Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 42: Heavenly Sacrifice Begins

Just looking at the story that Tian Xin told, there are loopholes everywhere.

But rumors are full of loopholes, and many rumors are far from the truth.

But it is also possible that there are some shocking facts hidden in that absurd rumor.

Maybe it was not God who made the Ancient King of the World alone, maybe his relatives and friends did not die in an accident, and it is even possible that there was no one who asked the Ancient King of the World to put the treasure in the treasure chest.

Even if it was put in, could the Ancient King of the World not take it out again?

But if this key is real, then what lock can it open? Is it really related to the Ancient King of the World? Maybe there is really a treasure chest, although it may not be the Ancient King of the World's treasure chest at all.

Lin Shen held the key and looked at it again and again. Except for the different sawtooth shape, this key is extremely similar to the one on Lao Ye in terms of size and material, and even the heart-shaped design is exactly the same.

"If there really is a Three Treasure Key, why does Lao Ye have one? If this is a story Tian Xin made up to save his life, then what are these two keys for?" Lin Shen was puzzled, there were too few clues.

Putting away the key, Lin Shen did not ask Tian Xin anything, took the water bag and went to collect the base transformation liquid flowing out of the python's wound.

Wei Wufu had just drunk a lot, and now he couldn't drink anymore.

"Old Wei, how do you feel, are you feeling better?" Lin Shen asked while collecting the base transformation liquid.

"Good." Wei Wufu nodded.

"That's good." Lin Shen also put his mouth close to it and sucked the base transformation liquid overflowing from the wound.

After only a few sips, Lin Shen stopped drinking.

These base transformation liquids are indeed good things. These base transformation liquids are useful to Wei Wufu, indicating that this is a crystal-based mutant creature.

But after Lin Shen drank it, the information displayed on the watch was still the mutation rate +0. For him, it can only be used to quickly restore physical strength and energy, and it cannot increase the success rate of mutation. It is a waste to drink it now, and drinking too much may cause problems. After all, the energy content in it is extremely high.

However, Wei Wufu gradually regained consciousness in his legs after drinking a lot of gene liquid.

"Friend, what I said is true. We can cooperate to find treasure chests. There are exactly three treasure chests. We each have one. When the time comes, I will let you pick it first, isn't it okay?" Tianxin was still talking over there.

"How do you know that the ancient king died on this planet? Didn't you say that no one knows where the ancient king died?" Lin Shen chatted with Tianxin in a casual manner.

"To be honest, my sister-in-law's second aunt's uncle is a historian..." Tianxin said sincerely.

After listening to the previous part, Lin Shen no longer had the interest to listen.

A clear sound of a phoenix suddenly came from the sky. Lin Shen immediately looked in the direction of the phoenix sound and immediately saw the orange halo of the translation.

"It's that bird... No... It's flying over here..." Lin Shen saw clearly that the terrifying orange halo was actually flying over here, and without saying a word, he called Wei Wufu and ran.

He couldn't even see what the bird looked like, and didn't know how terrifying it was, so he didn't dare to face it.

"Friend... Take me... I..." Seeing that Lin Shen and Wei Wufu were about to escape, Tian Xin shouted anxiously.

Lin Shen hesitated for a moment, turned around and carried Tian Xin to continue running.

The three people didn't run far, and the orange halo was already close, so they could only find a place to hide in the reef.

Fortunately, the orange halo was not aimed at them. Seeing the orange light covering the sky fall, the entire white beach and ocean were dyed orange.

Lin Shen and the other two were worried, and they all moved closer to the reef, thinking that the orange-red light might cause damage such as high temperature and burning. As a result, after the light fell, they did not feel the temperature rise nearby.

The huge body of the giant python was directly picked up and thrown into the sky in an instant.

Such a huge body, I don’t know how heavy it is, ordinary cranes probably can’t lift it, but at this time it was thrown hundreds of meters high like a toy. It is really hard to imagine what kind of terrifying power it is.

try{ggauto;} catch(ex){}

Another phoenix cry, the orange-red halo soared into the sky, and met the giant python in the sky. It was just a moment of contact, and the giant python disappeared, as if it was swallowed by the twisted halo.

Under the stunned gaze of the three people, the orange-red halo flew towards the depths of the ocean and disappeared in a moment.

"Steel Sacrifice +1...Steel Sacrifice +1..."

Some information suddenly appeared in Lin Shen’s mind. Thinking carefully, it turned out that the heaven-sacrificing ability had moved.

"What's going on?" Lin Shen was puzzled. He looked around and didn't find anyone nearby. Why did the sacrifice suddenly react?

In the information about the increase in sacrifices, Lin Shen felt a heat flow in his body out of thin air. The heat flow spread to his whole body, as if his blood was boiling, and the cells in his body were active. His muscles were full of strength, as if any punch could penetrate steel.

"Alloy sacrifice +1..."

After this message, Lin Shen suddenly felt that the heat flow in his body seemed to explode. The terrifying energy filled his whole body, surging, as if he couldn't suppress a volcano that was about to erupt.

It was obvious that his body had been terribly strengthened, and even the steel armor on his body was constantly strengthened.

On the mirror-like armor, a blood-colored halo actually bloomed.

"What's the matter with that kid?" Tian Xin was stunned, and felt strange in his heart.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Shen is just a small piece of steel-level trash, but he was able to burst out such a terrifying speed before, and he could also use a finger to make him unable to move.

Now his body is actually glowing, just like the blood-colored Buddha light, it feels more and more outrageous.

Wei Wufu also stared at Lin Shen, who was glowing with a blood-colored halo on his body. He didn't know what was going on. How could the steel body have color? Can the steel level be enchanted? I haven't heard of it.

"Nothing?" Wei Wufu asked.

"It's okay, you watch him first, I'll go around." Lin Shen pressed Tian Xin's acupoints again. His strength was obviously many times stronger than before. This finger pressed down, and Tian Xin was so painful that tears and snot came out.

Lin Shen turned and left. He could vaguely sense the location of the sacrifices. Now the sacrifices were constantly increasing and were still in the same location. He wanted to go and see what was going on and what those sacrifices were.

With the blessing of the sacrifice to heaven, Lin Shen felt that his whole body was full of strength. The gravity here was no longer too much for him. He rushed into the steel forest with the wind under his feet and headed in one direction.

Hearing fighting and screaming from a distance, Lin Shen quietly sneaked over and found that there was a mountain outside the steel forest. A group of people at the foot of the mountain were being besieged by a group of genetically modified creatures.

Those genetically modified creatures were very strange. Each of them was bigger and more majestic than the Hulk. They were monster giants made of metal lumps.

The largest number of them was the gray steel giant, and there were probably thousands of them. There was also a taller giant with a blue metallic luster on its body. It should be alloy grade, and there were dozens of them.

There were also several giants who looked like black jade all over. They were about seven or eight meters tall. They were extremely powerful and their fists were like black jade hammers. They should be crystal grade without a doubt.

The most terrifying thing is that among the many giants, there is a terrifying giant king who is more than ten meters tall and has a body like obsidian, and there is an obsidian crown on his head.

The people besieged by those giants are the people of Qi and Wang families and Bai Shenfei.

Bai Shenfei is fighting with the giant king alone, and the situation does not look very optimistic.

And the people of Qi and Wang families, under the siege of the surging giant tide, continue to fall down, all relying on the two black birds to support.

When Lin Shen saw someone fall down, he had a reminder of sacrifice +1 in his mind. There is no doubt that those sacrifices are the people of Qi and Wang families.

The watch on his wrist is also constantly vibrating, and his various values ​​are skyrocketing.

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