Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 364: Fleura

Lin Shen has already backed off. Such an ascender is not only strong in itself, but she has been in the ascending stage for four hundred years. Who knows how many top-grade spiritual bases and top-grade ascending pets she has.

Maybe if the pets are released, she doesn't even need to do anything herself to kill Lin Shen and the others.

Although Lin Shen wants to enter the ascending pool and wants to help Ouyang Yudu, he can't die. Ouyang Yudu will probably withdraw, he's not stupid.

Several people stayed in Liehuoxing first, waiting for the order from Tianrenyuan.

The supervisor withdrew temporarily, and Tianrenyuan must come up with a solution. Tianxun estimated that it would be nine out of ten that Fulei La would withdraw, otherwise this action would be meaningless.

Lin Shen, Tianxin and Wei Wufu were all on Liehuoxing for the first time. They were quite curious about this place. Accompanied by the staff here, they strolled outside the plant area together.

Lin Shen took two daggers and chopped at them. Sparks burst out and continuous explosions sounded in the air. The sparks seemed to turn into fireworks and exploded directly in the air.

This was just a slight collision. If you really hit it hard, the destructive power of the explosion would be terrifying.

"This planet is really interesting." Lin Shen took two daggers and collided them continuously, like setting off fireworks, and had a lot of fun.

"Childish." Tian Xin snorted coldly beside him.

A Huaxi staff member next to him smiled and said, "It's good to adapt to the environment of Fierce Mars. When fighting here, you have to pay special attention to this kind of explosion. Many conflicts on Fierce Mars may end up with both sides not surviving because they all died in the explosion, not killed by the opponent."

"Didn't we die a lot of Nirvanas in the previous conflict with the Diman tribe? In fact, those Nirvanas didn't expect the other side to really risk their lives on Fierce Mars. Most of them were killed by the explosion."

The Huaxi man looks very special. His face looks like a sunflower with eyes, nose and mouth. When he speaks, the circle of petals on his face sways with the tone of his voice, which is very interesting to watch.

"What do you call your friend?" Lin Shen asked.

"Just call me Duoqi. I'm the temporary person in charge here." The Huaxi man is very friendly.

"Duoqi, is there no way to avoid the explosion?" Lin Shen asked again.

"As long as there is no collision and cracking, it's fine. Friction doesn't matter. When you fight, it's best not to come into direct contact with the other party. As long as the speed is fast enough, just avoid it. Also, prepare more spiritual bases, and don't use your life base unless necessary. If you use life bases to collide, the explosion may damage the life base..." Duoqi told them some skills for fighting on the Fiery Mars.

In fact, Lin Shen and others have heard about these things from Tianxun.

At Lin Shen's suggestion, Duoqi also took them to see the genetically modified creatures on the Fiery Mars and came to a lake that didn't look particularly large.

"This is the Flame Lake. Genetically modified creatures like the Fiery Mars will rest in such a Flame Lake most of the time, and will only leave the Flame Lake when they are looking for food. This has an advantage. Even if there is a conflict in the Flame Lake, there will be no explosion." Duoqi pointed to the Flame Lake and said.

"Is the Flame Lake filled with water?" Lin Shen stared at the slightly reddish turbid liquid in the Flame Lake and asked.

"It may be mixed with some water, but the water content is not high. The people who mined here before called this liquid Yanye. Yanhu and Yanhai are mainly composed of this Yanye. This thing can't be drunk. It is harmful to the body and will not be absorbed by our body. Only genetically modified creatures can drink this thing..." Duoqi was explaining when he suddenly saw a pair of people coming from a distance, and they seemed to be heading for this Yanhu.

"They are the people of the Diman tribe." Duoqi said hurriedly: "Let's avoid them, so as not to have a conflict with them."

"What are you avoiding? Do they dare to do anything to us?" Tianxin curled his lips and had no intention of leaving.

Duoqi wanted to say something, but the Diman tribe had already approached, and also discovered them and walked towards them.

"The Diman woman who was like a moon surrounded by stars is Fuleila..." Duoqi whispered to Lin Shen and the others.

The three looked at Fuleila. Although Tianxin was familiar with Fuleila's story, it was the first time he saw Fuleila in person.

"Hey, isn't Freira already over 400 years old? How come she still looks so young and beautiful? Are you sure she is Freira?" Tian Xin said in surprise.

"She came to our camp with the envoys of the Diman tribe, so there should be no mistake. Besides, haven't you heard of her nickname? Her nickname is the Immortal Myth, which refers to her youthful beauty that remains the same for hundreds of years." Duoqi said.

"I have heard of it, but I didn't expect her to look so young." Tian Xin said in surprise: "I have seen some people who have the ability to maintain their youth, and there are many who still look like young people after hundreds of years. However, from some details and their behavior, it can be seen that they are somewhat different from real young people, and most of them are pretending to be young. But this Freira looks like a really innocent and beautiful girl. I can't see any trace of time carving on her. This is really strange."

"Otherwise, why would she be called the Immortal Myth." Duoqi smiled.

Lin Shen was also looking at Flora, but he did not see how beautiful Flora was. He was just more shocked than Tian Xin and the others.

Because what Lin Shen saw was a humanoid mosaic, he never expected to see a person with a horse in such a place.

Seck people.

Lin Shen couldn't help but think: "Could this Freila be the ace of hearts?"

Because of the mosaic, Lin Shen really couldn't tell who was who.

Although Freila is beautiful, there are too many beauties in the universe, and Tianxin has seen too many, so he doesn't have any special feelings about a woman just because she is beautiful.

A beautiful woman may be famous because of her beauty, but if you want to be particularly famous, beauty alone is not enough.

Four hundred years ago, Fleila was known as the most beautiful woman in the Imperial Barbarian Tribe, and her beauty was actually only part of the reason.

"You are Duoqi, the person in charge of the Tianren camp, right?" The Imperial Barbarians came to a place not far from Lin Shen and the others. One of the Imperial Barbarian men who was surrounding Freila looked at her. Dochi asked.

"Viscount Kaijia has a good memory. He remembered my name after just one meeting. I am Duoqi." Duoqi nodded.

Viscount Kaijia curled his lips and ignored Duoqi. He looked at Lin Shen and others and said, "Are these three people from your Celestial Race going to war?"

"No." Duoqi shook his head and said.

When they were talking, Lin Shen didn't pay attention to them, nor did he look at Fleila, who had fire on her body. His eyes were attracted by a figure at the end of the Imperial Barbarian team.

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