Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 28 The Secret of Hulu Mountain

Lao Ye originally thought that this knife could cut off Lin Shen's arm, but when the blade cut on his arm, it seemed to cut on an extremely tough steel wire rope. Not only did it not cut it off, but it also caused pain in his wrist.

Just when Lao Ye felt something was wrong and wanted to withdraw his hand, a dark red shadow tore the sleeve of Lin Shen's arm and wrapped around Lao Ye's arm like a snake.

In the previous knife, Lao Ye cut the dead powder wrapped around Lin Shen's arm. Lin Shen knew that his finger could not be faster than Lao Ye.

Lao Ye reacted very quickly. The moment the dead powder wrapped around his hand, his other hand stretched out like lightning and grabbed the head of the dead powder, trying to pull it apart.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the dead powder. The moment he grabbed the head of the dead powder, the tail of the dead powder was like a scorpion's tail, instantly piercing his palm and wrapping around it, instantly binding both of his arms.

"What the hell is this!" Lao Ye's face changed slightly. In this situation, he suddenly attacked Lin Shen. He ignored the dead powder wrapped around his hand, used one leg as a fulcrum, and kicked Lin Shen's head with the other leg like a phantom.

As long as he kicked Lin Shen to death and got the key of this strange pet, he could immediately reverse the situation.

Lin Shen had expected this move long ago. He had already started to retreat before Lao Ye kicked out, and almost at the same time, he let the speedster shoot.

When Lao Ye kicked out, Lin Shen's speed had exceeded the speed of the bullet. He retreated and dodged the kick. The wind from the leg blew his hair all over the place.

The speedster's bullet also hit Lao Ye. Although the speedster's hardness was a little worse, it was also alloy-grade. The bullet hit Lao Ye's strange scale carapace, and only a few sparks were broken, and the bullet was bounced off.

Both Lao Ye and Lin Shen were shocked. Lao Ye was shocked that Lin Shen could still use such a speed. He thought that Lin Shen could not have too many life-saving methods like that. It was amazing that he could use it twice. He did not expect that he seemed to be able to use it all the time.

Lin Shen was shocked that Lao Ye was not only fast, but also had such a high hardness of alloy shell. The bullets of the speeding gunman had almost no effect on him.

Lao Ye chased Lin Shen with all his strength and wanted to raise his legs again, but before he could raise his legs, the dead powder had already wrapped around him.

Lao Ye wanted to raise his other leg, but just halfway up, he was also entangled by the dead powder. Suddenly, the whole person fell backwards like a mummy.

At the same time that Lao Ye fell, another gunshot rang out. Lao Ye, who had just fallen to the ground, saw Lin Shen's finger pointing at a place below his throat.

A hint of joy flashed in Lao Ye's eyes. Even if Lin Shen had a life-saving method, how much strength could he have? It was impossible for him to break his alloy shell.

But Lin Shen's initiative to approach him gave him the opportunity to kill Lin Shen directly.

As expected by Lao Ye, Lin Shen's finger on him could not cause any damage to his metal shell, but it just felt like a vibration from being poked by a stick.

Lao Ye wanted to open his mouth to use his killer move, but suddenly he felt that his mouth could not move.

In fact, not only his mouth, but his whole body could not move.

Lao Ye stared at Lin Shen with wide eyes in horror. He finally knew the real reason why the speedster was subdued by Lin Shen's finger.

Originally, he thought that the speedster could not move because he was hit in a vital part, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Pry open his mouth." Lin Shen ordered the die fan.

The die fan's tail suddenly penetrated Lao Ye's mouth, directly piercing his teeth, and then stretched his mouth open, rolling out a thin and thin piece like a willow leaf from it.

The thin piece was as transparent as a green ghost, obviously made of crystal-based material, and the thickness was thinner than the blade of a razor.

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Lin Shen took the green blade and reached out to point at Lao Ye again.

Lao Ye, who had several broken teeth and a mouth full of blood, immediately regained his ability to speak: "Brother Xiaowu... No... Master Xiaowu... I shouldn't underestimate you... I shouldn't underestimate you as a member of the Lin family..."

"Lao Ye, what has my Lin family done to you?" Lin Shen asked coldly.

"No, the Lin family has never done anything to me." Lao Ye laughed bitterly.

"Since the Lin family has never done anything to you, and you are so old, what's the use of getting the things in Hulu Mountain? How many years can you live?" Lin Shen wanted to get some information about Hulu Mountain from Lao Ye. Lao Ye was so desperate, he must know something.

"It's because I don't have many years to live, so I want to go to Hulu Mountain. Only by going to Hulu Mountain can I continue to live. I haven't lived enough, and I don't want to die yet." Lao Ye said.

"What do you mean?" Lin Shen narrowed his eyes slightly. The information revealed in Lao Ye's words surprised him.

"Brother Xiaowu, I can tell you everything I know, but I only ask you to spare my life." Lao Ye begged.

"You say." Lin Shen looked at Lao Ye expressionlessly.

"I also accidentally heard the conversation between the Third Master and the Fourth Master, and then I learned some secrets of Hulu Mountain. At that time, the Third Master and the Fourth Master were talking about the Second Master. They said that a long time ago, the Second Master went out for a very long time. When he came back, he was very excited and told them that there was a good thing in Hulu Mountain that could make people immortal. When they were strong enough, they would take their brothers and eldest sister to Hulu Mountain, and the siblings would be immortal and youthful together..." Lao Ye recalled.

"Do you really believe that there is something in the world that can make people immortal?" Lin Shen frowned.

"The Second Master will not lie. If the Second Master says there is, then there must be." Lao Ye's eyes were full of desire.

"Just for this sentence, you want to enter Hulu Mountain at all costs?" Lin Shen asked in a deep voice.

"The older people get, the more afraid they are of death. I really just don't want to die. In the future, I will definitely assist you wholeheartedly and dare not have any more thoughts." Lao Ye said.

"You have no future." Lin Shen said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Lao Ye's face suddenly changed, and he struggled and shouted: "Little Fifth Master... You are a member of the Lin family... You can't go back on your words..."

Before he finished speaking, the tail of the dead powder stabbed at his forehead and pierced his head directly.

Killed in one blow, Lao Ye's eyes widened to a degree that living people could not imagine, and he died with his eyes open.

Lao Ye never thought that Lin Shen, who usually laughed and ate, drank and had fun all day, would be so cruel; nor did he expect that the people of the Lin family would go back on their words.

"I didn't promise not to kill you, and even if I promised, I wouldn't let you live. You are too threatening to me. If it wasn't for the surprise, I would not be sure that I could defeat you. Giving you a chance is sending myself to die, and I don't want to die." Lin Shen bent down to search Lao Ye's body and touched out everything on his body.

He felt extremely disgusted, but at this time, staying alive was more important than anything else.

After a while, Lin Shen touched out everything on Lao Ye's body.

An alloy short blade, a crystal-based green leaf blade, two alloy pet capsules and three capsule keys.

Two of the keys were obviously matched with the two pet capsules, and the other key was actually crystal-based, as crystal clear as yellow crystal, and the key handle was heart-shaped.

"Strange, why are there only keys but no capsules?" Lin Shen was puzzled and looked at Lao Ye's body again.

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