Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 41: The Ancient King and the Three Treasure Boxes

Lin Shen suspected that Tian Xin was just learning and applying what he had just learned on him, and used the same tactics on himself that he had just used on him.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Lin Shen took out the leaf blade, walked up to Tianxin, and stabbed his eyes with the blade.

"I have evidence...in my backpack..." Tianxin yelled.

Lin Shen's hand failed to stop and he moved it forcefully. The leaf blade did not pierce his eyes, but pierced the lying silkworm below.

I have to admit that the physical strength of the Jingji level is really terrifying. Lin Shen used the leaf blade to pierce it like this, but it only made a shallow wound, just enough to break the skin.

"I'm sorry, you shouted too slowly. I couldn't stop it. Please be careful next time." Lin Shen said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. I can't blame you." Tianxin quickly said it was okay.

"I want you to pay attention. Next time I yell to hurry up, what are you thinking about?" Lin Shen said and walked behind Tianxin and saw that there was indeed a small backpack on his back. It was woven with metal wire and tied to In the middle of the two wings.

Lin Shen took off the backpack and originally wanted to tear it off with all his strength, but after tearing it twice, the bag was unscathed.

"Tiantang brand backpack, famous brand, high-end goods, made of crystal spinning material, durable. If you like it, I will give it to you," Tianxin said in a flattering manner.

"This is mine, why do you give it to me?" Lin Shen glared at him.

"Yes, yes, that package in your hand is of course yours. I was confused and said the wrong thing." Tian Xin said this, but in his heart, he was already itching with hatred: "Asshole, trash, idiot, you Don't let me find a chance. After I recover, I will snatch all your things, even your underwear, and I will snatch them ten times."

Lin Shen ignored him lazily, studied it, and found that the bag even had a password lock.

"Friend, the password is six six." Tianxin was a lot more sensible and gave the password himself without waiting for Lin Shen to ask.

"You Celestials are so advanced and advanced, why are you still using this traditional combination lock?" Lin Shen did not turn the number wheel, but looked at Tianxin and asked.

"Other fingerprints, pupils, face unlocks, and even DNA locks are not very reliable after defeat. The password lock can last longer." There is a small devil's flame in Tianxin's heart. Swaying wildly: "Open the lock quickly... Unlock the lock quickly... How can I give you the real password... Once the password is entered incorrectly... I will let you know how ignorant and stupid you country bumpkins are... "

"It makes sense." Lin Shen stretched out his hand to the combination lock and pressed his fingers on it. Under Tianxin's earnest eyes, he did not turn the numbers. Instead, he turned to look at Tianxin and said, "What do you mean? The civilization is so advanced, the gods are so smart, and they think so thoughtfully. They even thought about the problem of the bag being robbed after the defeat. They will definitely design a mechanism to unlock the enemy, you tell me, if my memory is not very good. , if you remember the wrong password, will there be any danger if you enter it incorrectly? ”

"This..." Cold sweat broke out on Tianxin's forehead.

"By the way, my memory is not very good. What was the password you mentioned just now?" Lin Shen asked with a smile.

"Six six..." Tianxin hadn't answered yet. Wei Wufu, who was taking a big mouthful of genetic fluid at the side, wiped his mouth and said.

Tian Xin's face turned dark immediately. Lin Shen clearly wanted to help him get off the steps, but as soon as the steps were put up, he just hesitated for a moment, and Wei Wufu took down the steps.

"Can you speak? If you can't speak, why don't you take a few more years to learn?" At this time, Tianxin wished she could go up and slap Wei Wufu hard.

"No, no, no, he remembered it wrong. The password I just told you is 994572." Tianxin said bravely.

Lin Shen had already guessed that the combination lock had an anti-theft design, and he would definitely not open it by himself. If he didn't go down the steps at this time, he would definitely suffer a lot later, and he didn't want to suffer.

"Is that so?" Lin Shen tilted his head and looked at Wei Wufu and asked.

"No... six six..." Wei Wufu seemed to speak much more eloquently at this time.

"You..." Tianxin cursed the 10,000-word essay in his heart, but he had to put a smile on his face and said: "Friend, that friend was a little far away just now. He must not have heard clearly what I said. It’s 994572. You can never be wrong if you believe me. Good friends don’t lie to good friends.”

"Okay, since we are good friends, then I believe you." Lin Shen said, stretched out his finger and turned the number wheel to the numbers 994572.

Just a snap was heard and the lock opened.

When Tianxin saw that Lin Shen actually entered the password he said to unlock the door, he felt regretful and uncomfortable in his heart.

"If I had known this, I should have made up another one..." Tianxin regretted it so much that her teeth almost broke.

There was no use regretting now. I could only watch as Lin Shen poured out everything in the bag.

In addition to a few pieces of clothing, the bag also contained a metal box the size of a glasses case and other odds and ends that looked like items for daily use.

"Where is the evidence you mentioned?" Lin Shen looked at Tianxin and asked.

"It's in that box." Tianxin said helplessly.

Lin Shen picked up the box and looked around, then surprisingly without any nonsense, he reached out and slowly opened the unlocked box.

"What is this?" Lin Shen asked as he looked at the contents of the box in surprise.

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"Haven't you heard about the story of the Three Treasure Boxes of the Ancient King of the Realm?" Tian Xin was slightly startled, but immediately said: "The Ancient King of the Realm is the King of the Realm I mentioned. He conquered the universe and became a generation of King of the Realm in just ten thousand years. He founded his own universe dynasty - the Ancient Dynasty. Unfortunately, the Ancient Dynasty only existed for a short period of more than 20 years before it was replaced by other dynasties."

"A dynasty founded in ten thousand years was replaced in just twenty years?" Lin Shen felt that the gap was too big.

"Who said it wasn't? The Ancient Dynasty was the shortest-lived dynasty in the history of the universe. It's really a pity. However, the story of the Ancient King of the Realm and the Three Treasure Boxes is widely circulated. After hundreds of millions of years, it is still talked about with relish." Tian Xin vividly described the story of the Three Treasure Keys.

The Ancient King of the Realm had almost no defeats in his life. It sounds like it took a long time to establish a dynasty in ten thousand years, but in the history of the entire universe, there are not many people who can start from scratch and establish a dynasty in just ten thousand years.

After the establishment of the Ancient Dynasty, the Ancient World King encountered a strange thing.

His closest friends, anyone he cared about, died one after another in accidents.

The Ancient World King was so powerful that if someone deliberately harmed the people around him, he would have taken strict precautions. His most beloved concubine died under his nose, and the Ancient World King had no way to deal with it.

After that, his relatives died one after another in front of him, which proved that it was definitely not an ordinary calculation, but destiny. It was God's punishment for him for killing too many lives when he founded the dynasty, and he wanted him to be cut off from relatives and friends and old alone.

The Ancient World King, who fought all the opponents in the universe with an invincible attitude, tried all kinds of means, but could only watch his brothers, close friends, wives, concubines and descendants die in front of him one by one because of accidents.

In the end, the Ancient World King had to offer a reward to the entire universe. Whoever could solve his dilemma would have power and wealth at his fingertips.

If he wanted power, he could dominate the heavens; if he wanted wealth, he could become the richest man in the universe.

When the bounty was offered, many talented people and liars came, but still no one could solve his dilemma.

Until the only direct bloodline of the Ancient King was a little prince and two little princesses, someone finally came to help the Ancient King out of his dilemma.

The man asked the Ancient King to build three treasure chests, and then opened the first treasure chest, and asked the Ancient King to put the most valuable thing he thought into the box, and repeatedly warned him that it must be the most valuable and precious thing he thought except for emotional things.

The Ancient King thought that the man wanted his most valuable thing in return. At that time, the Ancient King had reached a desperate point, and a little bit of material possessions was nothing. Almost without hesitation, he put the most valuable and precious thing he thought into it.

The man nodded, opened the second treasure chest, and continued to tell the Ancient King to put the most valuable and precious thing he thought now into it.

The Ancient World King did not hesitate and put his most precious thing in it.

The man nodded again, continued to open the third box, and asked the Ancient World King to put in what he thought was the most valuable thing now.

This time, the Ancient World King felt a little unhappy, thinking that the man was too greedy. He asked again and again, and he had already put his two most precious treasures in, but he was still not satisfied.

The Ancient World King thought that he just wanted something valuable anyway, so he picked a very valuable thing and put it in. Although it was not his most precious thing now, its value was not much different.

The man locked all three treasure chests, and then unexpectedly returned the three keys to the Ancient World King, and then said something even more unexpected.

The man probably meant that if the three treasures that the Ancient World King had just put in were really the most precious and valuable things he thought at the time, then the Ancient World King’s dilemma would have been solved.

However, if the three treasures inside are not the three treasures that the Ancient King of the World thinks are the most valuable, one of his blood relatives will die if one is wrong, two will die if two are wrong, and three will die if three are wrong.

The Ancient King of the World will only have three blood relatives left. If all are wrong, they will all die.

The Ancient King of the World asked the man: "How to calculate wrong and how to calculate right?"

"The King of the World should ask his heart about this question." After the man said this, he floated away without asking for any rewards or taking the three treasure chests.

As a result, the man's words really came true. The little prince died, and the two little princesses survived.

"The reason why the Ancient Dynasty was so short-lived has a lot to do with this incident." Tian Xin sighed and said, "Later, the Ancient Realm King died somewhere unknown, and the Ancient Dynasty fell apart because there was no successor. No one has ever seen the Three Treasure Box again, but the Three Treasure Keys have been passed down. Legend has it that the Three Treasure Box was carried by the Ancient Realm King. As long as you can find the burial place of the Ancient Realm King and the Three Treasure Keys, you can get the three most precious treasures in the universe."

"You don't mean to tell me that this is one of the treasure keys?" Lin Shen said, looking at the key in the box, with a complex look in his eyes.

"Yes, this is one of the Three Treasure Keys." Tian Xin said with certainty.

Lin Shen saw that Tian Xin's expression did not seem to be fake, but it was hard for him to believe that this key was one of the three treasure keys, because this key looked very similar to the golden crystal key he found on Lao Ye.

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