Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 45 Opportunity

"Sure enough, they made a mistake..." A murmur in the crowd made Omura blush.

"Ah, yes, a welcoming party," Omura paused, pulled Xia Long over and said, "Long risked his life to fight monsters to protect everyone in the MAC team. Although we can't help much, we can still cheer for the hero... Long, we will always be behind you to support you!"


Xia Long looked at the cake with flickering candlelight, and his eyes suddenly became wet.

"Thank you!"

"If you ask me, that Dalin Zhangshi is really something. Long tried so hard to protect everyone, but he still said that Long is a monster!" Omura continued, "In short, no matter what, Long, you are our hero and the pride of the club!"

Xia Long was slightly stunned when he heard it. How did Omura know it so quickly?

He turned his head and looked, and his eyes crossed with Ayumi.

"Okay, Long, make a wish and blow out the candles! The children can't wait!" Meng laughed on the side.

"Haha, yes, yes, make a wish!"

Pushed to the front, Xia Long took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

There are so many people standing behind him, he must defeat the darkness anyway!

After a long time, when Xia Long opened his eyes again, there were little faces of expectation in front of him, and the eager eyes made him laugh out loud.

"Okay, I won't blow out the candles. Isn't it good to keep these lights?" Xia Long said with a smile while taking off the candles, "Let's start!"

The children's requirements are not high, right? No matter what, they must be given a peaceful world.

This night was the happiest and warmest night Xia Long had spent since he came to this world. He was away from loneliness and his whole heart was warm until dawn.


After everyone in the club fell asleep, Xia Long came to a slope alone, lying on his back on the grass, staring at the sky in a daze.

The cold moonlight made his heart sink gradually.

Only those who have experienced pain can understand the true beauty. Similarly, after understanding the beauty, they can truly experience pain.

Sighing, he raised his right hand, and the lion's pupil had no light, as if it was swallowed by darkness.

"Leo, what should I do?" Xia Long murmured.

The system only helped him suppress the dark energy, so that he would not become what Zaki said, but...

If this goes on, even if there is no problem with the body, what should he do when the monster appears next time?

Without Leo, this world can't stop the attack of the monster at all. At that time, the MAC team will not be able to escape the fate of destruction in the original play. Club Omura, Baizi, Meng and the children... Even Ayumi may die in a certain attack of the monster.

The whole world will be controlled by Zaki, providing him with a steady stream of dark energy. In that case, other worlds will also suffer...

Xia Long shook his head, those are too far away, but now, it's a matter of life and death!

I don't know what happened to the black cat. There was no news after leaving. Otherwise, how could he make some suggestions? After all, he came from the ancient civilization and knew Zaki better.

Sure enough, we can only rely on Seven's Ultra Telekinesis?

Xia Long frowned.

However, if it doesn't work, if the monster appears, there will be nothing we can do. Now at least we can use telekinesis to delay it. Besides, Tuan has used telekinesis several times so far. If you look closely, you will find that he has aged a lot.

This kind of thing that costs life is better not to use it!

"Huh?" A fiery red meteor suddenly streaked across the night sky.

What is this?

A familiar feeling spread through Xia Long's heart. He sat up and looked at the Lion's Eye. Under the tight darkness, something seemed to be beating.


Looking in the direction where the meteor fell, Xia Long's eyes flashed with brilliance. After hesitating for a moment, he turned on the communicator on his wrist.


"Captain, I'm Long."

"What's wrong?" On the other side, after learning that the meteor had life reactions, Tuan was about to order the MAC team to go out to investigate.

"Captain, is it a monster? I saw it, let me go too!" Xia Long's eyes were firm.

He vaguely guessed that the person who came to Earth this time was most likely Leo's pet in his hometown, Ron.

Feeling the subtle fluctuations of the Lion's Eye, he became a little excited.

Perhaps, this is an opportunity to awaken Leo's aura!

"I must go!" Xia Long requested again.

"Well," Tuan groaned and replied, "Okay, Long will use the Rody to go there, but no action is allowed without orders!"


The Rody can be said to be the ground armored vehicle of the MAC team. Strictly speaking, this is Xia Long's first time driving it himself, but he is not in the mood to experience the superiority of the Rody now. He just drives towards the direction of the meteor landing as a means of transportation.

As the distance approaches, the feeling from the Lion's Eye becomes stronger and stronger, and a strong and complex breath makes Xia Long's heart beat.


After bypassing a long road and entering the mountainous area, Xia Long saw the Mackey hovering in the air from a distance.


Xia Long's eyes narrowed. Ron couldn't possibly be a match for MAC now. In the original drama, even the unenhanced equipment almost killed Ron, let alone now?

No way!

Looking at the rugged mountain road, Xia Long stepped on the accelerator regardless and rushed straight ahead.

"Captain, it's a monster!" Qingdao said to Tuan after dodging the flames from Roan's tail, "Do we need to attack?"

"It's not the right time yet, wait until we get closer," Tuan frowned, thinking about Xia Long's weird behavior, "Then shoot through its heart!"

"Yes!" Qingdao said excitedly, it was rare to encounter a monster that was easier to deal with, and he could finally show his skills, "We don't need Ultraman this time, we can solve it ourselves!"

As the earth shook, a huge body appeared on the ground in the night, it was Roan, and blazing flames spewed out of its mouth.

"Damn it!" The closer to Roan the turbulent mountainous area, the harder it was to walk. In the end, there was almost no way. Xia Long stopped the Rody helplessly, "Captain, don't attack!"

Gritting his teeth, he got off the car and continued to move forward.

"Dragon?" Tuan was stunned.

"Captain, this is related to Leo!" Xia Long hurriedly said, avoiding the rolling rocks.

"Stop attacking!" Tuan pondered and decided to trust Xia Long.

"Captain!" Qingdao's eyes widened, and he dodged the monster's attack narrowly. "Why? This guy is not a good guy!"

"Stop attacking!" Tuan continued to order.

"Ah!" Qingdao slammed the seat hard, and reluctantly drove McGee No. 2 around the monster, "Long, what are you going to do?"

"Sorry, I'll explain later..." Xia Long could understand Qingdao's feelings, but no matter what, he couldn't let Ron get hurt. That would not only destroy his hope of awakening Leo's aura, but he couldn't explain to Leo in his heart, "No matter what, please give me some time!"

(End of this chapter)

(Ahem, please give me some time. Now the speed is only 700 words per hour, and I'm not feeling well. I didn't write so little on purpose, or break the chapter, but I didn't have time to finish it)

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