Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1569 Noah: Damn it! I was fired by the universe in the future? !Is there such a good thing?

After returning the collected timeline to the distance, and reuniting it with the normal timeline, Noah nodded as he looked at the re-developed Teliga universe, returned this timeline to darkness, and returned to it. Should go to the long river.

The story on Zeta's side is about to come to an end, and the story on Teliga's side can also begin at the same time.

After all, the time flow rates of the two universes are different, so no matter how you say it, they can all proceed simultaneously.

The moment Noah had just returned the timeline to normal, there was the sound of a bad old man hammering on the door outside the ruins.

Also appearing was the loud voice of that bad old man.

"Noah! Open the door, Noah! I know you're not asleep yet! Open the door for me!"

Subconsciously, he clenched his fists, but then Noah unclenched his fists. The anger that suddenly emerged in his heart was forced to be suppressed by him, and was stored silently in his heart, waiting for settlement in the future.

Appearing from inside the ruins to the outside world, Noah stood beside the King of Ultra and looked at the "old friend" beside him.

"What are you here for this time? Isn't the plan over?"

"I'm not here for any plan." The impatient King Ao wanted to share the news he had with Noah: "Something big happened! Noah, do you know?"

"What's the big deal?" King Ao couldn't believe everything he said, so Noah kept a calm look and waited for his follow-up.

"The person you work your shift with is running away!"

"What the hell?!" Now Noah couldn't keep his plain appearance. He almost couldn't hold himself back and grabbed Ao Wang's shoulders, staring at the old man with his milky white eyes.

"What happened to Yuanquan? Is someone going to deal with him?"

"Or is it you, the old guy, who said something to him?"

"It's none of my business!" King Ao brushed away Noah's hand, spread his hands, and said helplessly: "I don't know why, anyway, the light of salvation suddenly shined, and it was Yuanquan who once took over as the savior. At that time, it was on a level similar to that size of light.”

"Hiss!" Noah gasped. While he contributed to the increase and decrease of entropy in the universe, he also fully expressed his shock: "How many years has it been since the light of salvation was spread? Now someone who can take over has appeared. Someone who holds the position of savior?"

"No!" Without seeing the scene he wanted to see the most, King Ao immediately spoke: "He has found a successor! He will no longer work shifts with you! Don't you have any indication at all?!"

"Why should I express my opinion?" Noah glanced at King Ao strangely: "Even if Yuanquan resigns, won't the person who succeeds him as the savior still have to rotate with me?"

"Maybe he can still work longer hours."

"Speaking of which." Noah glanced at King Ao next to him and said with resentment: "I was really blind at the time and entrusted a guy who seemed reliable on the surface to help me find an heir. The universe gave me the only spot for the other person to take over my responsibilities."

"The result is good. Find me a savior who can quit at any time and let me take over my job again."

"Where is that? Who is this person?! Where is he!" King Ao immediately shouted and beat his chest loudly: "Such a hateful guy actually dares to deceive my good brother. I am the last to Good friend!"

"Noah, tell me! Who is the other party! I, Pete, will definitely help you get out of this trouble! I must use the Myriad Treasure Mallet to smash the opponent's head!" King Ao took out the Myriad Treasure Mallet from under his cloak and kept waving it in front of him.

Judging from the surface, anyone who sees Ao Wang’s actions will give a thumbs up.

This friend is so loyal to his brothers!

But isn’t this person yourself?

What does it mean to look like it has nothing to do with you now!

You just deny what you did after two years, right?

"So, if the first-generation savior steps down, that is, if the source leaves, the second-generation savior may not be able to resign at will." Noah crossed his arms and said calmly: "In this way, maybe there is no need for rotation. It’s been rotated.”

"Then what if the other party can't stand it anymore and runs away?" King Ao said immediately.

Noah turned his head and glanced at King Ao, but said nothing.

I, Noah, finally figured it out, you bad old man, you are just saying this to me!

"Who is his successor? Do you have any idea?" Noah said.

"That's the guy from the timeline you just released." King Ao pointed to the distance: "Otherwise, why would I come to you?"

"Ultraman Teliga is the previous Ultra warrior who obtained the eternal core power." King Ou said, opening a corner of the future, which is a possibility of the future guarded by Lingga.

"In the battle between the Future Galaxy and the Second Source of the Future, the savior of the future called by the Future Galaxy is Ultraman Teliga, who took over the position of the Source and became the second savior."

"Its light shines from the future to the present, and it also has some influence."

According to King O, Noah selected the infinite possible futures of Ultraman Trigga and looked at them one by one. He found that in the future of Ultraman Trigga, there was indeed one future where he became the second savior. He took over the position of the Source and fought hard in the universe.

And Noah also discovered one thing, that is, Teliga, who became the savior in this line, has an extremely serious attitude towards work, and he still voluntarily works overtime.

Unlike him who is forced to work overtime, people love to work overtime and enjoy it.

Especially when Noah followed this timeline, he found that the second savior - Teliga, who was extremely responsible, finally took over all the responsibilities. His future self did not need to take shifts at all, or even directly Fired by the universe.


Was I fired? !

"Okay!" Noah's milky white eyes burst into brilliant light when he saw that he was no longer needed by the universe in the future.

This kind of thing. Isn't this kind of future better than my current shift situation? I don't know how many times better?

Isn't this better than counting down the time every day?

This kind of future is the future that I, Noah, want!

"Eh?" But just when Noah was happy, King Ou, who was also watching the future next to him, also spoke out.

"What's going on? I can't see Noah at his post in the future?"

"This timeline"

King Ao pondered for a moment. Although he didn't say much more, everything was reflected in his bright red eyes like gems.

Noah's blood pressure immediately rose when he heard King Ao's hesitant voice.

"You bad old man, don't think I don't know what you want to do!"

He immediately turned around, rubbed out Noah with both hands, and fired the lightning towards King Ao's position. Noah roared angrily: "I tell you! This future will definitely come true! The successor of the source must be Teliga! It must be !!”

"Pete! If you dare to cause trouble, I will kill you in the sky, on earth, in the infinite universe!!"

"Che" King Ao's figure has long since disappeared in front of Noah, but although the person is no longer there, the remaining words still echo.

"Noah, I can't bear to have no one to talk to and make trouble with me in the future." The remaining voice echoed in Noah's ears, causing his blood pressure to continue to rise.

"Can you bear to let me, an old man, become an empty-nest old man with no one to communicate with?"

Noah: "Yes, I do!"

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the mysterious things. Anyway, the daily life of the top-level bosses is often imagined by the people below, but even those who are close to the mysterious or the transcendent have exhausted their brains. , I never imagined that the communication between the mysterious people would be like this.

Except for a certain savior, of course.

What kind of existence is Shensi? As early as when he met King Ao, he had no illusions about it.

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