Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 43: The Cave on the Hilltop

Now Lin Shen was sure that those sacrifices were from the Qi and Wang families.

What is a bit strange is, what is the reason that made them become sacrifices to heaven?

On the way to Calabash Mountain, people died at that time, and Lin Shen already had the ability to sacrifice to the sky, but the sacrifice to the sky was not triggered at that time.

Lin Shen thought about it over and over, and finally his eyes fell on the watch.

If there is any difference between now and before, it is that they have all come to this planet, and they all have such a teleportation watch in their hands.

"Does it mean that anyone with a watch is considered my teammate? Tianxin also has a watch on his hand, does he count as my teammate?" Lin Shen now had the urge to go back and kill Tianxin immediately and test it.

Lin Shen thought for a while and suppressed the impulse.

Ignorance is terrible, so Lin Shen wants to know more and understand as much as possible what the world is like.

Wei Wufu is a window to understand the world. The problem is that this window is not big enough and has some flaws. It is very difficult to open it.

Tianxin's window is big enough, so he still needs to learn more from Tianxin and cannot kill him so easily.

The Qi and Wang families suffered heavy casualties, and almost all the Iron-levels were dead. There was no Iron-level that could survive such a battle.

The alloy-level genechangers are not much better. If it weren't for the support of the crystal-level pets Qi Shuheng and Wang Tian had secondhand, they would almost all be dead.

Lin Shen had no intention of rushing out to help, but just lurked and watched the battle silently.

Although it is cruel, this is the law of survival.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to possess the fire ability, he might have fallen into the hands of Qi and Wang, and his end would have been worse than death.

The most eye-catching presence in this tragic battle was undoubtedly Concubine Bai Shen and the two black birds.

Concubine Bai Shen fought against the Giant King. Although she failed to gain the upper hand, she was not completely suppressed by the Giant King. There was still some back and forth.

Lin Shen estimated that the giant king was most likely a mutated crystal base, and had a combat power similar to that of the giant blue python.

Concubine Bai Shen was actually able to fight against the Giant King without falling behind. This level was not much worse than Tian Xin.

The two black birds were equally fierce, hovering in the air and falling from time to time. The alloy giant couldn't even block it with one of its claws, and would be directly scratched on the head.

The crystal-based giant also panicked and dodged and resisted in front of Xuanniao, not daring to confront Xuanniao head-on.

Two black birds alone contained more than ten crystal-based giants, and the other four crystal-based pets couldn't take advantage of each other one on one.

"Why are these people surrounded by giants in a place like this?" Lin Shen frowned and looked around.

Logically speaking, this mountain is surrounded by bare mountains. If there are so many of them, why would they come to this bare place if they can't hide in the steel forest where they can easily hide?

It is even more abnormal that there are so many people and they are surrounded by giants.

"They were surrounded when they wanted to go up the mountain, right? Then why did they want to go up to this lonely mountain?" Lin Shen couldn't help but look at the mountain.

The mountain is not very high, just a few hundred meters. From a distance, you can see rows of pits on the mountain, and there are many of them.

Lin Shen estimated that those giants probably stayed in those pits curled up like stones.

The Qi and Wang families wanted to go up the mountain, but they didn't realize that the stones were not natural, so they were surrounded.

"What do they want to do up the mountain?" Lin Shen was too far away to see what was on the mountain.

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"Those giants must have been attracted by them. I'm going to the mountain now to take a look. Maybe I can get some benefits." The power in Lin Shen's body continued to rise, surging inside his body, leaving him lying here doing nothing. , it’s really uncomfortable.

Just as he said, Lin Shen made a circle and came to the other side of the mountain. After carefully looking to make sure that he didn't find the genetic giant, he started to climb up.

In fact, even if there are genetically modified giants, Lin Shen is not afraid. As long as he doesn't meet the giant king, he doesn't even need to use his fire ability. He can compete with those giants by relying only on his physical strength.

With the blessing of Ji Tian, ​​his surroundings have exceeded twenty, approaching thirty, and he is fully qualified to fight against ordinary crystal-based creatures.

As the sacrifices increased, his surroundings were still growing, but not as fast.

As expected, the giants were all lured away by the Qi and Wang families. There are also many pits on the mountain here, which must have been where the giants rested before.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, I didn't even see a steel giant, but I found a cave.

"I asked why I didn't find anything along the way. It turns out that the cave is here and can only be seen from the front. Could it be that they wanted to enter this cave and were surrounded by the giants?"

Lin Shen then thought: "Did they want to hide in the cave, or did they discover something in the cave?"

Fortunately, Lin Shen didn't need to worry about this issue. He only needed to sneak into the cave and take a look.

Looking down the mountain, the battle became even more fierce. There were less than twenty people left in the Qi and Wang families. The giants were also killed and injured in unknown numbers. There were giant corpses everywhere under the mountain.

The Giant King and White Goddess were fighting fiercely, and they had no time to pay attention to the top of the mountain.

Lin Shen lay on the ground and crawled forward, approaching the cave. He didn't want to attract the Giant King.

Fortunately, the Giant King really didn't have the energy to distract it, and Lin Shen entered the cave smoothly.

"Genetically altered eggs!" The first time Lin Shen entered the cave, he saw the genetically altered eggs in a pool at the end of the cave.

The cave is quite big, but not deep. You can see the bottom at a glance. At such a high place, there is a hot spring pool in the innermost part, and the spring water in the pool is still steaming.

In the middle of the pool, there was a black diamond-like genetically modified egg, half a meter high. This was the largest genetically modified egg that Lin Shen had ever seen with his own eyes.

Just by looking at its appearance, you can tell that this is a crystal-level genetically modified egg.

"Isn't this thing the descendant of the Giant King? If it is, it will be developed." Lin Shen jumped into the pool. The water in the pool was not deep enough to cover his calves.

He grabbed the genetically modified egg with both hands and tried to pick it up, but he couldn't pick it up the first time he tried hard.

Lin Shen's surprise was extraordinary. His current strength was 27 points. An elephant could just raise one hand and play with it as a ball, but he couldn't pick this thing up. So how much does this thing weigh?

Of course, Lin Shen didn't expect it to be so heavy, so he didn't use any special force.

This time, Lin Shen opened his stance and hugged the half-meter-high black diamond-like genetically modified egg in the easiest position.

"It's so heavy!" Lin Shen felt it was a bit difficult, so he carried the genetically modified egg outside the pool and released it.

It was so heavy that all his strength was used to hold it, and walking was too slow.

"Fortunately, the genetically modified egg is egg-shaped." Lin Shen pushed the genetically modified egg out and there was nothing else in the cave except this genetically modified egg.

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