Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1568 Yuhua: The captain keeps going to the toilet recently, could it be...

Logically speaking, it is not impossible for an Ultra Warrior to change in size or size. On the contrary, this is something that every Ultra Warrior is proficient in, and Zeta will naturally do the same.

Although he couldn't become extremely tiny in his basic form and swim in the monster's belly like those old-timers, he could still do it in the form of Gamma Future.

But the problem is that he can only maintain the basic state now. He can't cancel the transformation, can't get bigger, and can't switch forms.

I can only stand here awkwardly in a basic posture that can't do anything, and then have a difficult battle with those bugs that are tiny in the eyes of humans.

In terms of Zeta's current size, she is only slightly larger than a ladybug. If she encounters a fly or something, she would even be worse than the opponent.

What's more, if they encounter beetles, the gap between them will probably be even more exaggerated.

But it's not without its benefits.

It seemed that after becoming smaller, the time limit that maintained Ultraman's existence had disappeared. Zeta could hardly feel the energy dissipating. On the contrary, he even felt like he was living in the Kingdom of Light.

The speed of consumption is not even as fast as the speed of recovery, and the energy in the body is always maintained at one point.

It is precisely because of this that when facing flies, spiders, mantises, etc., Zeta can not only fly, but can even fight with the opponent, and even Zestim's light can still be used.

This can be considered a great blessing among misfortunes.

Being able to release light is better than using bare hands.

"What should I do, Zeta-san, if I keep like this, won't I never be able to go back?" Yaohui was even more anxious than Zeta, because he knew that if he didn't appear in the armory for a long time, , Captain and the others will definitely become suspicious, and even wonder where he went.

Normally, Yaohui was often out of contact during battles. If he disappeared suddenly and disappeared for a long time, Yaohui was really afraid that he would be judged as a deserter on the battlefield.

In this case, everything is lost.

[I have no choice, Yaohui. 】

Standing on a small sapling, hiding himself among the leaves, Zeta held the leaf stem with one hand and opened the leaves in front of him with the other hand.

[If there is really no other way, I can fly to the armory, contact your captain, and explain the situation to him. 】

"Isn't that a direct confession?" Yaohui said loudly.

[I'll just say that you, like me, were made smaller by the Plashes, but you are human and have difficulty moving, so I hid you in a place and came out to find a solution. 】

Zeta had a rare flash of inspiration and figured out a strategy in a very short period of time, and soothed Yaohui's anxious mood at the moment.

"By the way, where is Beliya-san?" Although he calmed down for the time being and agreed with Zeta's method, Yaohui also thought of another point: "If Beliya-san was here, we would not become Is that it?”

[We didn’t call Beria-san before, but now we can’t even call him. 】

Zeta was also a little frustrated.

[If I had known at that time, we would have used Delta. 】

Who knows that Plesser can actually defeat Gamma in the future?

As a result, one move went wrong and the whole game was lost. Neither Zeta nor Yaohui expected it.

After resting for a moment, Zeta flew up again. This time, he no longer kept parallel, but rushed straight into the sky, maintaining his body at a height of about twenty meters, and then flew towards the city over there. .

The city that used to be small in Zeta's eyes has now turned into a giant.

At a glance, there are countless abyss and ravines, and they are all filled with giant-like humans who are out of reach.

It always feels a little strange to look at the human world from this perspective.

"Have you not found Haruki yet?" After the battle, Yoko drove Jinguqiao back to the armory, but Haruki, who had been evacuating the crowd outside, suddenly lost contact, and no matter how she called, she could not get a response. .

Listening to the shocking silence in the earphones, Yoko bit her lip and had a conjecture in her heart that even she didn't dare to think about.

"Can't be contacted, and the location can't be found." Yuhua had a sad face. She always felt that she was always working overtime recently, and she was often asked to sit in front of the computer for a long time, which caused her to be in a bad mental state.

After all, Zhu Bajie has been enjoying the living conditions of Zhu Bajie in Gao Laozhuang these past few days.

(Get up earlier than a chicken and go to bed later than a dog.)

"Okay, don't think too much." Just when Yoko was about to tell Yuka his guess, Jakura suddenly appeared from behind Yoko and said calmly: "Haruki went to do other things. Yes, he is currently at the headquarters."

"Headquarters?" Although the two girls were frightened, Yoko was quickly attracted by Jagula's statement: "Haruki. Why are you going to the headquarters?"

"Of course only the people at the headquarters know about it." Turning his head, Jia Gula showed a mysterious smile, which made Yoko unable to figure out what medicine the captain was selling in his gourd.

"His earphones were crushed due to being pushed and dropped when the crowd was evacuated, so you couldn't contact him." As he spoke, Jagula shook the paper in his hand: "I will send him to him personally. I went to the headquarters, I believe I will be back soon."

"Of course, if you can't come back." Jagula turned around and put the note in his hand in front of Yuhua's desk: "That means he is very popular at the headquarters."

"A request for leave?" After picking up the paper and repeating it, Yuehua said, "Is this a request for leave from Yaohui?"

"The people over at the headquarters approved it. Don't worry, he's fine." With his back to the two girls, Jagula's expression was far less relaxed than he said.

But no matter what, it's not time to tell them that Haruki is Ultraman Zeta, and Jakura himself has to take some cover for it.

What to go to the headquarters and what to stay there for a long time? From the moment he entered, nothing Jagula said was true.

"That's okay." Yoko didn't completely believe it, but at this time, it was still an answer.

"Okay, next we have to work hard to conquer the message from the previous spaceman and find his weakness." Jagula calmed down his expression, turned around and clapped his hands to attract the attention of the two girls: "That's Zetao An opponent that even Terman cannot defeat, do you have the confidence to face him?"

"Of course!" Yoko will never be timid: "I will definitely defeat the opponent, protect the earth, and protect mankind!"

"Well, that's the fighting spirit." Jagula clapped his hands and said, "Then go do your own thing, the battle is not over yet."


Yoko took the order and left, while Jia Gula came to his seat, opened the drawer, and took out a necklace dog tag.

Holding it in the palm of his hand and rubbing it slowly, Jagula looked solemn, stood up and wanted to leave.

"Captain! Where are you going?" But Yuhua seized this opportunity appropriately and intercepted Jakura's footsteps.

"...Go to the bathroom." Jagula smiled and waved his hand, opened the door with a surprised expression on the latter's face, and left.

Half of Yuhua's body leaned out from behind the computer desk. After she really lost sight of Jakura in her eyes, she sat down on the chair again suspiciously.

Has the captain had any endocrine problems recently?

I always feel that he has been going to the toilet a lot recently, and he comes very frequently.

As a team member, should I care about the captain?

Thinking like this, Yuhua moved the mouse unconsciously, opened the shopping website during working hours, and opened the product interface for men's care.

The glasses reflected the image displayed on the computer, and Yuhua carefully selected them, preparing to let the captain feel the love she, a team member, had for him.

This is all full of care!

If the captain found out, he would be so happy that he would cry.

Yuuka cheered up and decided to choose carefully.

What a surprise!

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