Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 363: Fiery Mars

Lie Mars looks like a huge reddish-brown planet from a distance.

The entire planet looks very desolate, with reddish-brown hills and land everywhere, and only a few areas with green plants.

These plants are not native to Mars, but special species introduced from other planets.

This plant played a key role in the alien race's ability to survive on Mars.

However, this kind of plant can only be grown in places far away from the Yanhai. The growth of each plant requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

After Lin Shen came out of the teleportation station, he smelled a very unpleasant smell, and the air he inhaled made his chest feel a little uncomfortable.

This is still in an area covered by giant snake-like plants. Outside the plant area, the air will be even more unsuitable for human survival.

In other words, the physique of the ascended person can still barely adapt, but the life of ordinary genetic changers will be in danger if they leave the plant area.

Although the environment of Lie Mars is harsh, there is a very rare ore here. This ore is one of the important materials for manufacturing aircraft power systems, and the profits are also considerable.

Huge vines were winding and undulating on the ground like giant snakes, covering dozens of miles in radius.

The leaves on the vines are very small, about the same size as ordinary maple leaves. On the vines, you can see many tumor-like bumps, which look very scary.

Although this plant called Dragon Tongue Vine does not look good-looking, it has the effect of improving the air of Mars and is also the main source of water resources.

There appear to be many vines in this area, but they all actually belong to the same Dragon Tongue Vine.

Under the protection of the dragon tongue vine, you can see rows of low wooden houses built under the vines. No reinforced concrete buildings can be seen here.

There are almost no technological products, and even metals are rare. Most of them are wood products and cotton products. Even fiber-made clothes are hard to see.

Someone greeted Tianxun and took them to a relatively luxurious wooden house.

Lin Shen, Tianxin and Wei Wufu followed Tianxun into the wooden house, and Tianxun talked to the two leading celestial beings.

Lin Shen saw a man sitting on the ground in the other corner, drinking tea. Behind him, a little girl held a white jade-like umbrella, covering the man's head.

She didn't know why she needed to hold an umbrella in this house, even if there was no wind, rain, or sun.

When the man saw them coming in, he raised his head and looked at them, then lowered his eyes and stopped looking at them.

Lin Shen and Wei Wufu recognized the man as Ouyang Yudu at a glance, but he seemed a little different from the previous Ouyang Yudu.

Although he is still so gentle and elegant, he seems to be a little less happy and a little more calm.

Ouyang Yudu seemed to intentionally not acknowledge them, so Lin Shen and Wei Wufu did not walk over, pretending not to recognize him.

"Tianxun, the operation has changed this time. Are your people sure you want to participate?" A celestial being said to Tianxun.

"What happened?" Tianxun asked with a frown.

"One of the three people selected by the Imperial Barbarians is Fleila." The heavenly being from before said.

"Frela? That woman who claims to be the myth of the immortality of the Imperial Barbarians?" Tianxun was a little surprised when he heard this: "Is she not dead yet? How could she be allowed to participate in such an action? Isn't this cheating?"

"It can't be said to be cheating. The entire universe knows that she is an ascendant." The Celestial Being sighed.

"Four hundred years ago, she was ascended by ten turns. Four hundred years later, she is still ascended by ten turns. With her ability, she was able to achieve nirvana four hundred years ago. Even for great nirvana, the success rate is still very high. But. But she has stayed in Feisheng for four hundred years. Even the grandchildren in her family have already reached Nirvana. With her knowledge and cultivation, participating in such an action is not bullying others. "?" Tian Xun snorted coldly.

"But it is undeniable that she is an ascended person, which is in line with our agreement with the Imperial Barbarians." Tianren said helplessly: "I have decided to let my people withdraw from this operation. You can discuss the rest among yourselves."

Tianxun was startled when he heard this: "If your people withdraw, what will happen to the third quota?"

"I can't let my people die knowing that they will die. It's not easy to cultivate a ten-turn ascendant. Anyone who wants to go can do it, but my people won't go." Tianren said calmly.

"Isn't this appropriate? What should I tell you from above?" Tianxun frowned.

"Originally, there is a problem with the decision-making above. If anyone above has any opinions, let them come to me. At worst, I will quit this job as inspector." After the heavenly man said that, he got up and took the ascended person of the Iron-Blooded Tribe away. .

Tian Xun and the other Celestial Being looked at each other. The inspector could just leave regardless, but they didn't have the confidence.

"Chishang, what do you think?" Tianxun asked, looking at Tianren who hadn't left.

Chishang shrugged and said: "How else can we look at it? The inspector has already said that it is a problem from above. What can I think about it? You have been traveling for so long and you should be tired. Take a rest first and wait for the above. Decide.”

Tian Xun had no choice but to take Lin Shen and the others to find a place to stay first.

Tianxun called the three of them into the room and said solemnly: "It seems that there is a problem within Tianrenyuan this time, otherwise it would be impossible to agree to Freila's participation in this operation. Lin Shen, forget it this time. Well, the qualification for an ascension pool is not worth taking such a big risk.

. "

"Who is Freila?" Lin Shen asked curiously.

Without waiting for Tian Xun to answer, Tian Xin leaned against the wall and said lazily: "Didn't you hear just now? That is the immortal myth of the Emperor Barbarians. The most beautiful woman recognized by the Emperor Barbarians for four hundred years is flying. The old woman and old monster who has been upgrading for four hundred years should now be called an immortal goblin.”

"Is she strong?" Lin Shen asked again.

"It's not very strong. Four hundred years ago, the Imperial Barbarians held an ascendant ranking competition. At that time, Fleila tortured several rookie ascendants of the Imperial Barbarians and won the first place." Tianxin teased.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tian Xun scolded him, and then said to Lin Shen: "Freira four hundred years ago was known as the most beautiful woman in the Imperial Barbarians. At that time, many famous Ascendants of the Imperial Barbarians admired her. Or, we don’t know whether she gave in to the competition, but being able to get the first place was definitely not just a fluke. Moreover, she later did several things that shocked the universe, and her strength was also top-notch among the ascendants at that time. Existence. I haven’t heard anything about her in more than a hundred years. I originally thought she was dead or had reached Nirvana, but I didn’t expect that she was still alive and had not reached Nirvana.”

"What did she do that shocked the universe?" Lin Shen became more and more curious.

"It's not a big deal. I just rejected the marriage proposal from a king of the Imperial Barbarians, and was ordered to kill him by that king. I was chased by several Nirvana people and escaped with my life again and again, and even blew up. A planet, and used the explosion of that planet to kill the two Nirvanas who were chasing her..."

The more Lin Shen listened, the more his heart sank. He had already become this powerful hundreds of years ago. If he and Ouyang Yu both went there, it would be different from dying.

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