Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 27: Cutting Bullet

"Old Ye, do you really think I'm a fool?" Lin Shen looked at Lao Ye coldly and said.

"Brother Xiaowu, I really treat you as my own child..." Lao Ye was interrupted by Lin Shen before he could finish his words.

"Are you worthy?" Lin Shen's face was full of disgust.

"You are still young, not my age, so you don't understand." Lao Ye sighed.

"Old Ye, if you openly admit your betrayal, I will look down upon you. You are a bitch and want to build a memorial arch, so don't fucking disgust me." Lin Shen continued with a cold face: "No need to talk nonsense. , what do you want from me?"

"I just want the black bird, and I don't want anything else." Lao Ye said.

"I've said it many times, I don't have a black bird." Lin Shen already knew that Lao Ye's many previous tests were to find out whether he had a black bird.

"Little Fifth Brother, you don't have to lie to me. There must be another black bird in the Lin family, and that black bird must also be at your place." Lao Ye held the short blade and slowly pushed towards Lin Shen, and said as he walked: " If it was really a dead egg, how could the Lin family not show it to others? As long as the dead egg was taken out, the suspicions of the Qi and Wang families could be relieved. However, the Lin family never thought of taking it out, even if the life and death of the family was at stake. The same is true. So it must not be a dead egg, but the fourth black bird. The black bird has been passed down to your generation. I know the tempers of those three masters. If there is a black bird, they will definitely be left to you. You are confident because you have Xuanniao as your trump card, right?"

"So that's what you think?" Lin Shen suddenly realized why Lao Ye was so sure that he had a black bird.

It turned out that it was Lin Shen's confidence that gave Lao Ye the illusion. Unfortunately, the source of Lin Shen's confidence was not the black bird, but the unexpected discovery of Tinder and pet fans.

"Brother Xiaowu, you have never experienced hardship, and you don't know the suffering in the world. Some things are not as simple as you think, and I am not as simple as you think. Xuanniao is very strong, but it depends on who you are. In your hand, believe it or not, even if you have the black bird in your hand, if you really want to fight me, you won’t even have a chance to take action." Lao Ye said in a sincere tone: "Speaking of which, I watched you grow up. Keep Xuanniao, and I promise not to hurt a single hair of yours. If I can get some benefits from that Hulu Mountain, I can share it with you in the future. Don’t force me to do it, that’s definitely not what I want.”

"Old Ye, stop talking nonsense. It will only make me feel sick. I don't have a black bird. If you don't believe me, just kill me and search me yourself." Lin Shen sat on the back of the platinum beast and looked at Lao Ye coldly and said .

"Little Fifth Brother, do you have to force me? If I do it, then I can't keep you alive. You and I both know the tempers of the Third and Fourth Masters. If I do something to you, then There is no way back, so I can only keep quiet." Lao Ye's voice also turned cold, and he clenched the short blade in his hand.

It was a weapon made of alloy, in the style of a dagger, not a dagger. The sword's body looked like brass, but its blade was a dark white.

"Why are you afraid of my third and fourth brothers?" Lin Shen suddenly asked.

Lao Ye was slightly startled, not expecting that Lin Shen would suddenly ask such a question. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Because the third master and the fourth master are both very strong, so strong that anyone who has seen their strength can't help but fear them." How to put it, saying strong is not entirely correct, because they do not have the absolute strength to crush them, but if someone of the same level as them, or even a level higher than them, fights to the death with them, I believe they will survive. They must be the ones who come down. If the second master is still there, it will be even more frightening. The Lin family is really lucky. If they can survive after giving birth to so many children, even if only one survives, the Lin family will definitely be able to become one in the future. A huge evil."

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"Old Ye, have you forgotten that my surname is Lin? I am also their brother." Lin Shen said calmly.

Lao Ye laughed: "Yes, your surname is Lin. I believe you may be as powerful as the third master and the fourth master in the future, but you are not good enough now. If you are also an alloy gene changer now, I will never dare to fight with you." You are my enemy, but it’s a pity that you haven’t even completed the genetic transformation. Even if you have the black bird, it’s useless. I can kill you before the black bird touches me, and you don’t even have a chance.”

"Killing you doesn't require genetic change." Lin Shen said calmly.

Lao Ye's eyes turned cold and he said calmly: "In that case, I will give you a chance to summon the black bird."

Lin Shen reached out and took out a pet capsule, turned into a super-fast shooter and placed it next to him.

"It seems you still don't give up." Lao Ye narrowed his eyes and said when he saw that Lin Shen summoned was not a black bird, but a super-speed gunner he won from Wang Tianer.

Lin Shen ignored him and directly ordered the super-fast gunner to attack.

The super-fast shooter quickly drew his gun and pulled the trigger on Lao Ye.

Sparks sprayed from the muzzle of the gun, and the bullet flew out at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

"Dang!" Lao Ye remained motionless, the short blade flashed, and the bullet fired at his face split into two, flew past both sides of Lao Ye's body, and landed on the ground.

Lao Ye held a short blade in his hand and walked toward Lin Shen expressionlessly.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" The super-speed gunner kept shooting, but was unable to stop Lao Ye's footsteps. All the bullets fired at him were chopped down by him with his short blade.

Lin Shen frowned slightly. In his impression, Lao Ye was not so strong. The speed of the speed gunner was the top among the alloy creatures. Lao Ye was even faster than him, and he could accurately cut bullets. This was not what Lao Ye usually showed.

His speed was not slower than the finger that Lin Shen used to acupuncture the speed gunner.

"Summon the black bird. This is your last chance." Lao Ye had already walked in front of the platinum beast and swung his knife to cut a deep scar on the neck of the platinum beast.

With the speed of the platinum beast, there was no chance to dodge, and the body fell to one side.

Lin Shen had to jump off the back of the platinum beast and stood in front of Lao Ye.

Lao Ye continued to walk towards Lin Shen, and the short blade in his hand was like the tongue of a venomous snake, as if it would spit out at any time to give Lin Shen a kiss of death.


Lin Shen did not wait for Lao Ye to take action, but asked the speed gunner to shoot again.

But at the same time as the speed gunner shot, Lin Shen also moved.

The Seven-Step Weaponry allowed Lin Shen to move faster than a bullet, but there was no rule that he had to use this speed to attack the person who was shooting.

Lin Shen moved as fast as lightning, and pointed a finger at the throat of Lao Ye, where he could see the acupuncture points.

"Sure enough." Lao Ye seemed to have expected that Lin Shen would have some tricks. When Lin Shen made his move, his short blade also moved at the same time, slashing at Lin Shen's arm.

Lao Ye's speed was even faster than Lin Shen's. No wonder he was so confident. This speed was no longer at the alloy level.


The short blade in Lao Ye's hand had already slashed on Lin Shen's arm, and Lin Shen's finger was still some distance away from Lao Ye.

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