"Boom!" The thunderous sound echoed in the mountainous area. Xia Long felt like he was on a shaking dustpan, his body was numb from the shock, and he was almost lying on his stomach while walking.

"call out!"

The buzzer of the aircraft sounded above his head, and he looked up to see two Mackeys passing through the canyon, dodging Ron's fire attack.

"Long, you only have fifteen minutes!" Qingdao gritted his teeth and shouted, "After fifteen minutes, even if you disobey the order, I will attack!"

"Understood!" Xia Long responded. He was not far away from Ron. He could clearly feel Ron's destructive power. If he didn't handle it well, it would be bad if Ron entered the city.

Now Ron has just arrived on Earth and is not very strong. Even if he delays for a while and fails to wake Leo up, the MAC team can still solve it, but if he misses this opportunity, it's really hard to say.

In the original plot, after Ron absorbed geothermal energy, the MAC team was completely defeated, and even the skydiving group almost had an accident.

Plus, there’s Zaki…

Staring at Ron's huge figure, Xia Long was secretly worried.

Zaki probably still doesn’t know that he has a system to help suppress the dark energy. This is his only support. If he doesn’t find a way to awaken Leo at this moment...

In short, no matter what aspect you consider, this opportunity is very important right now!

Xia Long moved his hands and feet, speeding up across the mountainous area, running towards Ron.


After dodging falling rocks again and jumping over a landslide, Xia Long found that the surroundings began to burn with raging flames. With Ron as the center, the mountainous area of ​​several hundred meters in radius became a mess.

Xia Long looked solemn.

He doesn't know much about Ron in this world, but it shouldn't be much different from the original one. At least the fact that he is Leo's pet shouldn't change. In this case, no matter how irritable his temper becomes, he will still treat Leo. Ou has a sense of intimacy.

However, he is just an earthling with Leo's power blocked. If he approaches Ron in this situation, if Leo is not awakened in the end, or Ron does not even sense Leo's aura, or attacks even if he senses it... it's really Too dangerous.

After clearly seeing Ron's whole picture, Xia Long stopped and stared blankly at the lion's eyes.

A fiery light circulated under the darkness, seeming to break out of the shell.


Xia Long clenched his fists.

It’s not enough, so I have to take a gamble!

"Dragon!" In the McGee, Qingdao was wondering what Xia Long was going to do next, but in the blink of an eye he saw Xia Long running towards the monster's feet, "What are you doing? You don't want your life!"

Qingdao and other MAC team members' expressions changed greatly. Although they were a little dissatisfied with Xia Long for stopping the attacking monster, after all, Long was their teammate, and privately they had a good relationship with Xia Long.

"This guy!" Qingdao stamped his feet angrily, "McGee No. 3, join me in attracting the monster's attention!"


Qingdao controlled the Mackie and rushed towards the monster at high speed against the mountain. The strong airflow almost broke the trees below.

"Phew!" After approaching the monster, Qingdao's hand on the attack putter paused.

"Boom!" Ron's attention was attracted by McGee No. 3, and his chest was completely exposed to Qingdao.

This is the best opportunity!

Qingdao stared at the monster, his hands and feet trembling.


He looked down out of the corner of his eye.

Among the rocks, Xia Long was rushing toward the monster regardless of his own safety. Although he was occasionally blown away by violent shock waves, he stood up again the next moment and continued to move forward.

"Damn it!" Qingdao tightened his right hand, and finally let go of the pusher. He gritted his teeth and turned the fighter plane to the side, passing Ron, "Dragon, stay alive!"

As he got closer and closer to Ron, Xia Long's nerves were tense and his back was covered with sweat.

Don't be careless, it's too dangerous!

It is an extreme challenge for humans to rush to the feet of a monster alone, especially in mountainous areas. Maybe just a slight shake of the monster's tail may kill someone.

If he had no choice, Xia Long wouldn't want to do this. Just a hundred meters long distance felt like he had walked for a century, with turmoil, falling rocks, high flames, and endless shock waves...

Several times, he was almost buried alive.

Looking at the Lion's Eyes again, Xia Long stopped helplessly.

It can't go any further!

He has been at the feet of monsters many times, first with Zuluk, and later with the Kali Stars. He has already experienced the dangers involved. If he hadn't transformed into Leo, he wouldn't have been able to die.

Moreover, it was still in the urban area. Although the ground was shaking, it would not feel like a doomsday collapse like before.

what to do?

Although the eyes of the lion have changed, but...


Under Xia Long's anxious eyes, McGee No. 3 was hit by flames and crashed into the mountain with a tail of fire.

"Boom!" The flames exploded.

"Asshole!" Qingdao looked at the parachute falling in the sky and shouted, "Long, I'll give you one more minute at the end!"

One minute!

Xia Long tensed up and climbed up the small slope made of boulders.

"Ron!" Xia Long raised the Lion's Eyes, shook his arms and shouted, "Ron!"

"Boom!" Ron seemed to feel something and turned to look at the ground, no longer paying attention to the McGee in the sky.

"What?" Qingdao's eyes widened, "Long, go quickly!"

"Ron!" Feeling the pressure of that huge body, Xia Long swallowed his saliva and continued to shout.

"Roar!" Ron found Xia Long and shook his body.

"Boom!" As Ron moved, the remaining boulders on his body fell to the ground, making a rumbling sound.

"Ron!" Xia Long stabilized his body and continued to wave his arms.

"Roar!" After a long roar, Ron shook his body and walked towards Xia Long.

Did you feel Leo's breath?

Xia Long's eyes condensed, and he suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.


He looked at Ron, and the fierce breath still did not dissipate.

Is it really useless?

Feeling the increasingly obvious breath on his fingers, Xia Long continued to shout unwillingly: "Ron!"

Ron has been with Leo since he was a child, it is impossible for him not to feel it!

"Roar!" Ron looked at Xia Long in confusion. There was an energy there that made him restless, and there was another energy that made him feel familiar.

"Ron!" Xia Long looked at Ron who tilted his head to look at him, and hurriedly shouted, "Leo!"

"Hiss!" Ron roared, suddenly raised his right leg and stepped down.

How could it be!

The huge foot enlarged in front of Xia Long's eyes. It was too close, and there was no way to avoid it!

"Long!" Qingdao's eyes were red. The incident happened suddenly. Although he was prepared, it was useless. He could only watch Xia Long being covered by the monster.

In the command room, Tuan looked at the image on the screen, and his fingers trembled.

The light in his body fluctuated slightly again. Although it was very weak, there was indeed movement.

"Qingdao, wait a minute!" Tuan approached the screen, "It's not over yet!"


At the critical moment, the lion's pupil in Xia Long's hand vibrated violently, and a series of buzzing sounds were emitted as Ron's foot fell.

This is...

Under Xia Long's surprised eyes, the black on the ring cracked into cracks, and endless light flowed out.


Ron was instantly enveloped by a ray of light, his body stopped, and his right foot froze in the air.

"What's going on?" Qingdao looked at the sudden light in surprise, "Is Ultraman here?"

"Ouch!" The light dissipated, and after a mournful cry, Ron took a step back and crawled on the ground meekly.

"Ron?" Xia Long stared blankly at the huge eyes, without any viciousness. If it weren't for the huge size, Xia Long would have thought it was a puppy trying to please him.

Looking at the Lion's Eyes again, although the darkness still did not disappear, there was a shining light flowing under the countless cracks, as if it was about to burst out at any time.


"Monster, trying to please the dragon?" Qingdao flew over Ron's head in the McGee, staring at the huge tail that kept shaking.

The whistling sound reminded him that the monster in front of him was a monster with terrible destructive power!

(End of this chapter)

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