Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 29: Dead

Lin Shen searched the corpse twice again, and even touched the lining of the corners of the clothes carefully, but did not find any hidden pet capsules.

Lao Ye did not have any crystal-based pet capsules on him, not because he had not used them in time.

"Generally speaking, some people will hide their keys and only take their pets out to avoid being taken away by others. What's the point of taking only the keys without the capsules?" Lin Shen frowned and thought.

He could not figure it out for a while, so he had to put the keys away first.

Lao Ye's two alloy pets, one is the heavy armored monster he rides, and the other is the wind-breaking meteorite iron swallow.

Heavy armored monster: alloy creature.

Strength: 18.5.

Speed: 12.7.

Hardness: 16.7.

Toughness: 11.6.

Base transformation talent: defense enhancement.

Wind-breaking meteorite iron swallow: alloy creature.

Strength: 10.9.

Speed: 19.1.

Hardness: 17.6.

Toughness: 18.7.

Basic transformation talent: Quick Slash, Swallow Return.

The heavy armored beast is not fast and cannot catch up with the platinum beast, so Lao Ye put it away when chasing him. This thing is thick-skinned and strong, and it is okay to use it as a thick shield or to explore the way.

Although the power of the Wind-Breaking Meteorite Swallow is not strong, its other attributes are not bad, and its dual talents are also good. Quick Slash can convert speed into destructive power, which makes up for the problem of insufficient power to a certain extent. Swallow Return can make the Meteorite Swallow suddenly turn back during high-speed flight, catching people off guard.

The platinum beast was killed by Lao Ye, and the heavy armored beast was just used as a mount, and the wind-breaking meteorite swallow was also a good helper.


There was a loud noise suddenly from the direction of the canyon, as if something exploded.

Lin Shen thought for a moment, put away the things, and quietly sneaked towards the battlefield.

The dead powder was still put into the clothes, making it entangled on himself.

When Lin Shen returned to the canyon entrance and looked inside secretly, he found that there was no one there. Only some tents were left there, and the bonfire was still burning.

A large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared at the place where the fight had just taken place, and several corpses were lying around nearby.

Lin Shen observed for a long time, and summoned the meteorite swallow to explore the way. He found that the tents were empty, and the others did not know where they had gone.

Not finding any danger, Lin Shen went over carefully and looked at the corpses. Among them, there was no Bai Shenfei and Wei Wufu, all of whom were radicals from the Qi and Wang families.

"What happened? Why are they all gone? What's the matter with this big pit?" Lin Shen was puzzled.

There were still a lot of supplies and gifts in the tent. It can be seen that they left in a hurry and did not have time to take away many things.

On the ground leading to the depths of the canyon, messy footprints and hoof prints can be seen. They should have gone into the canyon.

"Are they chasing someone, or are they attracted to something?" Lin Shen thought for a moment, and decided to follow and take a look.

He summoned a heavy armored monster and asked the speedster to sit in front of him, while Yunyan explored the way further ahead.

He didn't dare to walk too fast to prevent the genetically modified creatures hiding in the dark nearby.

Not far away, he saw several bodies of genetically modified creatures lying on the ground, and the genetically modified fluids in the bodies had not been collected.

Lin Shen checked the wounds on the bodies and continued to chase.

At a distance, he could see some bodies of genetically modified creatures, but he didn't see even a single figure, nor did he find any living genetically modified creatures.

The canyon was very long, and he walked until almost dawn before he reached the end of the canyon, but he still didn't find any trace of Bai Shenfei and the others.

The sky gradually brightened, and Lin Shen looked into the distance. There were continuous mountains in front of him, but he didn't see the majestic and mysterious Hulu Mountain.

"Hulu Mountain is so majestic that it can be seen clearly at the entrance of the canyon. Why can't I see it here?" Lin Shen's doubts became even greater.

There are many paths in the mountains. Fortunately, there are hoof prints on the ground. Lin Shen followed the hoof prints and chased down.

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There are many metal plants in the mountains, and even tall trees that seem to be made of steel, just like a steel jungle.

The most common type of tree is a red maple. Those trees that are seven or eight meters high are covered with red copper-like leaves.

Lin Shen followed the hoof prints and turned around in the mountains. After two or three hours, he was shocked to find that he was back to the canyon.

"Strange!" Lin Shen was even more confused. He was sure that he had been following the hoof prints, and he didn't see Bai Shenfei and the others coming back. Why did he come back again?

"I'm afraid Hulu Mountain should be here, but I can't see it. They have Xuanniao on them, so they may have entered Hulu Mountain." Lin Shen thought about it and there was only this possibility.

Unfortunately, he didn't have Xuanniao, so he couldn't find the place even if he wanted to enter Hulu Mountain.

"How can such a majestic mountain be hidden? It's incredible." Lin Shen tried to enter the mountains to look for them again, but still found nothing, and finally returned to the canyon.

What's even more strange is that there is no trace of genetically modified creatures in the mountains. Theoretically, there should be many genetically modified creatures in the area near the genetic mutation point. Everything here seems a little weird.

"Forget it. My strength is limited. Even if I enter Hulu Mountain, I am afraid I can't help much. Instead, I may become a burden to the third and fourth brothers." Lin Shen thought about it and decided to go back to the base first.

He must complete the base transformation as soon as possible, otherwise his own strength is too poor, and even with a powerful pet, it is not safe.

Lin Shen, who was about to go back, suddenly saw a figure stumbling back on a mountain road in the distance.

Because the distance was too far, Lin Shen could only see that it was a person, and he couldn't see who it was. With a thought, he took his pet and hid in the woods, observing the figure from a distance.

The figure seemed to be drunk, staggering, and didn't come down the mountain road for a long time.

However, when the distance was close, Lin Shen saw the man's appearance clearly, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

The metal armor on the man's body was like a cracked tempered glass, with tiny cracks all over his body.

Blood seeped out of each crack, and the whole body was dripping with blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

It was a miracle that he could survive until now. No wonder he stumbled all the way and could hardly walk.

Lin Shen vaguely remembered that this man was an alloy-based transformer of the Qi family. He was very skilled and could be considered a well-known figure in the Qi family and the Xuanniao base. His name seemed to be Qi Guan, a direct descendant of the Qi family.

Seeing that no one else followed him on the mountain road behind, Lin Shen hurriedly walked out of the woods and walked towards Qi Guan.

"Qi Guan, what happened? Who hurt you like this? Where are the others?" Lin Shen asked loudly from a distance.

Qi Guan saw Lin Shen and wanted to rush over, but he stumbled and fell to the ground. He struggled to crawl for a few times but couldn't get up.

"Save...save me...I'm...dead...I'm...dead..." Qi Guan lay on the ground and stretched out his hand to Lin Shen with all his strength, his eyes full of desire for life.

Unfortunately, he died before he finished speaking. His face fell to the ground, his hands drooped weakly, and he was motionless and silent.

"What do you mean dead... Qi Guan... Qi Guan..." Lin Shen called a few times, but he didn't respond at all.

Let the speedster go over and turn his body over. The blood stained the ground with a bloody human-shaped mark. It seemed that he really couldn't survive.

Lin Shen went over and touched his arteries and nose. He was dead.

Lin Shen looked carefully at the metal armor on his body. There were countless cracks all over his body, just like glass that was crushed alive. I don't know what kind of force would hurt him like this.

Suddenly, Lin Shen noticed that he seemed to be holding something in his other hand. He was dead, but his fingers were still tightly clenched.

Lin Shen squatted down and stretched out his hand to pry it open, but he couldn't pry it open.

He took out Lao Ye's short blade and pried it for a long time. He broke his fingers and finally saw what he was holding.

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