bumps, Dr. Serizawa and others finally came to a ruin on the seabed. According to the test, Godzilla should be here.

Mark looked closely and saw a huge skeleton in the distance. Judging from its size, it was probably left by a Titan monster.

"Release the unmanned exploration boat."


Soon, several unmanned boats fell off the main submarine and headed for the depths.

Dr. Serizawa and others stared at the screen.

Soon, the picture from the boat suddenly changed, and it was filled with orange-red light, which seemed to be emitted by magma, and the radiation value here was also extremely high.

"There seems to be an air cavity area in front, and, is that... Godzilla?"

Mark said, touching his chin.

At this time, at the end of the picture, Godzilla's iconic dorsal fin can be clearly seen, and it is lying on a platform.

"It is recovering and regenerating. It seems that this method has allowed it to survive from ancient times to the present."

"And continue to adapt and evolve."

Dr. Stanton waved his hand and said.

Serizawa: "..."

He knows more about Godzilla than everyone else, so he knows more things, but he can't tell them because no one will believe him.

"So we just need to shoot a nuclear bomb at it, and that will solve the problem, right?"

Godzilla needs several years or even decades to recover from his injuries, but they can't wait that long, so they have to give it a strong medicine, which is also the purpose of carrying nuclear warheads.

At this moment, an operator suddenly said: "In the collision just now, our weapon system was damaged and can no longer be fired normally."

This made everyone silent.


Why is it always the critical moment?will fail at that time?

"Then can we bring the nuclear warhead over and detonate it manually?" someone said.

"No." Dr. Stanton shook his head.

"The environment inside is quite harsh. If humans go in, even if they can withstand the high temperature, the radiation inside is fatal."

Serizawa: "..."

"I'll go." He said.

Seeing this, Dr. Stanton wanted to say something, but Serizawa shook his head at him and said:

"We don't have time. Foster and the others are still helping us delay Ghidorah. If we hesitate any longer, it may really be too late."

Seeing that he had made up his mind, the others could not say anything else.

Soon, they came to the side of the submarine.

At this time, Serizawa had already put on a simple protective suit.

"I added an oxygen-helium mixture to the oxygen cylinder, which should help you hold on for a while longer."

Serizawa nodded to Stanton.

Then he looked at Mark, handed him his notebook, and told him: "Promise me to take good care of them."

Mark didn't say anything when he heard this, but nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Dr. Serizawa smiled at him, got on the manned boat with the nuclear warhead already placed on it, and after taking a last look at everyone, he closed the hatch without any lingering feelings and pressed the dive button.


The boat entered the water, stirring up a few ripples.

Deep in the ruins, Godzilla seemed to feel something and looked over here.

Passing through the deep waterway, Serizawa thought a lot in his heart at this time.

His life didn't seem to be outstanding. He had been running around the world, chasing Godzilla's footsteps, but he was very happy.

Because he had been walking on the path he had chosen.

Soon, he came to the air cavity area where Godzilla was.


He looked over there.

Godzilla's figure was faintly visible.

The high temperature and radiation around him made him feel as if he had difficulty breathing. Even through the protective suit, his skin felt like it was burning.

He exhaled, carried the box containing the nuclear warhead, and walked step by step along the stairs towards Godzilla.

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