Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 365: Authentic

In order to prevent collisions, none of the people from the Diman tribe, including Freyra, used genetically modified creatures as mounts.

If the bodies of genetically modified creatures collide with each other, they will also cause explosions.

So in the entire Diman tribe team, there is actually only one person who has a mount.

That person is the one Lin Shen is looking at. His status is obviously the highest in the Diman tribe team, which surprised Lin Shen a little because he is a human.

A middle-aged human man who looks about 30 or 40 years old, riding a big black bull, is at the end of the team.

The big black bull is really a bull, not a genetically modified creature. Its hair is as shiny as black satin.

On the Fiery Mars, it is obviously not something that ordinary people can do to have such a mount. Ordinary bulls cannot survive on the Fiery Mars.

But these are not the focus of Lin Shen's attention. The reason why Lin Shen pays attention to him is that the more Lin Shen looks at this person, the more he looks like his third brother Lin Zongzheng.

But Lin Shen was not sure that this was his third brother Lin Zongzheng. Although this person looked like Lin Zongzheng, he was thinner and his temperament was different.

Lin Shen's impression of Lin Zongzheng was that he was a middle-aged man who didn't like to meddle in other people's business. He fished and drank tea in his spare time. He seemed to have no temper at all.

And this man just sat on the back of the cow, which made people feel that he had a kind of demeanor that ordinary people could not reach, as if he was high above and looking down on all living things.

The most important thing was that Lin Shen did not see the scar between his eyebrows. The wrinkles between his eyebrows were real wrinkles.

So Lin Shen could not be sure for a while whether this person was his third brother Lin Zongzheng, but he felt very similar.

When Kaiga heard that these three people were not the trio selected by the Tianren side, he lost interest in them and turned to Freyla and said, "Lady Freyla, these people are not our opponents. Don't waste time on them. Let's go to Yanhai as planned?"

Freyla ignored Kaiga and looked at the three people. Finally, her eyes fell on Lin Shen's face. She seemed a little surprised and said to the human man riding a black bull behind him, "Zheng Junshi, this human looks like you. Are you relatives?"

When she said this, Lin Shen could tell that this Freyla should not be the red heart A.

The man riding the black bull looked at Lin Shen and said lightly, "It's true. What's your name?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Lin Shen said lightly.

Kaiga and others were immediately furious, pointing at Lin Shen and cursing, "Zheng Junshi asked you a question because he thinks highly of you. Don't be shameless."

"What's wrong with us not giving you face?" Tianxin snorted coldly.

"Are you looking for death? If you want to die, I will kill you now." Kaiga said he would do it, but he had no intention of doing it at all.

"Come on, come and kill me." Tianxin stretched his neck, as if waiting for Kaiga to chop him.

Lin Shen thought that at this point, Kaiga, who seemed to have a bad temper, should have done it, but he was too naive. Kaiga didn't do it, but just shouted: "What a rubbish you are, I'm afraid of dirtying my hands if I kill you."

After thinking about it, Lin Shen understood why Kaiga didn't do it.

Now the negotiations between the Celestials and the Dimans are at a stalemate. If Kaiga takes action first, triggers a dispute, leaves a handle for the Celestials, and puts the Dimans in a passive position in the negotiations, Kaiga can't bear this responsibility.

It can be seen from this that the Dimans don't want to continue fighting and want to solve the problem with this action.

Of course, this is because Fu Leila participated in this action, which is too beneficial to the Dimans, and they naturally don't want any other accidents.

The human man called Zheng Junshi waved his hand, and Kaijia and others actually cooperated and quieted down.

"My name is Zhengzong. As human beings, we should take care of each other. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can find me at the Diman tribe's camp." Zheng Junshi said, turned his head and went to the other side.

Kaijia and others glared at Lin Shen and Tianxin, and turned around and followed Zhengzong to the direction of Yanhai.

Freyla looked at Lin Shen and smiled: "I still want to know, what is your name?"

"If you want to ask someone else's name, shouldn't you report your own name first?" Lin Shen said with a smile.

Freyla nodded and said: "My name is Freyla, Diman tribe."

"A Tian, ​​human." This is not what Lin Shen said casually.

The name Tianxun reported to him was this one. When Tianxun reported it, he asked Lin Shen what name to use, and it would be better not to use his real name, so Lin Shen reported the name A Tian.

"Okay, A Tian, ​​I'll remember you. You look a lot like the commander of the army." After saying that, Freyla turned around and left, gradually going away in the crowd.

"Who is that Zhengzong? Why do those Diman tribes seem to respect him so much?" Lin Shen turned around and asked Duoqi.

Duoqi said, "That Zhengzong is the leader of the Diman tribe's envoys this time. Although he is a human and has no Diman blood, I heard that he is the military advisor of the Greedy King Sam. He is highly regarded by Sam and has a high status in the Diman tribe. Otherwise, he would not have become the leader of the envoys."

"Do I really look like him?" Lin Shen asked Duoqi while touching his face.

Duoqi smiled and said: "I think you humans are all similar in appearance, even similar to heavenly beings. Maybe it's because of different races. You all feel this way."

. "

Lin Shen nodded and said nothing more. They walked around the Yan Lake again, hunted a few genetically modified creatures that crawled out of the Yan Lake, and then returned to the camp.

"Old Wei, do you know that Zhengzong?" Lin Shen asked Wei Wufu beside him.

"It's very similar." Wei Wufu nodded.

Lin Shen knew that Wei Wufu also thought Zhengzong was very similar to his third brother, but he didn't want this answer, so he asked again: "Then is he my third brother?"

"I don't know." Wei Wufu shook his head this time, but then continued: "Yes, no, it makes sense. No, don't mind."

"I also understand this truth. If it is really the third brother, he has his own reasons for not recognizing us. If he is not the third brother, there is no need to mind. This is the reason, but I still want to know whether he is Third brother." Lin Shen sighed.

"Simple...ask him..." Wei Wufu said.

Lin Shen was furious and was about to say something when he heard a knock on the door outside.

Lin Shen asked who it was, but no one answered outside the door. The two looked at each other, Lin Shen walked over and opened the door, and saw a man holding an umbrella standing outside the door, who was Ouyang Yudu.

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